octave - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave [options]
octave --help
You can read the on-line copy of the Octave documentation by issuing the command
octave:13> help -iwhile running Octave interactively, by using the GNU Emacs info mode, or by running standalone programs like info or xinfo.
octave:13> bug_reportwhile running Octave interactively. This will create a template bug report file and start an editor on that file. Your message will be sent to the bug-octave mailing list once you are finished editing the template.
If you are unable to use the bug_report command, send your message to the [email protected] mailing list by some other means. Please read the `Bugs' chapter in the Octave manual to find out how to submit a bug report that will enable the Octave maintainers to fix the problem.
John W. Eaton
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706
<[email protected]>
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