perltrap - Perl traps for the unwary
use English;
allows you to refer to special variables (like $/) with names (like $RS), as though they were in awk; see perlvar for details.
Awk Perl ARGC scalar @ARGV (compare with $#ARGV) ARGV[0] $0 FILENAME $ARGV FNR $. - something FS (whatever you like) NF $#Fld, or some such NR $. OFMT $# OFS $, ORS $\ RLENGTH length($&) RS $/ RSTART length($`) SUBSEP $;
while (<FH>) { } while (defined($_ = <FH>)) { }.. <FH>; # data discarded!
$x = /foo/; $x =~ /foo/;
They're crudely ordered according to the following list:
If you find an example of a conversion trap that is not listed here, please submit it to <[email protected]> for inclusion. Also note that at least some of these can be caught with the "use warnings" pragma or the -w switch.
package test; $_legacy = 1;
package main; print "\$_legacy is ",$_legacy,"\n";
# perl4 prints: $_legacy is 1 # perl5 prints: $_legacy is
$a=1;$b=2;$c=3;$var=4; print "$a::$b::$c "; print "$var::abc::xyz\n";
# perl4 prints: 1::2::3 4::abc::xyz # perl5 prints: 3
Given that "::" is now the preferred package delimiter, it is debatable whether this should be classed as a bug or not. (The older package delimiter, ' ,is used here)
$x = 10; print "x=${'x}\n";
# perl4 prints: x=10 # perl5 prints: Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF
You can avoid this problem, and remain compatible with perl4, if you always explicitly include the package name:
$x = 10; print "x=${main'x}\n";
Also see precedence traps, for parsing $:.
sub sub1{return(0,2) } # return a 2-element list sub sub2{ return(1,2,3)} # return a 3-element list @a1 = ("a","b","c","d","e"); @a2 = splice(@a1,&sub1,&sub2); print join(' ',@a2),"\n";
# perl4 prints: a b # perl5 prints: c d e
goto marker1;
for(1){ marker1: print "Here I is!\n"; }
# perl4 prints: Here I is! # perl5 errors: Can't "goto" into the middle of a foreach loop
$a = ("foo bar"); $b = q baz; print "a is $a, b is $b\n";
# perl4 prints: a is foo bar, b is baz # perl5 errors: Bareword found where operator expected
if { 1 } { print "True!"; } else { print "False!"; }
# perl4 prints: True! # perl5 errors: syntax error at line 1, near "if {"
print -4**2,"\n";
# perl4 prints: 16 # perl5 prints: -16
@list = ('ab','abc','bcd','def'); foreach $var (grep(/ab/,@list)){ $var = 1; } print (join(':',@list));
# perl4 prints: ab:abc:bcd:def # perl5 prints: 1:1:bcd:def
To retain Perl4 semantics you need to assign your list explicitly to a temporary array and then iterate over that. For example, you might need to change
foreach $var (grep(/ab/,@list)){
foreach $var (@tmp = grep(/ab/,@list)){
Otherwise changing $var will clobber the values of @list. (This most often happens when you use $_ for the loop variable, and call subroutines in the loop that don't properly localize $_.)
$_ = ' hi mom'; print join(':', split);
# perl4 prints: :hi:mom # perl5 prints: hi:mom
perl -e'print "attached to -e"' 'print "separate arg"'
# perl4 prints: separate arg # perl5 prints: attached to -e
perl -e
# perl4 prints: # perl5 dies: No code specified for -e.
@x = ('existing'); print push(@x, 'first new', 'second new');
# perl4 prints: second new # perl5 prints: 3
$string . = "more string"; print $string;
# perl4 prints: more string # perl5 prints: syntax error at - line 1, near ". ="
sub foo {} &foo print("hello, world\n");
# perl4 prints: hello, world # perl5 prints: syntax error
print ($foo == 1) ? "is one\n" : "is zero\n";
# perl4 prints: is zero # perl5 warns: "Useless use of a constant in void context" if using -w
@a = (1..3); print "${#a}";
# perl4 prints: 2 # perl5 fails with syntax error
@ = (1..3); print "$#{a}";
# perl4 prints: {a} # perl5 prints: 2
Use unary "+" before "{" on a hash reference, and unary "+" applied to the first thing in a BLOCK (after "{"), for perl to guess right all the time. (See ``map'' in perlfunc.)
print 7.373504 - 0, "\n"; printf "%20.18f\n", 7.373504 - 0;
# Perl4 prints: 7.3750399999999996141 7.375039999999999614
# Perl5 prints: 7.373504 7.375039999999999614
Notice how the first result looks better in Perl 5.
