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calctool (1)
  • >> calctool (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         calctool - a desktop calculator
         calctool [ -2 ] [ -3 ] [ -a accuracy ] [ -c ] [ -l ] [ -m  ]
         [ -name app-name ] [ -r ] [ -v ] [ -? ]
         [ -Wn ] [ +Wn ]
         calctool is a desktop calculator. It has been designed to be
         used  with  either the mouse or the keyboard. It is visually
         similar to a lot of hand-held calculators. There are  finan-
         cial,  logical and scientific modes.  Similar operations are
         color coded on color workstations. Some  of  the  calculator
         keys  have  menu  marks. This indicates that there is a menu
         associated with that key. Each  key  is  discussed  in  more
         detail below.
         One of the most important things to remember about  calctool
         is  that calculations are performed from left to right, with
         no arithmetic precedence. If you need arithmetic precedence,
         then you should use parentheses (see below).
         Internal arithmetic is now done with multi-precision  float-
         ing  point  numbers.   Accuracy can be adjusted from zero to
         nine numeric places in fixed notation, but  numbers  can  be
         displayed  in  engineering  and scientific notation as well.
         The calculator  reverts  to  scientific  notation  when  the
         number is larger than the display would allow in fixed nota-
         tion. The base of operation can be changed  between  binary,
         octal,  decimal  and  hexadecimal.   Numbers  are  initially
         displayed in fixed notation to two numeric  places,  in  the
         decimal base.
         You can use the Copy and Paste functions in conjunction with
         the numeric display to store or retrieve characters from the
         text shelf. You can also remove the last digit entered,  and
         the whole display can be cleared.
         There are ten memory registers. Numbers  can  be  stored  or
         retrieved  in  these  locations,  and arithmetic can be per-
         formed upon register contents.
         The display windows contains  the  current  numerical  value
         plus the current base and trigonometric type. There are also
         indicators which show if the hyperbolic and inverse function
         switches  are  set, and which numerical mode is currently in
         operation. If an operation needing more than  one  numerical
         input is partially complete, the operation is also displayed
         in this window as a reminder.
         On startup, calctool will use several X resources. These are
         listed  in  detail  in the resources section of these manual
         If you press MENU in the calctool  window,  and  you  aren't
         over  a  calculator key which has a menu associated with it,
         then a floating menu will appear, from which you  can  bring
         up  a property sheet. Hitting the Props function key has the
         same effect.
         From this property sheet, you can modify several  properties
         of  the calculator. Each calculator button can have either a
         2D or a 3D look, the keys can be  in  either  monochrome  or
         color  (assuming you are using a color screen), and the but-
         tons can be set to give either a "left-handed" or a  "right-
         handed" appearance.
         Context sensitive help is also available. Position the mouse
         cursor  over the item you need help with, and press the Help
         key.  A popup will be displayed giving detailed  information
         on this facility.
         On startup, calctool will look for a .calctoolrc file in the
         users'  home  directory. This file allows the user to define
         personal constant and function definitions, plus  setup  the
         initial  values  for the ten memory registers. It then looks
         for a .calctoolrc file in  the  current  directory,  and  if
         present, uses the contents of this file in place of any pre-
         viously defined values.
         With the .calctoolrc file, there are  currently  four  valid
         record  types.  These  are  comments,  constant and function
         definitions and initial memory register values.
         Lines starting with  a  '#'  are  treated  as  comments  and
         Lines starting with 'c' or  'C'  in  the  first  column  are
         definitions  for constants. The cC is followed by a digit in
         the range 0-9, then a space.  This is followed by  a  number
         in  fixed  or  scientific  notation.  Following  this  is an
         optional comment, which if found, will be used in the  popup
         menu  for  the  constants.  If  the comment is present, then
         there must be at  least  one  space  between  this  and  the
         preceding number.
