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dtksh (1)
  • >> dtksh (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         dtksh - shell command language interpreter  with  access  to
         many X, Xt, Xm and CDE functions
         dtksh [-abCefimnuvx] [-o option] [+abCefmnuvx] [+o option]
         [command_file [argument...]]
         dtksh [-abCefimnuvx] [-o option] [+abCefmnuvx] [+o option]
         command_string [command_name [argument...]]
         dtksh -s [-abCefimnuvx] [-o option] [+abeCefmnuvx]
         [+o option] [argument...]]
         The dtksh utility is a version of the KornShell extended to
            o  Access to many X, Xt and Motif facilities from within
               a shell script
            o  Fully localized shell scripts
            o  Access to the CDE application help system
            o  Customization of script-based GUI attributes (such as
               font and colors) using the CDE customization tool
            o  Response to session-management Save state directives
            o  Response to window-management Close directives
            o  Access to most of the CDE Desktop Services Message Set
            o  Access to many of the CDE Data Typing API functions
            o  Access to the CDE Action API functions
         See sh(1).
         See sh(1).
         The dtksh interpreter has no relevant resources outside of
         those that affect the various widgets that can be instan-
         tiated from within a dtksh script.  Refer to the manual page
         of the relevant widget for information on the resources that
         apply to that widget.
         See sh(1).
         See sh(1).
         The following information describes the environment vari-
         ables that dtksh uses that are in addition to those docu-
         mented in the manual page for the sh command language inter-
      Immediate Return Value (-)
         Many of the category 3 commands (as described in the Return
         Values From Built-in Commands section) return a single value
         using an environment variable specified as the first argu-
         ment to the command (in the synopses for these special com-
         mands, the first argument has the name variable).  If this
         return value is immediately used in an expression, the spe-
         cial environment variable ``-'' can be used in place of a
         variable name.  When dtksh encounters ``-'' as the name of
         the environment variable in which the return value is to be
         returned, it returns the result as the value of the command.
         This allows the shell script to embed the command call in
         another command call.  (This feature works only for commands
         that return a single value; the value is the first argument
         and the argument has the name variable).  For example:
              XtDisplay DISPLAY $FORM
              XSync $DISPLAY true
         can be replaced by the equivalent:
              XSync $(XtDisplay "-" $FORM) true
         The reference to $DISPLAY is replaced with the value
         returned by the call to XtDisplay.  This capability is
         available for all category 3 commands except those that
         create a widget, those that return more than a single value
         and those whose first argument is not named variable.  Com-
         mands that do not accept ``-'' as the environment variable
         name include:  XtInitialize, XtCreateApplicationShell,
         XtCreatePopupShell, XtCreateManagedWidget and
         XtCreateWidget; all commands of the form:
         and most commands of the form:
      Variables Set By XtInitialize
         The XtInitialize command sets the following variables:
      Callback Context Variables
         An application registers a callback with a widget to specify
         which condition it is interested in, and what action should
         occur when that condition occurs.  The action can be any
         arbitrary dtksh command line.  For example:
              XtAddCallback $WIDGET activateCallback "ActivateProc"
              XtAddCallback $WIDGET activateCallback "XtSetSensitive $BUTTON false"
         A callback needs to be passed some context so it can deter-
         mine what condition led to its call.  For a C procedure,
         this information is typically passed in a call_data struc-
         ture.  For example, a Scale widget invoking a valueChanged-
         Callback passes in call_data an instance of the following
              typedef struct {
                  int reason;
                  XEvent  *event;
                  int value;
              } XmScaleCallbackStruct;
         The C application's callback does something like:
              if (scaleCallData->reason == XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED) {
                  eventType = scaleCallData->event->type;
                  display = scaleCallData->event->xany.display;
         Similarly in dtksh, when a callback is invoked, the follow-
         ing special environment variables are set up before the
         callback command executes:
                  Set to the widget handle for the widget invoking
                  the callback.
                  Set to the address of the call_data structure
                  passed by the widget to the callback, but its use-
                  fulness lies in the nested sub-variables associated
                  with it.