Your results may vary, since your floating point formatting routines and even floating point format may be slightly different.
use Math::BigInt;
$p = ($test == 1); print $p,"\n";
# perl4 prints: 0 # perl5 prints:
Also see ``General Regular Expression Traps using s///, etc.'' for another example of this new feature...
$fred = "10"; $barney = "12"; $betty = $fred & $barney; print "$betty\n"; # Uncomment the next line to change perl4's behavior # ($dummy) = vec("dummy", 0, 0);
# Perl4 prints: 8
# Perl5 prints: 10
# If vec() is used anywhere in the program, both print: 10
@a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); print "The third element of the array is $a[3] also expressed as $a[-2] \n";
# perl4 prints: The third element of the array is 4 also expressed as # perl5 prints: The third element of the array is 4 also expressed as 4
@a = (a,b,c,d,e); print "Before: ",join('',@a); $#a =1; print ", After: ",join('',@a); $#a =3; print ", Recovered: ",join('',@a),"\n";
# perl4 prints: Before: abcde, After: ab, Recovered: abcd # perl5 prints: Before: abcde, After: ab, Recovered: ab
local($s,@a,%h); die "scalar \$s defined" if defined($s); die "array \@a defined" if defined(@a); die "hash \%h defined" if defined(%h);
# perl4 prints: # perl5 dies: hash %h defined
Perl will now generate a warning when it sees defined(@a) and defined(%h).
@a = ("This is Perl 4"); *b = *a; local(@a); print @b,"\n";
# perl4 prints: This is Perl 4 # perl5 prints:
$foo = "bar"; *foo = undef; print $foo;
# perl4 prints: # perl4 warns: "Use of uninitialized variable" if using -w # perl5 prints: bar # perl5 warns: "Undefined value assigned to typeglob" if using -w
$x = "aaa"; print ++$x," : "; print -$x," : "; print ++$x,"\n";
# perl4 prints: aab : -0 : 1 # perl5 prints: aab : -aab : aac
$foo = "x"; &mod($foo); for ($x = 0; $x < 3; $x++) { &mod("a"); } sub mod { print "before: $_[0]"; $_[0] = "m"; print " after: $_[0]\n"; }
# perl4: # before: x after: m # before: a after: m # before: m after: m # before: m after: m
# Perl5: # before: x after: m # Modification of a read-only value attempted at line 12. # before: a
print "$x", defined $x
# perl 4: 1 # perl 5: <no output, $x is not called into existence>
$aGlobal{ "aKey" } = "global value"; print "MAIN:", $aGlobal{"aKey"}, "\n"; $GlobalLevel = 0; &test( *aGlobal );
sub test { local( *theArgument ) = @_; local( %aNewLocal ); # perl 4 != 5.001l,m $aNewLocal{"aKey"} = "this should never appear"; print "SUB: ", $theArgument{"aKey"}, "\n"; $aNewLocal{"aKey"} = "level $GlobalLevel"; # what should print $GlobalLevel++; if( $GlobalLevel<4 ) { &test( *aNewLocal ); } }
# Perl4: # MAIN:global value # SUB: global value # SUB: level 0 # SUB: level 1 # SUB: level 2
# Perl5: # MAIN:global value # SUB: global value # SUB: this should never appear # SUB: this should never appear # SUB: this should never appear
@fmt = ("foo","bar","baz"); format STDOUT= @<<<<< @||||| @>>>>> @fmt; . write;
# perl4 errors: Please use commas to separate fields in file # perl5 prints: foo bar baz
caller() ? (print "You rang?\n") : (print "Got a 0\n");
# perl4 errors: There is no caller # perl5 prints: Got a 0
@y= ('a','b','c'); $x = (1, 2, @y); print "x = $x\n";
# Perl4 prints: x = c # Thinks list context interpolates list # Perl5 prints: x = 3 # Knows scalar uses length of list
@z = ('%s%s', 'foo', 'bar'); $x = sprintf(@z); print $x;
# perl4 prints: foobar # perl5 prints: 3
"printf()" works the same as it did in Perl 4, though:
@z = ('%s%s', 'foo', 'bar'); printf STDOUT (@z);
# perl4 prints: foobar # perl5 prints: foobar
Perl 4 has almost the same precedence rules as Perl 5 for the operators that they both have. Perl 4 however, seems to have had some inconsistencies that made the behavior differ from what was documented.
