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nwtrustee (1)
  • >> nwtrustee (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    nwtrustee - List an object's trustee directory assignments


    nwtrustee [ -h ] [ -S server ] [ -U user name ] [ -P password | -n ] [ -C ] [ -l volume number ] [ -L volume name ] [ -O object id ] [ -o object name ] [ -t object type ] [ -v ]



    nwtrustee lists the trustee directory assignments a user has on a specific volume.

    nwtrustee looks up the file $HOME/.nwclient to find a file server, a user name and possibly a password. See nwclient(5) for more information. Please note that the access permissions of $HOME/.nwclient MUST be 600 for security reasons.




    -h is used to print out a short help text.

    -S server

    server is the name of the server you want to use.

    -U user

    user is the user name to use for login.

    -P password

    password is the password to use for login. If neither -n nor -P are given, and the user has no open connection to the server, nwtrustee prompts for a password.


    -n should be given if no password is required for the login.


    By default, passwords are converted to uppercase before they are sent to the server, because most servers require this. You can turn off this conversion by -C.

    -O object id

    The bindery object id of the user whose assignments should be listed. Alternatively, use -o object name.

    -o object name

    The name of the user whose assignments should be listed.

    -t object type

    The type of object whose assignments should be listed. This defaults to 1, which means user. Another sensible value is 2, which means group.


    Verbose listing. Also list the specific rights that are assigned to the user.



    nwtrustee was written by Jacek Stepniewski <[email protected]>. This manual page was written by Volker Lendecke.




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