         The CB_CALL_DATA environment variable represents a pointer
         to a structure; access to its fields uses a syntax similar
         to the C code.  Nested environment variables are defined,
         named the same as the fields of the structure (but folded to
         all upper case), and use a dot to indicate containment of an
         element in a structure.  Thus, the preceding C code, to
         access the call_data provided by the Scale widget,
         translates to:
              if [${CB_CALL_DATA.REASON} = "CR_VALUE_CHANGED"]; then
         The same is true of the event structure within the call_data
         For most callback structures, the shell script is able to
         reference any of the fields defined for the particular call-
         back structure, using the technique previously described in
         this manual page.  In most cases, the shell script is not
         able to alter the values of the fields within these struc-
         tures.  The exception to this is the XmTextVerifyCallback-
         Struct, available during the losingFocusCallback, the
         modifyVerifyCallback and the motionVerifyCallback for the
         text widget.  The dtksh utility supports the modification of
         certain fields within this structure, to the extent that it
         is supported by Motif.  The following fields within the
         callback structure can be modified:
         An example of how these fields can be modified:
      Event Handler Context Variables
         As with callbacks, an application registers event handlers
         with a widget to specify what action should occur when one
         of the specified events occurs.  Again, the action can be
         any arbitrary dtksh command line.  For example:
              XtAddEventHandler $W "Button2MotionMask" false "ActivateProc"
              XtAddEventHandler $W "ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask" \
                  false "echo action"
         Just as with callbacks, two environment variables are
         defined to provide context to the event handler:
                  Set to the widget handle for the widget for which
                  the event handler is registered.
                  Set to the address of the XEvent that triggered the
                  event handler.
         Access to the fields within the XEvent structure is the same
         as for the CB_CALL_DATA environment variable previously
         described in this manual page.  For example:
              if [${EH_EVENT.TYPE} = "ButtonPress"]; then
                  echo X = ${EH_EVENT.XBUTTON.X}
                  echo Y = ${EH_EVENT.XBUTTON.Y}
              elif [${EH_EVENT.TYPE} = "KeyPress"]; then
                  echo X = ${EH_EVENT.XKEY.X}
                  echo Y = ${EH_EVENT.XKEY.Y}
      Translation Context Variables
         Xt provides for event translations to be registered for a
         widget; their context is provided in the same way as with
         event handlers.  The two variables defined for translation
         commands are:
                  Set to the widget handle for the widget for which
                  the translation is registered.
                  Set to the address of the XEvent that triggered the
         Dot-notation provides access to the fields of the event:
              echo Event type = ${TRANSLATION_EVENT.TYPE}
              echo Display = ${TRANSLATION_EVENT.XANY.DISPLAY}
      Workspace Callback Context Variables
         An application can register a callback function that is
         invoked any time the user changes to a new workspace.  When
         the callback is invoked, the following two special environ-
         ment variables are set, and can be accessed by the shell
         callback code:
                  Set to the widget handle for the widget invoking
                  the callback.
                  Set to the X atom that uniquely identifies the new
                  workspace.  This can be converted to its string
                  representation using the XmGetAtomName command.
      Accessing Event Subfields
         The XEvent structure has many different configurations based
         on the event's type.  The dtksh utility provides access only
         to the most frequently used XEvents.  Any of the other stan-
         dard XEvents are accessed using the event type XANY, fol-
         lowed by any of the subfields defined by the XANY event
         structure, which includes the following subfields:
         The dtksh utility supports full access to all of the event
         fields for the following event types:
         The following examples show how the subfields for the previ-
         ously listed event types are accessed:
      Input Context Variables
         Xt provides the XtAddInput(3X) facility that allows an
         application to register interest in activity on a particular
         file descriptor.  This generally includes data available for
         reading, the file descriptor being ready for writing, and
         exceptions on the file descriptor.  If programming in C, the
         application provides a handler function that is invoked when
         the activity occurs.  When reading data from the file
         descriptor, it is up to the handler to read the data from
         the input source and handle character escaping and line con-
         The dtksh utility also supports the XtAddInput(3X) facility,
         but has limited its functionality to reading data, and has
         taken the reading function a step further to make it easier
         for shell programmers to use.  By default, when a shell
         script registers interest in a file descriptor, dtksh
         invokes the shell script's input handler only when a com-
         plete line of text has been received.  A complete line of
         text is defined to be a line terminated either by an unes-
         caped <newline> character, or by end-of-file.  The input
         handler is also called if no data is available and end-of-
         file is reached.  This gives the handler the opportunity to
         use XtRemoveInput(3X) to remove the input source, and to
         close the file descriptor.
         The advantage of this default behavior is that input
         handlers do not need to do escape processing or handle line
         continuations.  The disadvantage is that it assumes that all
         of the input is line-oriented and contains no binary infor-
         mation.  If the input source does contain binary informa-
         tion, or if the input handler wants to read the data from
         the input source directly, dtksh also supports a raw input
         mode.  In raw mode, dtksh does not read any of the data from
         the input source.  Any time dtksh is notified that input is
         available on the input source, it invokes the shell script's
         input handler.  It then becomes the handler's responsibility
         to read the incoming data, to perform any required buffering
         and escape processing, and to detect when end-of-file is
         reached (so that the input source can be removed and the
         file descriptor closed).
