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SUNWkfb_config (1)
  • >> SUNWkfb_config (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    SUNWkfb_config - fbconfig module for configuring the Sun XVR-2500 Graphics Device


    /usr/lib/fbconfig/SUNWkfb_config [-dev device-filename] [ -res video-mode] [ -file machine | system] [ -deflinear true | false] [ -defoverlay true | false] [ -deftransparent true | false] [ -slave disable | multiview] [-g gamma-correction-value] [-gfile gamma-correction-file] [ -doublewide enable | disable] [ -doublehigh enable | disable] [ -multisample available | disable | forceon] [ -samples 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 ] [ -offset xval yval] [-propt] [-prconf] [-defaults]

    /usr/lib/fbconfig/SUNWkfb_config [-propt] [-prconf]

    /usr/lib/fbconfig/SUNWkfb_config [-help] [ -res ?]  


    SUNWkfb_config configures the Sun XVR-2500 Graphics Accelerator and some of the X11 window system defaults for the Sun XVR-2500.

    The first form of SUNWkfb_config shown in the SYNOPSIS section stores the specified options in the OWconfig file. These options initialize the Sun XVR-2500 device the next time the window system is run on that device. Updating options in the OWconfig file provides persistence of these options across window system sessions and system reboots.

    The second and third forms which invoke only the -prconf, -propt, -help, and -res ? options, do not update the OWconfig file. For the third form, all other options are ignored.

    You can specify options for only one device at a time. If you want to specify options for multiple devices, invoke the SUNWkfb_config utility multiple times.

    Only the Sun XVR-2500 options can be specified through the SUNWkfb_config utility. Use the normal window system options to specify default depth (see svccfg(1M)), default visual class and so forth. Specify these as device modifiers on the command line. See Xsun(1).

    You can also specify which OWconfig file to update. By default, SUNWkfb_config updates the machine-specific file in the /etc/openwin directory tree. Use the -file option to specify an alternate file. For example, the system-global OWconfig file in the /usr/openwin directory tree can be updated instead.

    Both of these standard OWconfig files can only be written by root. Consequently, the SUNWkfb_config program, which is owned by the root user, always runs with setuid root permission.  


    The following options are supported:


    Resets all option values except -dev to their default values. This option sets the resolution override to none which implies that the last video mode setting is preserved. If no monitor is attached, the video mode is set to 1152x900x66.

    -deflinear true | false

    This option selects the default X visual. The Sun XVR-2500 device supports two types of visuals: linear and nonlinear. Linear visuals are gamma corrected and nonlinear visuals are not.

    If the value of this option is true, the default visual is set to default depth 24 and the default class is TrueColor with gamma correction enabled. If false, a non-linear visual that satisfies the other default visual selection options, such as the default depth and default class, is chosen as the default visual. See Xsun(1).

    The -deflinear, -defoverlay, and -deftransparent options all select the default X visual. Only one option may be enabled at the same time. If more than one of these options is entered, the last selection takes precedence and the other options are disabled.

    -defoverlay true | false

    This option selects the default X visual. The Sun XVR-2500 device provides an 8-bit PseudoColor visual whose pixels are disjoint from the rest of the visuals. This is called the overlay visual. Windows created in this visual will not damage windows created in other visuals. The converse, however, is not true. Windows created in other visuals will damage overlay windows.

    If the value of this option is true, the overlay visual is the default visual. The default depth is 8 bit and the default class is PseudoColor. If false, the nonoverlay visual that satisfies the other default visual selection options, such as the default depth and the default class, is chosen as the default visual. See Xsun(1).

    The -deflinear, -defoverlay, and -deftransparent options all select the default X visual. Only one option may be enabled at the same time. If more than one of these options is entered, the last selection takes precedence and the other options are disabled.

    -deftransparent true | false

    This option selects the default X visual. The Sun XVR-2500 device provides an 8-bit PseudoColor visual whose pixels are disjoint from the rest of the visuals. This is called the overlay visual. Windows created in this visual will not damage windows created in other visuals.

