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crayola (1)
  • >> crayola (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         crayola - Geomview	external module	to color OOGL objects.
         Crayola is	a Geomview external module used	to  interactively
         color  OOGL  objects.   Crayola  should appear in Geomview's
         external module browser  automatically  after  it	has  been
         properly installed.  If this does not happen, add the line
    (emodule-define	Crayola	crayola)
         to	your .geomview file (for more details, see  geomview(5)).
         Click on Crayola in the browser to	start the program.
         The buttons at the	top of the Crayola main	panel  state  the
         mode that the program is in.  It begins in	"Get" mode, mean-
         ing that picking an object	in Geomview (by	moving the cursor
         over  the object in the camera window and pressing	the right
         mouse button) will	adjust the colorwheel to show  the  color
         of	the object at the chosen location.  In the Silicon Graph-
         ics Iris version, the colorwheel  is  located  on	the  main
         panel.   Click  with  the mouse to	move the black dot around
         and change	the color selection.  The "Intensity"  slider  is
         used  to  make  the  colors  darker  or lighter.  The slider
         starts set	to the far left, or full intensity.   Moving  the
         slider  to	 the right will	decrease the intensity,	until, at
         the far right, the	 color	wheel  is  entirely  black.   The
         second  slider,  marked  "Opacity," will be discussed later.
         In	the NeXT version, the color  picker  panel  will  pop  up
         seperately	 (The  color picker may	be set to use a	different
         color selection mode than the colorwheel).
         Colors may	be assigned to parts of	an OOGL	object by  click-
         ing  the  "Set" button on the Crayola main	panel and picking
         the object	in the Geomview	camera window.	 The  object  may
         not  already  have	 color information; if this is the case	a
         panel will	pop up asking if you want to add  color	 informa-
         tion  to  the  object.   Clicking	on  "Yes" will modify the
         object to include color information.
         Each  OOGL	 object	 has  a	 slightly  different  scheme  for
         representing  color.  For example,	quads are colored by ver-
         tex, while	polylists may be colored by face or by vertex and
         Bezier patches are	colored	by patch corner.  See oogl(5) for
         a detailed	discussion of which object  uses  which	 coloring
         scheme.   Generally,  in  Crayola,	 clicking  on a	face will
         color that	entire face  with  the	given  color,  either  by
         changed  the  color  assigned  to the face	or by changed the
         color assigned to each of the  vertices  of  the  face.   If
         per-vertex	 coloring  is  being  used,  the  colors  of  the
         vertices may be changed individually by clicking on them.
         An	entire object may be colored by	clicking  the  "Set  All"
         button and	picking	it in Geomview.
         Color information may be removed from an object by	 clicking
         the  "Eliminate  Color"  button and picking on the	object in
         Crayola remembers the last	change you made	to the object, so
         clicking  on  the	"Undo"	button will get	rid of minor mis-
         takes.  Note that ONLY the	last change is remembered.
         Crayola has the ability to	assign colors containing  opacity
         information  (alpha  values)  to Geomview objects.	 However,
         transparent objects are supported only on some computers (eg
         Iris  GTX's,  VGX's,  Crimsons,  and high-end Indigos).  The
         opacity of	the current color may be modified by  moving  the
         opacity  slider  (on  the	main panel on SGI's and	the color
         picker panel on NeXT's).  On Silicon Graphics computers sup-
         porting transparency, the colorwheel will fade in and out as
         the slider	is moved back and forth.   On  NeXTs,  the  upper
         right  portion  of	 the  color in the color well will become
         lighter.  If the opacity slider is	in a position other  than
         to	 the  far  right,  the	current	 color is partially tran-
         sparent.  This information	will be	assigned  to  the  object
         along  with  all  the other color information.  In	order for
         the given color  to  look	transparent  in	 Geomview,  tran-
         sparency  must  be	 explicitely  turned  on in Geomview (see
         Geomview(5) for details on	how to do this).
         geomview(1), geomview(5), oogl(5)
         Celeste Fowler		     email:  [email protected]
         The Geometry Center	     phone:  (612) 626-8304
         1300 South	Second Street
         Minneapolis, MN  55454

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