         Whether the input handler is configured to operate in the
         default mode or in raw mode, dtksh sets up several environ-
         ment variables before calling the shell script's input
         handler.  These environment variables provide the input
         handler with everything needed to handle the incoming data:
                  If operating in the default mode, this variable
                  contains the next complete line of input available
                  from the input source.  If INPUT_EOF is set to
                  True, there is no data in this buffer.  If operat-
                  ing in raw mode, this environment variable always
                  contains an empty string.
                  If operating in the default mode, this variable is
                  set to False any time INPUT_LINE contains data, and
                  is set to True when end-of-file is reached.  When
                  end-of-file is reached, the input handler for the
                  shell script should unregister the input source and
                  close the file descriptor.  If operating in raw
                  mode, INPUT_EOF is always set to False.
                  Indicates the file descriptor for which input is
                  available.  If operating in raw mode, this file
                  descriptor is used to obtain the pending input.
                  The file descriptor is also used to close the input
                  source when it is no longer needed.
                  Indicates the ID returned by XtAddInput when the
                  input source was originally registered.  This
                  information is needed in order to remove the input
                  source using XtRemoveInput.
         See sh(1).
         See sh(1).
         The capabilities described here are extensions to those of
         the sh command language interpreter.  See sh(1).  The fol-
         lowing subsections give a synopsis of each of the built-in
         commands added by dtksh to sh.  In general, argument order-
         ing and types are the same as for corresponding C pro-
         cedures, with exceptions noted.  For more detail on the
         functionality and arguments of a command, see the standard
         documentation for the corresponding X11, Xt, Motif or Desk-
         top Services procedure.
         In definitions listed in this document, arguments named
         variable, variable2, variable3 and so on, indicate that the
         shell script must supply the name of an environment vari-
         able, into which some value is returned.
         All of the Xt commands used to create a new widget require
         that the widget class for the new widget be specified.  The
         widget (or gadget) class name is the standard class name
         provided by Motif.  For example, the class name for a Motif
         pushbutton widget is XmPushButton, while the class name for
         the Motif label gadget is XmLabelGadget.  Commands that use
         their exit status to return a Boolean value (which can be
         used directly as part of an if statement) are noted as such.
         Arguments enclosed within [] are optional.
      Dtksh Built-in Xlib Commands
         XBell display volume
         XClearArea display drawable [optional GC arguments] x y
         width height exposures
         XClearWindow display drawable
         XCopyArea display src dest srcX srcY width height destX
         destY [optional GC arguments]
         XDefineCursor display window cursor
         XDrawArc display drawable [optional GC arguments] x y width
         height angle1 angle2
         XDrawLine display drawable [optional GC arguments] x1 y1 x2
         XDrawLines display drawable [-coordinateMode] [optional GC
         arguments] x1 y1 x2 y2 [x3 y3 ...]
            The coordinateMode operand is either CoordModeOrigin or
         XDrawPoint display drawable [optional GC arguments] x y
         XDrawPoints display drawable [-coordinateMode] [optional GC
         arguments] x1 y1 [x2 y2 x3 y3 ...]
            The coordinateMode operand is either CoordModeOrigin or
         XDrawRectangle display drawable [optional GC arguments] x y
         width height
         XDrawSegments display drawable [optional GC arguments] x1 y1
         x2 y2 [x3 y3 x4 y4 ...]
         XDrawString display drawable [optional GC arguments] x y
         XDrawImageString display drawable [optional GC arguments] x
         y string
         XFillArc display drawable [optional GC arguments] x y width
         height angle1 angle2
         XFillPolygon display drawable [-shape] [-coordinateMode]
         [optional GC arguments] x1 y1 x2 y2 ...
            The shape operand is one of Complex, Convex or Nonconvex,
            and where coordinateMode is either CoordModeOrigin or
         XFillRectangle display drawable [optional GC arguments] x y
         width height
         XFlush display
         XHeightOfScreen variable screen
         XRaiseWindow display window
         XRootWindowOfScreen variable screen
         XSync display discard
            The discard operand is either True or False.
         XTextWidth variable fontName string
            The XTextWidth command differs from the C procedure; it
            takes the name of a font instead of a pointer to a font
         XUndefineCursor display window
         XWidthOfScreen variable screen
      Built-in XtIntrinsic Commands
         XtAddCallback widgetHandle callbackName dtksh-command
            The callbackName operand is one of the standard Motif or
            Xt callback names, with the Xt or Xm prefix omitted; for
            example, activateCallback.
