Интерактивная система просмотра системных руководств (man-ов)
nsend (1)
>> nsend (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
nsend - Send messages to users or groups
[ -h ] [ -Sserver ] [ -Uuser name ]
[ -Ppassword | -n ] [ -C ] [ -a ]
-iobjectID | -cconnNum[,...] |
{ [ -trecipient type ] -orecipient name |
recipient name } message
With nsend, you can send messages to the user's workstations.
nsend looks up the file $HOME/.nwclient to find a file
server, a user name and possibly a password. See nwclient(5) for more
information. Please note that the access permissions of .nwclient
MUST be 0600, for security reasons.
recipient name
recipient name is either the NetWare name of the user
to receive the message or the name of an existing user group on
that server. You can use wildcards in this specification.
-orecipient name
Specifies recipient's name. This can specify user or group.
-trecipent type
Specifies recipient's type.
Specifies connection numbers of recipients. You can use this option
as workaround to deliver messages to directory services users.
Specifies recipient's object ID. You can use this option as workaround
to deliver messages to directory services users.
message is the message to be sent. Please note that this has
to be a single command line argument. If you want to send a message
that contains spaces, you have to quote them on the command line.
For example, to annoy your system administrator, you should try
nsend supervisor 'I know how this works!'
Program first searches (wildcards allowed) bindery with
recipients name and type. If user is found, message
is sent to this user, if group is found, message is sent to this
group. Other object types are ignored. If no suitable object was found
in this phase, connection list for specified object is retrieved
(no wildcards allowed) and message is sent to this object (including
print servers and so on). No expansions on group is done
this time.
By default, nsend prepends 'From ....' text to message. You can suppress
this by adding -a to command line.
server is the name of the server you want to use.
-Uuser name
If the user name your NetWare administrator gave to you differs
from your unix user-id, you should use -U to tell the
server about your NetWare user name.
You may want to give the password required by the server on the
command line. You should be careful about using passwords in scripts.
-n should be given if specified user does not have password.
If neither -n nor -P are given, nsend prompts for a password.
By default, passwords are converted to uppercase before they are sent
to the server, because most servers require this. You can turn off
this conversion by -C.
Directory services connection are not supported yet.
Options -c, -i and -o cannot be used together.
If user is specified multiple times (using wildcards in group
specification or by repeating same number in -c), message
is delivered multiple times to him.
nsend was written by looking at mars_nwe's message handling. Thanks to
Martin Stover <[email protected]>.
Support for Netware groups by Philippe Andersson
<[email protected]>.
Support for connections greater than 255 by Petr Vandrovec
<[email protected]>.