    If the value of this option is true, the overlay visual used as the default is a transparent overlay visual. A visual with transparency supports a colormap with 255 colors and one transparent pixel. The default depth is 8 bit and the default class is PseudoColor. If false, the nonoverlay visual that satisfies the other default visual selection options, such as the default depth and the default class, is chosen as the default visual. See Xsun(1).

    The -deflinear, -defoverlay, and -deftransparent options all select the default X visual. Only one option may be enabled at the same time. If more than one of these options is entered, the last selection takes precedence and the other options are disabled.

    -dev device-filename

    Specifies the SunXVR-2500 special file. The default is /dev/fbs/kfb0.

    -doublehigh enable | disable

    Configures the two outputs of the Sun XVR-2500 device into one vertical virtual display. The default is disable.

    -doublewide enable | disable

    Configures the two outputs of the Sun XVR-2500 device into one horizontal virtual display. The default is disable.

    -file machine|system

    Specifies which OWconfig file to update. If machine is specified, the machine-specific OWconfig file in the /etc/openwin directory tree is updated. If system is specified, the global OWconfig file in the /usr/openwin directory tree is updated. If the specified file does not exist, it is created. This option has no effect unless other options are specified. The default is machine.

    -g gamma-correction value

    Changes the gamma correction value. All linear visuals provide gamma correction. By default, the gamma correction value is 2.22. Any value less than zero is illegal. This option can be used while the window system is running. Changing the gamma correction value affects all of the windows displayed by linear visuals.

    -gfile gamma-correction file

    Loads the gamma correction table from the file specified by gamma-correction file. Format this file to provide the gamma correction values for R, G, and B channels on each line. Specify each value in hexadecimal format, separated from another value by at least one space. The gamma-correction file file should provide 1024 such triplets.

    You can load the gamma correction table with this option while the window system is running. The new gamma correction affects all the windows being displayed using the linear visuals. When gamma correction is done using a user specified table, the gamma correction value is undefined. By default, the window system assumes a gamma correction value of 2.22 and loads the gamma table it creates corresponding to this value.

    The following is an example of a gamma-correction file file:

    0x000 0x000 0x000
    0x001 0x001 0x001
    0x002 0x002 0x002
    0x3ff 0x3ff 0x3ff


    Prints a list of the SUNWkfb_config command line options, along with a brief explanation of each.

    -multisample available | disable | forceon

    If set to disable, no multisample is possible. If set to available, multisample is possible but is selected on a per-window basis using a library interface. If set to forceon, all Sun OpenGL windows are rendered using multisampling. Query the number of samples used with -propt or the xglinfo(1) utility. The xglinfo utility can return the number of multisamples if -multisample is set to available. The default is disable.

    -offset xval yval

    Adjusts the position of the specified stream by the value specified. This option is only implemented in -doublewide and -doublehigh modes. For -doublewide, use the xval to position the rightmost stream. Negative is left (overlaps with the left stream). For -doublehigh, use the yval to position the bottom stream. Negative is up (overlaps with top stream). The default is [0, 0].


    Prints the Sun XVR-2500 hardware configuration. This is a typical display:

    --- Hardware Configuration for /dev/fbs/kfb2 ---
    Type: XVR-2500
    PROM Information: @(#) xvr2500.fth 14.106 05/08/15 SMI
    Monitor/Resolution Information:
       Monitor Manufacturer: SUN
       Product code: 1352
       Serial #: 7225675
       Manufacture date: 1997, week 51
       Monitor dimensions: 48x31 cm
       Monitor preferred resolution: 1920x1200x70
       Separate sync supported: yes
       Composite sync supported: yes
       EDID: Version 1, Revision 1
       Supported resolutions: 1920x1200x70, SUNW_STD_1600x1000x76,
        SUNW_STD_1600x1000x66, SUNW_STD_1440x900x76, 1920x1080x70,
        1600x900x76, 1600x900x66, 1440x810x76, 1280x720x76,
        1920x1080x72, VESA_STD_720x400x70, VESA_STD_720x400x88,
        VESA_STD_640x480x60, VESA_STD_640x480x67,
        VESA_STD_800x600x56, VESA_STD_800x600x60,
        VESA_STD_800x600x72, VESA_STD_800x600x75,
        VESA_STD_1024x768x70, VESA_STD_1280x1024x75,
       Current resolution setting: SUNW_STD_1280x1024x76
    Framelock Configuration:
     Slave Mode: Disabled


    Prints the current values of all Sun XVR-2500 options in the OWconfig file specified by the -file option for the device specified by the -dev option. Prints the values of options as they will be in the OWconfig file after the call to SUNWkfb_config completes.