         XtAddEventHandler widgetHandle eventMask nonMaskableFlag
            The eventMask operand is of the form mask|mask|mask and
            the mask component is any of the standard set of XEvent
            masks; for example, ButtonPressMask, where nonMaska-
            bleFlag is either True or False.
         XtAddInput variable [-r] fileDescriptor dtksh-command
            The XtAddInput command registers the indicated file
            descriptor with the X Toolkit as an alternative input
            source (that is, for reading).  The input handler for the
            shell script is responsible for unregistering the input
            source when it is no longer needed, and also to close the
            file descriptor.  If the -r option is specified (raw
            mode), dtksh does not automatically read any of the data
            available from the input source; it is up to the speci-
            fied dtksh command to read all data.  If the -r option is
            not specified, the specified dtksh command is invoked
            only when a full line has been read (that is, a line ter-
            minated by either an unescaped <newline> character, or
            end-of-file) and when end-of-file is reached.  The raw
            mode is useful for handlers expecting to process non-
            textual data, or for handlers not wanting dtksh to
            automatically read in a line of data.  When end-of-file
            is detected, it is the responsibility of the input
            handler for the shell script to use XtRemoveInput to
            remove the input source, and to close the file descrip-
            tor, if necessary.  In all cases, several environment
            variables are set up for the handler to use.  These
            include the following:
                           Empty if raw mode; otherwise, contains
                           next line to be processed.
                           Set to True if end-of-file reached; other-
                           wise, set to False.
                           File descriptor associated with this input
                           ID associated with this input handler;
                           returned by XtAddInput.
         XtAddTimeOut variable interval dtksh-command
         XtAddWorkProc variable dtksh-command
            In dtksh, the dtksh-command is typically a dtksh function
            name.  Like regular work procedures, this function is
            expected to return a value indicating whether the work
            procedure wants to be called again, or whether it has
            completed its work and can be automatically unregistered.
            If the dtksh function returns zero, the work procedure
            remains registered; any other value causes the work pro-
            cedure to be automatically unregistered.
         XtAugmentTranslations widgetHandle translations
         XtCreateApplicationShell variable applicationName
         widgetClass [resource:value ...]
         XtCallCallbacks widgetHandle callbackName
            The callbackName operand is one of the standard Motif or
            Xt callback names, with the Xt or Xm prefix omitted; for
            example, activateCallback.
         XtClass variable widgetHandle
            The command returns the name of the widget class associ-
            ated with the passed-in widget handle.
         XtCreateManagedWidget variable widgetName widgetClass
         parentWidgetHandle [resource:value ...]
         XtCreatePopupShell variable widgetName widgetClass
         parentWidgetHandle [resource:value ...]
         XtCreateWidget variable widgetName widgetClass
         parentWidgetHandle [resource:value ...]
         XtDestroyWidget widgetHandle [widgetHandle ...]
         XtDisplay variable widgetHandle
         XtDisplayOfObject variable widgetHandle
         XtGetValues widgetHandle resource:variable1
         [resource:variable2 ...]
         XtHasCallbacks variable widgetHandle callbackName
            The callbackName operand is one of the standard Motif or
            Xt callback names, with the Xt or Xm prefix omitted: for
            example, activateCallback variable is set to one of the
            strings CallbackNoList, CallbackHasNone or CallbackHas-
         XtInitialize variable shellName applicationClassName appli-
         cationName arguments
            Similar to a typical Motif-based program, the arguments
            argument is used to reference any command-line arguments
            that might have been specified by the shell script user;
            these are typically referred using the shell syntax of
            $@.  The applicationName argument is listed because $@
            does not include $0.  The applicationName and arguments
            are used to build the argument list passed to the XtIni-
            tialize command.  Upon completion, the environment vari-
            able DTKSH_ARGV is set to the argument list as returned
            by the XtInitialize command; the DTKSH_TOPLEVEL environ-
            ment variable is set to the widget handle of the widget
            created by XtInitialize, and the DTKSH_APPNAME environ-
            ment variable is set to the value of the applicationName
            argument.  The command returns a value that can be used
            in a conditional.
         XtIsManaged widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XtIsSubclass widgetHandle widgetClass
            The widgetClass operand is the name of a widget class.
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XtNameToWidget variable referenceWidget name
         XtIsRealized widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XtIsSensitive widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XtIsShell widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XtLastTimestampProcessed variable display
         XtManageChild widgetHandle
         XtManageChildren widgetHandle [widgetHandle ...]