         Lines starting with 'f' or  'F'  in  the  first  column  are
         definitions  for functions. The fF is followed by a digit in
         the range 0-9, then a space. This is followed by a  function
         definition.  Following this is an optional comment, which if
         found, will be used in the popup menu for the functions.  If
         the  comment  is  present,  then  there must be at least one
         space between this and the preceding function definition.
         Lines starting with 'r' or  'R'  in  the  first  column  are
         definitions  for  the  initial contents of the memory regis-
         ters. The rR is followed by a digit in the range 0-9, then a
         space.  This  is followed by a number in fixed or scientific
         notation. The rest of the line is ignored.
         All other lines are ignored. There  should  be  no  embedded
         spaces  in the function definitions. Whenever a backslash is
         found, this and the following character  signify  a  control
         character, for example \g would be ASCII 7.
         -2   On a color screen, start calctool with a 2D look.  This
              is the default.
         -3   On a color screen, start calctool with a 3D look.
         -a accuracy
              Initial number of digits displayed  after  the  numeric
              point.  This  value  must  be  in the range 0 to 9. The
              default is two numeric places.
         -c   Display in color, assuming this is a color screen.
         -l   Start up a "left-handed" version of the  calctool  pro-
         -m   Always display in monochrome, even on a color screen.
         -name app-name
              This option specifies the application name under  which
              resources  are  to be obtained, rather than the default
              executable file  name.   app-name  should  not  contain
              ``.'' or ``*'' characters.
         -r   Start up a "right-handed" version of the calctool  pro-
              gram.  This is the default.
         -v   Show the version number and the usage message  of  this
              release of the calctool program.
         -?   Show the version number and the usage message  of  this
              release  of the calctool program. Note that the ? char-
              acter must be escaped if using csh(1).
         -Wn  Start calctool with no title line.
         +Wn  Start calctool with a title line present.
         On startup, calctool uses the following resources:
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.accuracy
         Values:        Accuracy value (numeric)
         Description    The number of of digits displayed  after  the
                        numeric  point.  This  value  must  be in the
                        range 0 to 9.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.base
         Values:        Numeric Base (string)
         Description    The initial numeric base.  Valid  values  are
                        binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.display
         Values:        Display mode (string)
         Description    The initial display mode.  Valid  values  are
                        engineering, fixed-point and scientific.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.mode
         Values:        Mode (string)
         Description    The initial calculator mode. Valid values are
                        basic, financial, logical and scientific.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.mono
         Values:        True, False (False)
         Description    Whether the calculator should start in  mono-
                        chrome.  Color  is  obviously only allowed on
                        screens that support it.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.beep
         Values:        True, False (True)
         Description    Indicates whether a beep should sound in  the
                        event  of an error (such as invalid input, or
                        if the display needs to be cleared).
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.showRegisters
         Values:        True, False (True)
         Description    Whether the memory register  window  is  ini-
                        tially displayed.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.trigType
         Values:        Trig. type (string)
         Description    The initial trigonometric type. Valid  values
                        are degrees, grads and radians.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.rightHanded
         Values:        True, False (True)
         Description    Whether the  calculator  is  started  with  a
                        "right-handed" display style.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.3dLook
         Values:        True, False (True)
         Description    If the display is color, whether each  calcu-
                        lator button has a pseudo 3D appearance.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.hasTitle
         Values:        True, False (True)
         Description    Indicates whether the calctool window  has  a
                        title line.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.buttonFont
         Values:        Font name string
         Description    The name of the font used to display all but-
                        ton  labels, irrespective of the current size
                        and scale of calctool.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.modeFont
         Values:        Font name string
         Description    The name of the  font  used  to  display  the
                        various  mode  labels,  irrespective  of  the
                        current size and scale of calctool.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.memoryFont
         Values:        Font name string
         Description    The name of the  font  used  to  display  the
                        memory  register  values, irrespective of the
                        current size and scale of calctool.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.displayFont
         Values:        Font name string
         Description    The name of the font used to show the current
                        display  value,  irrespective  of the current
                        size and scale of calctool.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.decDigitColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The  color  of  the  buttons  containing  the