    This is a typical display:

    --- OpenWindows Configuration for /dev/fbs/kfb2 ---
    OWconfig: machine
    Video Mode: SUNW_STD_1280x1024x76
    Multisample Information:
     Multisample Mode: Disabled (multisample visuals will not be available)
     Samples Per Pixel: N/A (multisampling disabled)
    Screen Information:
     DoubleWide: Disabled
     DoubleHigh: Disabled
     Offset/Overlap: [0, 0]
    Visual Information:
     Default Visual: Non-Linear Normal Visual
     Gamma Correction Value: using gamma value 2.22

    -res video-mode

    Specifies the video mode of the monitor connected to the specified Sun XVR-2500 device.

    You must specify the video mode with the -res option. You can specify video-mode in the format of widthxheightxrate or as a symbolic name. The format of these built-in video modes is:


    width is the screen width in pixels, height is the screen height in pixels, and rate is the vertical frequency of the screen refresh.

    You can use the s suffix to specify stereo video modes. The s suffix of 960x680x112s and 960x680x108s means that these are stereo video modes.

    As a convenience, the -res option also accepts formats with @ (at sign) in front of the refresh rate instead of x, as for example, 1280x1024@76. Some video-modes supported by the Sun XVR-2500 device may not be supported by the monitor.

    You can obtain the list of video-modes supported by the Sun XVR-2500 device and the monitor by running SUNWkfb_config with the -res ? option. See SYNOPSIS.

    Symbolic Names

    Some video modes have symbolic names defined for them. Instead of using the widthxheightxrate format, you can specify one of the symbolic names as the argument to the -res option. The meaning of the symbolic name none is that when the window system is run, the screen resolution is the video mode that is currently programmed in the device.

    The following symbolic names and their corresponding video modes are supported:

    Name          Cprresponding Video Mode
    svga          1024x768x60
    1152          1152x900x76
    1280          1280x1024x76
    stereo        960x680x112s
    none          (see text above)

    -samples 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16

    Requests the number of samples to compute per display pixel. The requested number of samples per pixel is used if -multisample is not disabled and resources exist for the request. Query the number of samples used with -propt or the xglinfo(1) utility. The xglinfo utility can return the number of multisamples after you specify the option -multisample available. The default is 4.

    -slave disable | multiview

    If you set the multiview argument for the -slave option, the device synchronizes video with a master through the multiview ribbon cable. Both devices should be running the same resolution and the option should be issued when the window system is running. The default is disable.



    For a given invocation of the SUNWkfb_config command line, if an option does not appear on the command line, the corresponding OWconfig option is not updated and retains its previous value.

    When the window system is run, if a Sun XVR-2500 option has never been specified by way of SUNWkfb_config, a default value is used. The options and their corresponding defaults are as follows:


    The default for the -res option of none means that when the window system is run, the screen resolution is the video mode that is currently programmed in the device.  


    Example 1: Switching the Resolution of the Monitor Type

    The following example switches the monitor type to 1280 ti 1024 at 76 Hz resolution:

    example% fbconfig -dev kfb0 -res 1280x1024x76 


    /dev/fbs/kfbn Device special file for the XVR-2500 high performance single screen

    /usr/sbin/kfbdaemon The kfb memory manager



    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

    Interface StabilityEvolving



    fbconfig(1M), svccfg(1M), mmap(2), attributes(5), kfb(7D), fbio(7I)

    See the Xsun(1) man page in the OpenWindows man page collection and the xglinfo(1) man page in the Sun Open GL man page collection.




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