         XtMapWidget widgetHandle
         XtOverrideTranslations widgetHandle translations
         XtParent variable widgetHandle
         XtPopdown widgetHandle
         XtPopup widgetHandle grabType
            The grabType operand is one of the strings GrabNone,
            GrabNonexclusive or GrabExclusive.
         XtRealizeWidget widgetHandle
         XtRemoveAllCallbacks widgetHandle callbackName
            The callbackName operand is one of the standard Motif or
            Xt callback names, with the Xt or Xm prefix omitted; for
            example, activateCallback.
         XtRemoveCallback widgetHandle callbackName dtksh-command
            The callbackName operand is one of the standard Motif or
            Xt callback names, with the Xt or Xm prefix omitted; for
            example, activateCallback.  As with traditional Xt call-
            backs, when a callback is removed, the same dtksh command
            string must be specified as was specified when the call-
            back was originally registered.
         XtRemoveEventHandler widgetHandle eventMask nonMaskableFlag
            The eventMask operand is of the form mask|mask|mask and
            the mask component is any of the standard set of XEvent
            masks; for example, ButtonPressMask, where nonMaska-
            bleFlag is either True or False.  As with traditional Xt
            event handlers, when an event handler is removed, the
            same eventMask, nonMaskableFlag setting and dtksh command
            string must be specified as was specified when the event
            handler was originally registered.
         XtRemoveInput inputId
            The inputId operand is the handle returned in the speci-
            fied environment variable when the alternative input
            source was registered using the XtAddInput command.
         XtRemoveTimeOut timeoutId
            The timeoutId operand is the handle returned in the
            specified environment variable when the timeout was
            registered using the XtAddTimeOut command.
         XtRemoveWorkProc workprocId
            The workprocId operand is the handle returned in the
            specified environment variable when the work procedure
            was registered using the XtAddWorkProc command.
         XtScreen variable widgetHandle
         XtSetSensitive widgetHandle state
            The state operand is either True or False.
         XtSetValues widgetHandle resource:value [resource:value ...]
         XtUninstallTranslations widgetHandle
         XtUnmanageChild widgetHandle
         XtUnmanageChildren widgetHandle [widgetHandle ...]
         XtUnmapWidget widgetHandle
         XtUnrealizeWidget widgetHandle
         XtWindow variable widgetHandle
      Built-in Motif Commands
         XmAddWMProtocolCallback widgetHandle protocolAtom dtksh-
            The protocolAtom operand is typically obtained using the
            XmInternAtom command.
         XmAddWMProtocols widgetHandle protocolAtom [protocolA-
         tom ...]
            The protocolAtom operand is typically obtained using the
            XmInternAtom command.
         XmCommandAppendValue widgetHandle string XmCommandError
         widgetHandle errorString
         XmCommandGetChild variable widgetHandle childType
            The childType operand is one of the strings:
         XmCommandSetValue widgetHandle commandString
         XmCreateArrowButton variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateArrowButtonGadget variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateBulletinBoard variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateCascadeButton variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateCascadeButtonGadget variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateCommand variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateDialogShell variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateDrawingArea variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateDrawnButton variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateErrorDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateFileSelectionBox variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateFileSelectionDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateForm variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateFormDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateFrame variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateInformationDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateLabel variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateLabelGadget variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateList variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateMainWindow variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateMenuBar variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateMenuShell variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateMessageBox variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateMessageDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateOptionMenu variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreatePanedWindow variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreatePopupMenu variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreatePromptDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreatePulldownMenu variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreatePushButton variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreatePushButtonGadget variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateQuestionDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateRadioBox variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateRowColumn variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateScale variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateScrollBar variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateScrolledList variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateScrolledText variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateScrolledWindow variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateSelectionBox variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateSelectionDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateSeparator variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateSeparatorGadget variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateText variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateTextField variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateToggleButton variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateToggleButtonGadget variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateWarningDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateWorkArea variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmCreateWorkingDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         XmFileSelectionDoSearch widgetHandle directoryMask
         XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild variable widgetHandle childType
            The childType operand is one of the strings:
         XmGetAtomName variable display atom
         XmGetColors widgetHandle background variable variable2 vari-
         able3 variable4
            The XmGetColors command differs from the C procedure in
            that it takes a widgetHandle instead of a screen pointer
            and a colormap.
