xosview - X based system monitor
At the moment xosview runs on six platforms (Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, some Solaris systems, and HPUX). Not all of the meters described below are supported on all platforms. Some of the meters may appear different depending upon the platform xosview is running on. Note that *BSD is used as an abbreviation for all three of the free BSD operating systems (NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD).
all platforms : load
CPU Usage
Linux : user | nice | system | idle
*BSD : user | nice | system | idle
HPUX : user | nice | system | interrupt | idle
Memory Usage
Linux : used | shared | buffers | free
NetBSD : active | inactive | wired | free
FreeBSD: active | inactive | wired | buffer | free
OpenBSD: active | inactive | wired | free
HPUX : text | used | other | free
Swap Usage
all platforms: used | free
Disk Usage (bytes/sec)
Linux : in | out | idle
*BSD : transferred | idle
HPUX : < Not Supported >
Page Swapping from/to disk
all platforms : in | out | idle
NET Usage
Linux : in | out | idle
*BSD : in | out | idle
HPUX : < Not Supported >
"leds" which blink when an interrupt occurs.
Linux : IRQs 0 - 15
*BSD : IRQs 0 - 15 (or fewer, depending on architecture)
HPUX : < Not Supported >
Interrupt rate
interrupts per second
Linux : < Not Supported >
*BSD : interrupts | free
HPUX : < Not Supported >
Serial Port Status
"leds" which show the serial port parameters.
Linux : Both the Line Status Register
(LSR) and Modem Status Register
(MSR) are displayed.
*BSD : < Not Supported >
HPUX : < Not Supported >
Battery Level
Shows the current condition of the
battery (for laptops).
Linux : %left | %used
NetBSD : %left | %used
FreeBSD: < Not Supported >
OpenBSD: < Not Supported >
HPUX : < Not Supported >
Most of these command line options are just a convenient way to set one or more of xosview's resources. Please see the RESOURCES section for more details on what the resource is for.
-name name
-display display
-font font
-title title
-geometry geometry_string
-network maxbandwidth -networkBW maxbandwidth -networkBandWidth maxbandwidth
-pagespeed val
-ints +ints -interrupts +interrupts
-intrate +intrate
-xrm resource_string
The following is a list of X resources supported by xosview. Each has a default value assigned to it. These values can be found in the file Xdefaults which can be obtained in the source distribution of xosview. They can be overridden in the usual places (/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XOsview, $HOME/.Xdefaults, etc.).
It should be noted that it is OK to have a resource defined for a port of xosview that does not support the feature the resource configures. Xosview will simply ignore the resources that are set for it but not supported on a given platform.
General Resources
xosview*title: name
xosview*geometry: geometry_string
xosview*display: name
xosview*pixmapName: name
xosview*captions: (True or False)
xosview*labels: (True or False)
xosview*meterLabelColor: color
xosview*usedlabels: (True or False)
xosview*usedLabelColor: color
xosview*borderwidth: width
xosview*font: font
xosview*background: color
xosview*foreground: color
xosview*enableStipple: (True or False)
xosview*graphNumCols: number
Load Meter Resources
xosview*load: (True or False)
xosview*loadWarnColor: color
xosview*loadProcColor: color
..pp load
xosview*loadAlarmThreshold: int .RS This number (which must be an integer >= 1) sets the value at which the loadmeter changes its status and color from "normal" to "alarm". The default value is 2. .RE
xosview*loadDecay: (True or False) .RS You should probably leave this at the default value (False). The load is already a time-averaged value! .RE
.dg load
..uf load
CPU Meter Resources
xosview*cpu: (True or False) .RS If True then xosview will display a cpu meter. On linux SMP machines this will cause a seperate meter to be displayed for each cpu if Jerome Forissier's kernel patch has been applied. See the 'README.linux' file for more details. .RE
..cc cpu User "cpu user time" .cc cpu Nice "cpu nice time" .cc cpu System "cpu system time" .cc cpu Interrupt "cpu interrupt time" .cc cpu Free "cpu idle time"
..pp cpu .dc cpu .dg cpu .uf cpu
Memory Meter Resources
..xt mem
..cc mem Used "used memory" .cc mem Shared "shared memory" .cc mem Buffer "buffer memory" .cc mem Cache "cache memory" .cc mem Free "free memory" .cc mem Shared "shared memory" .cc mem Text "HP text memory" .cc mem Other "HP ``other'' memory" .cc mem Active "NetBSD active memory" .cc mem Inactive "NetBSD inactive memory"
..pp mem .dc mem .dg mem .uf mem
Swap Meter Resources
..xt swap
..cc swap Used "used swap" .cc swap Free "free swap"
..pp swap .dc swap .dg swap .uf swap
Page Swapping Meter Resources
..xt page
xosview*pageBandWidth: maxEvents .RS This number is used to specify the expected maximum bandwidth (in events / sec) for the page meter. When the expected maximum bandwidth (maxEvents) is exceeded then the page meter will display the relative percentage of page swapping (25% in, 75% out). .RE
..cc page In page-in .cc page Out page-out .cc page Idle idle
..pp page .dc page .dg page .uf page
Network Meter Resources
xosview*net: (True or False)
If True xosview will display the NetMeter. Linux users will have to configure
their kernels and setup some ip accounting rules to make this work. See the
file README.linux which comes with the xosview distribution for details.