                        decimal digits 0 - 9 and the numeric point on
                        the main panel.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.hexDigitColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the buttons containing the hexa-
                        decimal digits A - F on the main panel.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.arithOpColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the arithmetic operator  buttons
                        on the main panel.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.adjustColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the Bsp and Clr buttons  on  the
                        main panel.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.portionColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the Abs, Chs, Frac and Int  but-
                        tons on the main panel.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.functionColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of various function buttons on  the
                        main  panel.  These  are Acc, Con, Exch, Fun,
                        Keys, Mem, Quit, Rcl and Sto.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.mainModeColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the three mode  buttons  on  the
                        main panel. These are Base, Disp and Mode.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.portionLogicalColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the logical buttons in the  mode
                        panel that do shift operations or take a por-
                        tion of the result. These are <, >,  &16  and
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.bitLogicalColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of  the  bitwise  logical  operator
                        buttons  in  the  mode  panel. These are And,
                        Not, Or, Xnor and Xor.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.finColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the  financial  buttons  in  the
                        mode panel.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.trigModeColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the trigonometrical mode buttons
                        in  the  mode  panel.  These are Hyp, Inv and
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.trigColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the trigonometrical  buttons  in
                        the mode panel. These are Cos, Sin and Tan.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.sciColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the scientific  buttons  in  the
                        mode panel. These are e^x, 10^x, y^x, x!, Ln,
                        Log and Rand.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.backgroundColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the background area for the cal-
                        culator buttons in the main and mode panels.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.displayColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of the numerical  display  area  in
                        the main panel.
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.memRegisterColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The background color in the  memory  register
         Resource:      deskset.calctool.textColor
         Values:        Color  name  string  or   hexadecimal   color
                        specification string
         Description    The color of  all  text.  This  includes  the
                        numerical  display, the button labels and the
                        contents of the memory register window.
         This section describes the calculator keys  present  in  the
         main  calctool  window. Apart from this basic mode, calctool
         has three other modes, and the keys associated each each  of
         these modes are described in separate sections below.
         Keyboard equivalents appear in  the  square  brackets.  Note
         that '^' followed by a letter indicates that the Control key
         and this key should be pressed together.
      Numerical Keys [ 0-9 a-f . = <Return> ].
         Enter a digit (decimal digits 0-9 or hexadecimal digits A-F)
         into  the  display.   The  '.' character acts as the numeric
         point, and '=' (or Return) is  used  to  complete  numerical
         Upto forty digits may be entered.
      Arithmetical Operations [ + - x * / ].
         Perform an arithmetical operation using the  previous  entry
         and  the next entry as operands. Addition, subtraction, mul-
         tiplication and division are denoted by the characters  '+',
         '-',  'x'  and '/' respectively ('*' is also synonymous with
      Number Manipulation Operators.
         Int  [ ^i ]       Return the integer portion of the  current
         Frac [ ^f ]       Return  the  fractional  portion  of   the
                           current entry.
         Abs  [ ^u ]       Return the absolute value of  the  current
         +/-  [ C ]        Change the arithmetic sign of the  current
         1/x  [ r ]        Return the  value  of  1  divided  by  the
                           current entry.
         x^2  [ @ ]        Return the square of the current entry.
         %    [ % ]        Perform a percentage calculation using the
                           last entry and the next entry.
         Sqrt [ s ]        Perform a square  root  operation  on  the
                           current entry.
         Asc  [ ^a ]       If Asc is selected with the mouse, then  a
                           separate  window is displayed which allows
                           you to  enter  any  character.  The  ASCII
                           value  of this character is then displayed
                           in the current base.  If  this  option  is
                           selected  via the keyboard, then you don't
                           get a special window displayed.
      Menu Operations.
         Each of these operations has a popup  menu  associated  with
         it.  This menu can be displayed using the MENU mouse button,
         and a selection made. You can select the default  item  from
         the menu using the SELECT mouse button.