         XmGetFocusWidget variable widgetHandle
         XmGetPostedFromWidget variable widgetHandle
         XmGetTabGroup variable widgetHandle
         XmGetTearOffControl variable widgetHandle
         XmGetVisibility variable widgetHandle
         XmInternAtom variable display atomString onlyIfExistsFlag
            The onlyIfExistsFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmIsTraversable widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmListAddItem widgetHandle position itemString
            The ordering of the arguments to the XmListAddItem com-
            mand differs from the corresponding C function.
         XmListAddItems widgetHandle position itemString [item-
         String ...]
            The ordering of the arguments to the XmListAddItems com-
            mand differs from the corresponding C function.
         XmListAddItemsUnselected widgetHandle position itemString
         [itemString ...]
            The ordering of the arguments to the XmListAddItemsUn-
            selected command differs from the corresponding C func-
         XmListAddItemUnselected widgetHandle position itemString
            The ordering of the arguments to the XmListAddItemUn-
            selected command differs from the corresponding C func-
         XmListDeleteAllItems widgetHandle
         XmListDeleteItem widgetHandle itemString
         XmListDeleteItems widgetHandle itemString [itemString ...]
         XmListDeleteItemsPos widgetHandle itemCount position
         XmListDeletePos widgetHandle position
         XmListDeletePositions widgetHandle position [position ...]
         XmListDeselectAllItems widgetHandle
         XmListDeselectItem widgetHandle itemString
         XmListDeselectPos widgetHandle position
         XmListGetSelectedPos variable widgetHandle
            The command returns in variable a comma-separated list of
            indices.  The command returns a value that can be used in
            a conditional.
         XmListGetKbdItemPos variable widgetHandle
         XmListGetMatchPos variable widgetHandle itemString
            The command returns in variable a comma-separated list of
            indices.  The command returns a value that can be used in
            a conditional.
         XmListItemExists widgetHandle itemString
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmListItemPos variable widgetHandle itemString
         XmListPosSelected widgetHandle position
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmListPosToBounds widgetHandle position variable variable2
         variable3 variable4
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmListReplaceItemsPos widgetHandle position itemString
         [itemString ...]
            The ordering of the arguments to the XmListReplaceItem-
            sPos command differs from the corresponding C function.
         XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected widgetHandle position item-
         String [itemString ...]
            The ordering of the arguments to the XmListReplaceItem-
            sPosUnselected command differs from the corresponding C
         XmListSelectItem widgetHandle itemString notifyFlag
            The notifyFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmListSelectPos widgetHandle position notifyFlag
            The notifyFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmListSetAddMode widgetHandle state
            The state operand can be set to either True or False.
         XmListSetBottomItem widgetHandle itemString
         XmListSetBottomPos widgetHandle position
         XmListSetHorizPos widgetHandle position
         XmListSetItem widgetHandle itemString
         XmListSetKbdItemPos widgetHandle position
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmListSetPos widgetHandle position
         XmListUpdateSelectedList widgetHandle
         XmMainWindowSep1 variable widgetHandle
         XmMainWindowSep2 variable widgetHandle
         XmMainWindowSep3 variable widgetHandle
         XmMainWindowSetAreas widgetHandle menuWidgetHandle com-
         mandWidgetHandle horizontalScrollbarWidgetHandle vertical-
         ScrollbarWidgetHandle workRegionWidgetHandle
         XmMenuPosition widgetHandle eventHandle
            The eventHandle operand refers to an XEvent that has typ-
            ically been obtained by accessing the CB_CALL_DATA.EVENT,
            EH_EVENT or TRANSLATION_EVENT environment variables.
         XmMessageBoxGetChild variable widgetHandle childType
            The childType operand is one of the strings:
         XmOptionButtonGadget variable widgetHandle
         XmOptionLabelGadget variable widgetHandle
         XmProcessTraversal widgetHandle direction
            The direction operand is one of the strings:
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback widgetHandle protocolAtom dtksh-
            The protocolAtom operand is typically obtained using the
            XmInternAtom command.  As with traditional WM callbacks,
            when a callback is removed, the same dtksh command string
            must be specified as was specified when the callback was
            originally registered.
         XmRemoveWMProtocols widgetHandle protocolAtom [protocolA-
         tom ...]
            The protocolAtom operand is typically obtained using the
            XmInternAtom command.