xosview*netBandwidth: maxBytes .RS This number is used to specify the expected maximum bandwidth (in bytes / sec) for the meter. When the expected maximum bandwidth (maxBytes) is exceeded then the network meter will display the relative percentage of network usage (25% incomming, 75% outgoing). .RE
..cc net In incoming .cc net Out outgoing .
xosview*netBackground: color .RS This is the color that the network meter will use for the "idle" field. .RE
..pp net .dc net .dg net .uf net
Serial Meter Resources
xosview*serial(0-9): (True, False, or portBase) .RS If True then xosview will display a serial meter for ttySx. The portbase will be autodetected. Because autodetection can fail, (if the port is locked by ppp/slip for example) you can specify the portbase instead of "True". If a portBase is used then xosview will use it instead of trying to autodetect.
For this to work on Linux xosview needs to be suid root in order to have access to the ports. See the file README.linux which comes with the xosview distribution for more details. .RE
xosview*serialOnColor: color .RS This is the color the serial meter will use for bits that are set. .RE
xosview*serialOffColor: color .RS This is the color the serial meter will use for bits that are not set. .RE
..pp serial
Interrupt Meter Resources
xosview*interrupts: (True or False) .RS If True then xosview will display an interrupt meter. .RE
xosview*intOnColor: color .RS This is the color that will be used to show "active" interrupts. .RE
xosview*intOffColor: color .RS This is the color that will be used to show "inactive" interrupts. .RE
..pp int
Battery Meter Resources
xosview*battery: (True or False) .RS If True then xosview will display a battery meter. Linux users will need to have APM support in their kernels for this to work. See the file README.linux which comes with the xosview distribution for more details. .RE
xosview*batteryLeftColor: color .RS This is the color that will be used to show the amount of battery power left. .RE
xosview*batteryUsedColor: color .RS This is the color that will be used to show the amount of battery power used. .RE
..pp battery .uf battery
Disk Meter Resources
..xt disk
..cc disk Used "bytes transferred (in or out)" .cc disk Idle idle
xosview*diskBandwidth: bandwidth .RS This number is used to specify the expected maximum bandwidth in bytes per second for the disk meter. .RE
xosview*diskWriteColor: color .RS This color will be used for the linux meter to show writes. .RE
xosview*diskReadColor: color .RS This color will be used for the linux meter to show reads. .RE
..pp disk .dc disk .dg disk .uf disk
Here is a list of known bugs in xosview-1.6.2.a. Reports of unknown bugs are appreciated and should be directed to:
.RS Mike Romberg ([email protected]) .RS General xosview bugs and bugs related to the Linux and HPUX ports. .RE .RE
.RS Brian Grayson ([email protected]) .RS Bugs related to the NetBSD port. I am also a catch-all for bug reports for the other *BSDs and SunOS. .RE .RE
Occasionally (and unrepeatably?), the NetBSD xosview will clobber the NET text in the netmeter with horizontal black bars and the used-label numbers. I'm guessing this has something to do with the net numbers reaching some unusual number (like 0 or maximum), but have not been able to pinpoint it further. BCG
The most current version of xosview can be found at the following sites:
.RS ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/status/xstatus http://lore.ece.utexas.edu/~bgrayson/xosview.html .RE
For *BSD users with the ports/package system, the sysutils/xosview tree ought to also have a version that is just as up-to-date.
$Id: xosview.1,v 1.42 1999/11/17 07:01:16 bgrayson Exp $
Mike Romberg ([email protected]) .RS Original author, Linux and HPUX ports. .RE
Brian Grayson ([email protected]) .RS NetBSD port and most of the nice enhancements for version 1.4, initial work on FreeBSD port. .RE
Scott McNab ([email protected]) .RS Added the scrolling graph mode. .RE
Tom Pavel ([email protected]) .RS Most of the FreeBSD support, more resource-handling improvements. .RE
Greg Onufer ([email protected]) .RS SunOS port. .RE
Sheldon Hearn ([email protected]) .RS FreeBSD libdevstat-based diskmeter support. .RE
David W. Talmage ([email protected]) .RS Added battery-meter support to NetBSD. .RE
Oleg Safiullin ([email protected]) .RS OpenBSD interrupt-meter support. .RE
Werner Fink ([email protected]) .RS Originator of the loadmeter. .RE
Massimiliano Ghilardi ( [email protected] ) .RS Linux pagemeter. .RE
Carsten Schabacker ([email protected]) .RS Made extensions to the serial-meter. .RE
Paal Beyer <[email protected]> .RS Ported the linux memstat kernel module to linux-2.1 .RE
Jerome Forissier <[email protected]> .RS Maintains the linux SMP kernel patch which xosview uses to display meters for each cpu. This patch can be found at the following URL: .RS http://www-isia.cma.fr/~forissie/smp_kernel_patch/ .RE .RE
Tomer Klainer <[email protected]> .RS Initial port to BSDI. .RE
Arno Augustin ([email protected]) .RS Solaris disk and network meters. .RE
Alberto BARSELLA <[email protected]> .RS Fixes for linux diskmeter + ip_chains support .RE
Thomas Waldmann ([email protected]) .RS Linux raid meter, bitfieldmeter. Many cosmetic fixes. .RE
And many others who have sent in small fixes and improvements.
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