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dticon (1)
  • >> dticon (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         dticon - the Common Desktop Environment Icon Editor
         The Icon Editor provides the facilities that enable the user
         to create new icons or modify existing ones.
         The Icon Editor uses lines and geometric shape drawing tools
         in  order  to  create  new icons or modify existing ones. It
         support XPM and XBM formats. The Icon Editor, also is  capa-
         ble  of  grabbing  images  from  the display and use them as
         bases for new icons.
         The Icon Editor, also, supports drag and drop, allowing  the
         user  to  drag  an  icon file from the file manager onto the
         Icon Editor window or icon.
      Key Supported Tasks
              - Modify size of window.
              - Modify location of window.
              - Iconify window.
              - Edit a new or existing icon.
              - Save the current icon
              - Undo the last operation.
              - Cut, copy, and paste areas  within  the  Icon  Editor
              drawing tablet.
              - Grab images from the display.
              - Rotate selected area.
              - Scale selected area.
              - Flip selected area right or left.
              - Resize icon.
              - Add a hot spot to the icon.
              - Delete a hot spot from icon.
              - Clear icon.
              - Overlay the icon drawing area with a visible grid.
              - Select icon format, XPM or XBM.
              -  Alter  the  magnification  factor  for  the  drawing
         The Icon Editor accepts all of the standard X Toolkit/Widget
         command   line   options.  Additional  application  specific
         options are listed below.
         The following options are available from the command line:
         -f file
         This option takes a bitmap or pixmap file name.  If the file
         ends in .pm or .xpm suffix, it will try reading it as an XPM
         file first.  If it fails, it will try reading it as  an  XBM
         file.   If  the file ends in .bm or .xbm suffix, it will try
         reading it as an XBM file first.  If it fails, it  will  try
         reading it as an XPM file.  If the file doesn't match any of
         these suffixes, it will try reading it as an XPM file first.
         If it fails it will try reading it as an XBM file.
         -x widthxheight
         This option specifies  an  initial  geometry  for  the  icon
         image.  If a file is specified using the -f option, the size
         of that icon supersedes the geometry specified.
         -session file
         This option takes the name of a session  file  as  an  addi-
         tional parameter. The Icon Editor is invoked with the speci-
         fied session file name. The session file is a file that  was
         previously  saved by the Icon Editor through a session shut-
         down. This option causes all other command line  options  to
         be  ignored,  as  all  settings are taken from the specified
         session file.
          Exit values are:
         0    Successful completion.
         >0   Error condition occurred.
         dticon -x 24x32
              Starts the Icon Editor with an icon template  of  width
              24 and height 32.
    dticon Integration using ToolTalk
         [Using Tooltalk to integrate dticon  in  your  applications]
         Tooltalk  makes  it  possible to use dticon from within your
         application.  dticon supports the  following  Tooltalk  mes-
         An application can construct a Tooltalk message, which  will
         include  a buffer containing the icon the application wishes
         to edit. The format of the message appears in dticon's ptype
         file(  dticon.ptype). The buffer in the edit message is con-
         structed to contain the icon contents of an XPM  or  an  XBM
         icon file. In the case of an XBM icon containing transparent
         regions dticon generates two icon files, an  XBM  file  con-
         taining  the  base  icon(  the  icon without the transparent
         regions) and a mask  file  that  indicates  the  transparent
         regions  in  the  icon. The buffer in this case must include
         both icon files double buffered, the  base  icon  first  and
         then the mask, both in the same buffer.
              An application may pass a buffer to  dticon  containing
              an  XPM icon and get back a double buffer containing an
              XBM icon and its mask, and vise versa.
    Suggested Reading
         - The Common Desktop Environment: ToolTalk  Messaging  Over-
         - The Common Desktop Environment: Programmer's Guide
              This resource instructs the Icon Editor to use the file
              filter feature in OPEN and SAVE dialogs.
         Files used by this component.
         /.../dt/app-defaults/C/Dticon       App-defaults file.

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