         XmScaleGetValue widgetHandle variable
         XmScaleSetValue widgetHandle value
         XmScrollBarGetValues widgetHandle variable variable2 vari-
         able3 variable4
         XmScrollBarSetValues widgetHandle value sliderSize increment
         pageIncrement notifyFlag
            The notifyFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmScrollVisible widgetHandle widgetHandle leftRightMargin
         XmSelectionBoxGetChild variable widgetHandle childType
            The childType operand is one of the strings:
         XmTextClearSelection widgetHandle time
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent, or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
         XmTextCopy widgetHandle time
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent, or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
            command.  The command returns a value that can be used in
            a conditional.
         XmTextCut widgetHandle time
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent, or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
            command.  The command returns a value that can be used in
            a conditional.
         XmTextDisableRedisplay widgetHandle
         XmTextEnableDisplay widgetHandle
         XmTextFindString widgetHandle startPosition string direction
            The direction operand is one of the strings TEXT_FORWARD
            or TEXT_BACKWARD.  The command returns a value that can
            be used in a conditional.
         XmTextGetBaseline variable widgetHandle
         XmTextGetEditable widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextGetInsertionPosition variable widgetHandle
         XmTextGetLastPosition variable widgetHandle
         XmTextGetMaxLength variable widgetHandle
         XmTextGetSelection variable widgetHandle
         XmTextGetSelectionPosition widgetHandle variable variable2
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextGetString variable widgetHandle
         XmTextGetTopCharacter variable widgetHandle
         XmTextInsert widgetHandle position string
         XmTextPaste widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextPosToXY widgetHandle position variable variable2
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextRemove widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextReplace widgetHandle fromPosition toPosition string
         XmTextScroll widgetHandle lines
         XmTextSetAddMode widgetHandle state
            The state operand can be set to either True or False.
         XmTextSetEditable widgetHandle editableFlag
            The editableFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmTextSetHighlight widgetHandle leftPosition rightPosition
            The mode operand is one of the strings:
         XmTextSetInsertionPosition widgetHandle position
         XmTextSetMaxLength widgetHandle maxLength
         XmTextSetSelection widgetHandle firstPosition lastPosition
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent, or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
         XmTextSetString widgetHandle string
         XmTextSetTopCharacter widgetHandle topCharacterPosition
         XmTextShowPosition widgetHandle position
         XmTextXYToPos variable widgetHandle x y
         XmTextFieldClearSelection widgetHandle time
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent, or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
         XmTextFieldGetBaseline variable widgetHandle
         XmTextFieldGetEditable widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextFieldGetInsertionPosition variable widgetHandle
         XmTextFieldGetLastPosition variable widgetHandle
         XmTextFieldGetMaxLength variable widgetHandle
         XmTextFieldGetSelection variable widgetHandle
         XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition widgetHandle variable vari-
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextFieldGetString variable widgetHandle
         XmTextFieldInsert widgetHandle position string
         XmTextFieldPosToXY widgetHandle position variable variable2
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextFieldRemove widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextFieldReplace widgetHandle fromPosition toPosition
         XmTextFieldSetEditable widgetHandle editableFlag
            The editableFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmTextFieldSetHighlight widgetHandle leftPosition rightPosi-
         tion mode
            The mode operand is one of the strings:
         XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition widgetHandle position
         XmTextFieldSetMaxLength widgetHandle maxLength
         XmTextFieldSetSelection widgetHandle firstPosition lastPosi-
         tion time
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent, or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
         XmTextFieldSetString widgetHandle string
         XmTextFieldShowPosition widgetHandle position
         XmTextFieldXYToPos variable widgetHandle x y
         XmTextFieldCopy widgetHandle time
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent, or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
            command.  The command returns a value that can be used in
            a conditional.
         XmTextFieldCut widgetHandle time
            The time operand is typically either obtained from within
            an XEvent or from a call to the XtLastTimestampProcessed
            command.  The command returns a value that can be used in
            a conditional.
         XmTextFieldPaste widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmTextFieldSetAddMode widgetHandle state
            The state operand can be set to either True or False.
         XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState widgetHandle state notifyFlag
            The state operand can be set to either True or False.
            The notifyFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmToggleButtonGetState widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         XmToggleButtonSetState widgetHandle state notifyFlag
            The state operand can be set to either True or False.
            The notifyFlag operand can be set to either True or
         XmUpdateDisplay widgetHandle
      Built-in CDE Application Help Commands
         DtCreateHelpQuickDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         DtCreateHelpDialog variable parentWidgetHandle name
         [resource:value ...]