         It is also possible to use just the keyboard to achieve  the
         same  results.   The  first  keyboard value selects the menu
         operation; the second keyboard  character  selects  the  new
         value for this operation. Unlike the menu facility available
         with the mouse, there is no visual feedback on what  choices
         are available to you, so the user has to know what item they
         wish to select.
         Base [ B ]        Change  the  base  that  calculations  are
                           displayed  in.  The  available choices are
                           binary [ b ], octal [ o ], decimal [  d  ]
                           and  hexadecimal  [ h ].  Digits  that are
                           inappropriate for a particular base selec-
                           tion  are  greyed out in the main calctool
         Disp [ D ]        Change the  numerical  display  mode.  The
                           choices are engineering [ e ], fixed point
                           [ f ], and scientific [ s ] notation.
         Mode [ M ]        Change the calculator  mode.  By  default,
                           calctool  is  in  basic mode, and just the
                           keys on the main calctool window are visi-
                           ble.  There  are  also  three other modes;
                           financial [ f ], logical [ l ] and  scien-
                           tific  [  s  ].  Selection of one of these
                           modes will display an  extra  window  with
                           more  keys.  These  special operations are
                           described in more detail in  the  sections
         Acc  [ A ]        Set the display accuracy. Between 0 and  9
                           [   0-9   ]   significant  digits  can  be
         Con  [ # ]        Retrieve and  display  a  constant  value.
                           There are ten constant values [ 0-9 ], and
                           each one has a default value which can  be
                           overridden  by entries in the users .calc-
                           toolrc file. The ten default values are:
                           0    0.621          kms per hour  /  miles
                           per hour.
                           1    1.41421        square root of 2.
                           2    2.71828        e.
                           3    3.14159        pi.
                           4    2.54      cms / inch.
                           5    57.29578  degrees in a radian.
                           6    1048576.0 2 to the power of 20.
                           7    0.0353         gms / oz.
                           8    0.948          kilojoules  /  British
                           9    0.0610         cubic  cms   /   cubic
         Fun  [ F ]        Retrieve and execute  a  function  expres-
                           sion. There are ten function definitions [
                           0-9 ]. These are setup with entries in the
                           users .calctoolrc file.
         Rcl  [ R ]        Retrieve memory register value. There  are
                           ten memory registers [ 0-9 ].
         Sto  [ S ]        Store value in memory register. There  are
                           ten  memory registers [ 0-9 ].  The regis-
                           ter number may be preceded  by  an  arith-
                           metic  operation  (addition,  subtraction,
                           multiplication or division), in which case
                           the  specified  operation  is  carried out
                           between the displayed entry and the  value
                           currently in the selected memory register,
                           and the result is  placed  in  the  memory
         Exch [ X ]        Exchange the current display with the con-
                           tents  of a memory register. There are ten
                           memory registers [ 0-9 ].
      Other Operations.
         Clr  [ Delete ]   Clear the calculator display.
         Bsp  [ Back Space ]
                           Remove  the  rightmost  character  of  the
                           current   entry,   and   recalculate   the
                           displayed value.
         ( and )   [ ( and ) ]
                           Parentheses. Allow precedence with  arith-
                           metic  calculations. Note that parentheses
                           can be nested to any level,  and  calctool
                           provides  a  visual  feedback  of  what is
                           being typed in, in the calculator display.
                           The  calculation  doesn't take place until
                           the last parenthesis is matched, then  the
                           display is updated with the new result.
         Exp  [ E ]        This  is  used  to  allow  numbers  to  be
                           entered   in   scientific   notation.  The
                           mantissa should be initially entered, then
                           the Exp key selected. The exponent is then
                           entered.  If  no   numerical   input   had
                           occurred  when  the  Exp key was selected,
                           then a mantissa of 1.0 is assumed.
