kdesu - Runs a program with elevated privileges.
KDE su is a graphical front end to the Unix su utility. It allows you to run programs as another user by entering their password. It is not a SUID root program, but runs unprivileged. The system program su is used for acquiring special privileges.
kdesu has the ability to store passwords for the convenience of users. The passwords are NOT written to disk, but stored in memory using a special program, kdesud. This is only done if the user specifies that the password be remembered. In this case, passwords are stored in memory for a certain period of time before being removed. kdesud runs in such a way that only the user who entered the password originally can use it, though no one, not even the user who originally entered the password, can retrieve the password that is stored by kdesud. Through these measures, users can avoid having to repeatedly enter root passwords or other passwords, without a significant risk to overall system security.
kdesu uses normally su to gain root by using the root password. kdesu can also be configured to use other commands to gain root like sudo to use users password.
kdesu can be configured with a default configuration file /etc/kde3/kdesurc and with a per user configuration file in .kde/share/config/kdesurc. Alternative a section could be added to kdeglobals.
This manual page was written by Christopher Martin <[email protected]> for Debian GNU/Linux, but may be used by others. It borrows from an earlier manpage by Karolina Lindqvist <[email protected]>.
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