@arr = ( 'left', 'right' ); $a{shift @arr} = shift @arr; print join( ' ', keys %a );
# perl4 prints: left # perl5 prints: right
@list = (1,2,3,4,5); %map = ("a",1,"b",2,"c",3,"d",4); $n = shift @list + 2; # first item in list plus 2 print "n is $n, "; $m = keys %map + 2; # number of items in hash plus 2 print "m is $m\n";
# perl4 prints: n is 3, m is 6 # perl5 errors and fails to compile
/foo/ ? ($a += 2) : ($a -= 2);
/foo/ ? $a += 2 : $a -= 2
would be erroneously parsed as
(/foo/ ? $a += 2 : $a) -= 2;
On the other hand,
$a += /foo/ ? 1 : 2;
now works as a C programmer would expect.
open FOO || die;
is now incorrect. You need parentheses around the filehandle. Otherwise, perl5 leaves the statement as its default precedence:
open(FOO || die);
# perl4 opens or dies # perl5 opens FOO, dying only if 'FOO' is false, i.e. never
$a = "x"; print "$::a";
# perl 4 prints: -:a # perl 5 prints: x
-e $foo .= "q"
# perl4 prints: no output # perl5 prints: Can't modify -e in concatenation
%foo = 1..10; print keys %foo - 1
# perl4 prints: 4 # perl5 prints: Type of arg 1 to keys must be hash (not subtraction)
The perl4 behavior was probably more useful, if less consistent.
$a=1;$b=2; $string = '1 2 $a $b'; $string =~ s'$a'$b'; print $string,"\n";
# perl4 prints: $b 2 $a $b # perl5 prints: 1 2 $a $b
$_ = "ababab"; while(m/ab/g){ &doit("blah"); } sub doit{local($_) = shift; print "Got $_ "}
# perl4 prints: Got blah Got blah Got blah Got blah # perl5 prints: infinite loop blah...
sub build_match { my($left,$right) = @_; return sub { $_[0] =~ /$left stuff $right/o; }; } $good = build_match('foo','bar'); $bad = build_match('baz','blarch'); print $good->('foo stuff bar') ? "ok\n" : "not ok\n"; print $bad->('baz stuff blarch') ? "ok\n" : "not ok\n"; print $bad->('foo stuff bar') ? "not ok\n" : "ok\n";
For most builds of Perl5, this will print: ok not ok not ok
build_match() will always return a sub which matches the contents of $left and $right as they were the first time that build_match() was called, not as they are in the current call.
"abcdef" =~ /b.*e/; print "\$+ = $+\n";
# perl4 prints: bcde # perl5 prints:
$string = "test"; $value = ($string =~ s/foo//); print $value, "\n";
# perl4 prints: 0 # perl5 prints:
Also see ``Numerical Traps'' for another example of this new feature.
$string = ""; $string =~ s`^`hostname`; print $string, "\n";
# perl4 prints: <the local hostname> # perl5 prints: hostname
# perl4: compiles w/o error # perl5: with Scalar found where operator expected ..., near "$opt$plus"
an added component of this example, apparently from the same script, is the actual value of the s'd string after the substitution. "[$opt]" is a character class in perl4 and an array subscript in perl5
$grpc = 'a'; $opt = 'r'; $_ = 'bar'; s/^([^$grpc]*$grpc[$opt]?)/foo/; print;
# perl4 prints: foo # perl5 prints: foobar
$test = "once"; sub match { $test =~ m?once?; } &match(); if( &match() ) { # m?x? matches more then once print "perl4\n"; } else { # m?x? matches only once print "perl5\n"; }
# perl4 prints: perl4 # perl5 prints: perl5
sub SeeYa { warn"Hasta la vista, baby!" } $SIG{'TERM'} = SeeYa; print "SIGTERM is now $SIG{'TERM'}\n";
# perl4 prints: SIGTERM is now main'SeeYa # perl5 prints: SIGTERM is now main::1 (and warns "Hasta la vista, baby!")
Use -w to catch this one
sub reverse{ print "yup "; $a <=> $b } print sort reverse (2,1,3);
# perl4 prints: yup yup 123 # perl5 prints: 123 # perl5 warns (if using -w): Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::reverse()
warn STDERR "Foo!";
# perl4 prints: Foo! # perl5 prints: String found where operator expected
Since version 5.002, Perl uses sigaction() under SysV.