         Keys [ k ]        Toggle the labels on the calctool  buttons
                           between    the    mouse    and    keyboard
         Mem  [ m ]        Display the window  with  the  ten  memory
                           register    values.   These   values   are
                           displayed  in  the  current  base  to  the
                           current   degree  of  accuracy  using  the
                           current numerical display notation.
         Quit [ q or Q ]   Exit without user verification.
         An example of how to use each of  these  financial  calcula-
         tions, is available via the context sensitive help facility.
         Ctrm [ ^t ]       Compounding term. Computes the  number  of
                           compounding   periods   it  will  take  an
                           investment of present value pv to grow  to
                           a  future  value  of  fv,  earning a fixed
                           interest rate int per compunding period.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register   0     int  (periodic   interest
                           Register 1     fv   (future value).
                           Register 2     pv   (present value).
         Ddb  [ ^d ]       Double-declining  depreciation.   Computes
                           the depreciation allowance on an asset for
                           a specified  period  of  time,  using  the
                           double-declining balance method.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register   0     cost (amount   paid   for
                           Register 1     salvage   (value  of  asset
                           at end of life).
                           Register 2     life (useful  life  of  the
                           Register 3     period    (time period  for
                           depreciation allowance).
         Fv   [ v ]        Future value. This calculation  determines
                           the  future  value  of  an investment.  It
                           computes  the  future  value  based  on  a
                           series  of  equal payments, each of amount
                           pmt, earning periodic interest  rate  int,
                           over  the  number  of  payment  periods in
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register 0     pmt  (periodic payment).
                           Register   1     int  (periodic   interest
                           Register 2     n    (number of periods).
         Pmt  [ P ]        Periodic payment. Computes the  amount  of
                           the  periodic  payment  of  a  loan.  Most
                           installment loans are computed like  ordi-
                           nary  annuities, in that payments are made
                           at the end of each payment period.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register 0     prin (principal).
                           Register   1     int  (periodic   interest
                           Register 2     n    (term).
         Pv   [ p ]        Present  value.  Determines  the   present
                           value  of  an  investment. It computes the
                           present value based on a series  of  equal
                           payments,  each  of amount pmt, discounted
                           at periodic interest rate  int,  over  the
                           number of periods in term.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register 0     pmt  (periodic payment).
                           Register   1     int  (periodic   interest
                           Register 2     n    (term).
         Rate [ ^r ]       Periodic  interest   rate.   Returns   the
                           periodic  interest necessary for a present
                           value of pv to grow to a future  value  of
                           fv  over the number of compounding periods
                           in term.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register 0     fv   (future value).
                           Register 1     pv   (present value).
                           Register 2     n    (term).
         Sln  [ ^s ]       Straight-line depreciation.  Computes  the
                           straight-line depreciation of an asset for
                           one period. The  straight-line  method  of
                           depreciation  divides the depreciable cost
                           (cost - salvage) evenly  over  the  useful
                           life  of an asset.  The useful life is the
                           number of periods (typically  years)  over
                           which an asset is depreciated.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register 0     cost (cost of the asset).
                           Register 1     salvage   (salvage value of
                           the asset).
                           Register 2     life (useful  life  of  the
         Syd  [ ^y ]       Sum-of-the-years-digits depreciation.  The
                           sum-of-the-years'-digits  method of depre-
                           ciation accelerates the rate of  deprecia-
                           tion,  so  that  more depreciation expense
                           occurs in earlier periods  than  in  later
                           ones.  The  depreciable cost is the actual
                           cost minus salvage value. The useful  life
                           is the number of periods (typically years)
                           over which an asset is depreciated.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register 0     cost (cost of the asset).
                           Register 1     salvage   (salvage value of
                           the asset).
                           Register 2     life (useful  life  of  the
                           Register 3     period    (period for which
                           depreciation is computed).
         Term [ T ]        Payment period. Returns the number of pay-
                           ment  periods  in  the term of an ordinary
                           annuity necessary to accumulate  a  future
                           value  of  fv, earning a periodic interest
                           rate of int.  Each  payment  is  equal  to
                           amount pmt.