sub gotit { print "Got @_... "; } $SIG{'INT'} = 'gotit';
$| = 1; $pid = fork; if ($pid) { kill('INT', $pid); sleep(1); kill('INT', $pid); } else { while (1) {sleep(10);} }
# perl4 (HPUX) prints: Got INT... # perl5 (HPUX) prints: Got INT... Got INT...
open(TEST,">>seek.test"); $start = tell TEST; foreach(1 .. 9){ print TEST "$_ "; } $end = tell TEST; seek(TEST,$start,0); print TEST "18 characters here";
# perl4 (solaris) seek.test has: 18 characters here # perl5 (solaris) seek.test has: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 characters here
print "To: [email protected]\n";
# perl4 prints: To:[email protected]
# perl < 5.6.1, error : In string, @somewhere now must be written as \@somewhere
# perl >= 5.6.1, warning : Possible unintended interpolation of @somewhere in string
$foo = "foo$"; print "foo is $foo\n";
# perl4 prints: foo is foo$ # perl5 errors: Final $ should be \$ or $name
Note: perl5 DOES NOT error on the terminating @ in $bar
@www = "buz"; $foo = "foo"; $bar = "bar"; sub foo { return "bar" }; print "|@{w.w.w}|${main'foo}|";
# perl4 prints: |@{w.w.w}|foo| # perl5 prints: |buz|bar|
Note that you can "use strict;" to ward off such trappiness under perl5.
$s = "a reference"; $x = *s; print "this is $$x\n";
# perl4 prints: this is XXXx (XXX is the current pid) # perl5 prints: this is a reference
$hashname = "foobar"; $key = "baz"; $value = 1234; eval "\$$hashname{'$key'} = q|$value|"; (defined($foobar{'baz'})) ? (print "Yup") : (print "Nope");
# perl4 prints: Yup # perl5 prints: Nope
eval "\$$hashname{'$key'} = q|$value|";
eval "\$\$hashname{'$key'} = q|$value|";
causes the following result:
# perl4 prints: Nope # perl5 prints: Yup
or, changing to
eval "\$$hashname\{'$key'\} = q|$value|";
causes the following result:
# perl4 prints: Yup # perl5 prints: Yup # and is compatible for both versions
perl -e '$bar=q/not/; print "This is $foo{$bar} perl5"'
# perl4 prints: This is not perl5 # perl5 prints: This is perl5
print "$foo["
perl 4 prints: [ perl 5 prints: syntax error
print "$foo{"
perl 4 prints: { perl 5 prints: syntax error
Perl 5 is expecting to find an index or key name following the respective brackets, as well as an ending bracket of the appropriate type. In order to mimic the behavior of Perl 4, you must escape the bracket like so.
print "$foo\["; print "$foo\{";
$foo = "baz"; print "\$$foo{bar}\n";
# perl4 prints: $baz{bar} # perl5 prints: $
Perl 5 is looking for $foo{bar} which doesn't exist, but perl 4 is happy just to expand $foo to ``baz'' by itself. Watch out for this especially in "eval"'s.
eval qq( foreach \$y (keys %\$x\) { \$count++; } );
# perl4 runs this ok # perl5 prints: Can't find string terminator ")"
dbmopen (%dbm, "file", undef); print "ok\n";
# perl4 prints: ok # perl5 prints: ok (IFF linked with -ldbm or -lndbm)
dbmopen(DB, "testdb",0600) || die "couldn't open db! $!"; $DB{'trap'} = "x" x 1024; # value too large for most dbm/ndbm print "YUP\n";
# perl4 prints: dbm store returned -1, errno 28, key "trap" at - line 3. YUP
# perl5 prints: dbm store returned -1, errno 28, key "trap" at - line 3.
sub foo { $rc = do "./"; return 8; } print &foo, "\n";
And the file has the following single line:
return 3;
Running gives the following:
# perl 4 prints: 3 (aborts the subroutine early) # perl 5 prints: 8
Same behavior if you replace "do" with "require".
$string = ''; @list = split(/foo/, $string, 2)
Perl4 returns a one element list containing the empty string but Perl5 returns an empty list.
As always, if any of these are ever officially declared as bugs, they'll be fixed and removed.
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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov Добавить, Поддержать, Вебмастеру |