                           Memory register usage:
                           Register 0     pmt  (periodic payment).
                           Register 1     fv   (future value).
                           Register   2     int  (periodic   interest
         <    [ < ]        Shift the current entry to the  left.  The
                           shift  can be between 1 and 15 places [ 1-
                           9, a-f ]. This calculator key has a  popup
                           menu associated with it.
         >    [ > ]        Shift the current entry to the right.  The
                           shift  can be between 1 and 15 places [ 1-
                           9, a-f ]. This calculator key has a  popup
                           menu associated with it.
         &16  [ ] ]        Truncate the current entry  to  a  16  bit
                           unsigned integer.
         &32  [ [ ]        Truncate the current entry  to  a  32  bit
                           unsigned integer.
         Or   [ | ]        Perform a  logical  OR  operation  on  the
                           current entry and the next entry, treating
                           both numbers as unsigned long integers.
         And  [ & ]        Perform a logical  AND  operation  on  the
                           current entry and the next entry, treating
                           both numbers as unsigned long integers.
         Not  [ ~ ]        Perform a logical  NOT  operation  on  the
                           current entry.
         Xor  [ ^ ]        Perform a logical  XOR  operation  on  the
                           current entry and the next entry, treating
                           both numbers as unsigned long integers.
         Xnor [ n ]        Perform a logical XNOR  operation  on  the
                           current entry and the next entry, treating
                           both numbers as unsigned long integers.
         Trig [ T ]        Set the current trigonometrical base. This
                           can  be  in  degrees [ d ], grads [ g ] or
                           radians [ r ]. This key also has  a  popup
                           menu associated with it.
         Hyp  [ h ]        Toggle the hyperbolic function  indicator.
                           This  switch  affects  the  type  of sine,
                           cosine and tangent trigonometric functions
         Inv  [ i ]        Toggle  the  inverse  function  indicator.
                           This  switch  affects  the  type  of sine,
                           cosine and tangent trigonometric functions
         e^x  [ { ]        Returns e  raised  to  the  power  of  the
                           current entry.
         10^x [ } ]        Returns 10 raised  to  the  power  of  the
                           current entry.
         y^x  [ y ]        Take the last entry and raise  it  to  the
                           power of the next entry.
         x!   [ ! ]        Return the factorial of the current entry.
                           Note  that  the factorial function is only
                           valid for positive integers.
         Cos  [ ^c ]       Return  the  trigonometric   cosine,   arc
                           cosine,   hyperbolic   cosine  or  inverse
                           hyperbolic cosine of the current  display,
                           depending upon the current settings of the
                           hyperbolic and inverse function  switches.
                           The  result  is  displayed  in the current
                           trigonometric units (degrees,  radians  or
         Sin  [ ^s ]       Return the trigonometric sine,  arc  sine,
                           hyperbolic sine or inverse hyperbolic sine
                           of the current display, depending upon the
                           current  settings  of  the  hyperbolic and
                           inverse function switches. The  result  is
                           displayed  in  the  current  trigonometric
                           units (degrees, radians or grads).
         Tan  [ ^t ]       Return  the  trigonometric  tangent,   arc
                           tangent,  hyperbolic  tangent  or  inverse
                           hyperbolic tangent of the current display,
                           depending upon the current settings of the
                           hyperbolic and inverse function  switches.
                           The  result  is  displayed  in the current
                           trigonometric units (degrees,  radians  or
         Ln   [ N ]        Return  the  natural  logarithm   of   the
                           current entry.
         Log  [ G ]        Return  the  base  10  logarithm  of   the
                           current entry.
         Rand [ ? ]        Return a random  number  between  0.0  and
                           stored X resources.
         .calctoolrc       user's personal calctool startup file.
         Solaris User's Guide
         "About Calculator" in the Help  Handbook  available  through
         the Help option on the Workspace menu.
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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