         DtHelpQuickDialogGetChild variable widgetHandle childType
            The childType operand is one of the strings:
         DtHelpReturnSelectedWidgetId variable widgetHandle variable2
            The variable operand is set to one of the strings:
            and variable2 is set to the widgetHandle for the selected
         DtHelpSetCatalogName catalogName
      Built-in Localization Commands
         catopen variable catalogName
            Opens the indicated message catalog, and returns the
            catalog ID in the environment variable specified by vari-
            able.  If a shell script needs to close the file descrip-
            tor associated with a message catalog, the catalog ID
            must be closed using the catclose command.
         catgets variable catalogId setNumber messageNumber default-
            Attempts to extract the requested message string from the
            message catalog associated with the catalogId argument.
            If the message string cannot be located, the default mes-
            sage string is returned.  In either case, the returned
            message string is placed into the environment variable
            indicated by variable.
         catclose catalogId
            Closes the message catalog associated with the indicated
      Built-in Session Management Commands
         DtSessionRestorePath widgetHandle variable sessionFile
            Given the filename for the session file (excluding any
            path information), this command returns the full pathname
            for the session file in the environment variable indi-
            cated by variable.  The command returns a value that can
            be used in a conditional, indicating whether the command
         DtSessionSavePath widgetHandle variable variable2
            The full pathname for the session file is returned in
            environment variable indicated by variable.  The filename
            portion of the session file (excluding any path informa-
            tion) is returned in the environment variable indicated
            by variable2.  The command returns a value that can be
            used in a conditional, indicating whether the command
         DtShellIsIconified widgetHandle
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         DtSetStartupCommand widgetHandle commandString
            Part of the session management process is telling the
            session manager how to restart the application the next
            time the user reopens the session.  This command passes
            along the specified command string to the session
            manager.  The widget handle should refer to an applica-
            tion shell.
         DtSetIconifyHint widgetHandle iconifyHint
            The iconifyHint operand can be set to either True or
            False.  This command sets the initial iconified state for
            a shell window.  This command only works if the window
            associated with the widget has not yet been realized.
      Built-in Workspace Management Commands
         DtWsmAddCurrentWorkspaceCallback variable widgetHandle
            This command evaluates the specified dtksh command when-
            ever the user changes workspaces.  The handle associated
            with this callback is returned in the environment vari-
            able indicated by variable.  The widget indicated by
            widgetHandle should be a shell widget.
         DtWsmRemoveWorkspaceCallback callback-handle
            The callback-handle must be a handle that was returned by
         DtWsmGetCurrentWorkspace display rootWindow variable
            This command returns the X atom representing the user's
            current workspace in the environment variable indicated
            by variable.  The XmGetAtomName command maps the X atom
            into its string representation.
         DtWsmSetCurrentWorkspace widgetHandle workspaceNameAtom
            This command changes the user's current workspace to the
            workspace indicated by workspaceNameAtom.  The command
            returns a value that can be used in a conditional, indi-
            cating whether the command succeeded.
         DtWsmGetWorkspaceList display rootWindow variable
            This command returns in variable a string of comma-
            separated X atoms, representing the current set of
            workspaces defined for the user.  The command returns a
            value that can be used in a conditional, indicating
            whether the command succeeded.
         DtWsmGetWorkspacesOccupied display window variable
            This command returns a string of comma-separated X atoms,
            representing the current set of workspaces occupied by
            the indicated shell window in the environment variable
            indicated by variable.  The command returns a value that
            can be used in a conditional, indicating whether the com-
            mand succeeded.
         DtWsmSetWorkspacesOccupied display window workspaceList
            This command moves the indicated shell window to the set
            of workspaces indicated by the string workspaceList,
            which must be a comma-separated list of X atoms.
         DtWsmAddWorkspaceFunctions display window
         DtWsmRemoveWorkspaceFunctions display window
         DtWsmOccupyAllWorkspaces display window
         DtWsmGetCurrentBackdropWindows display rootWindow variable
            This command returns in variable a string of comma-
            separated window IDs representing the set of root back-
            drop windows.
      Built-in Action Commands
         The set of commands in this section provides the programmer
         with the tools for loading the action databases, querying
         information about actions defined in the databases, and
         requesting that an action be initiated.
            This command reads in the action and data types data-
            bases.  It must be called before any of the other Action
            or Data Typing Commands.  The shell script should also
            use the DtDbReloadNotify command so that the shell script
            can be notified if new databases must be loaded.
         DtDbReloadNotify dtksh-command
            The specified dtksh command is executed when the notifi-
            cation is received.  Typically, the dtksh command
            includes a call to the DtDbLoad command.
         DtActionExists actionName
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
         DtActionLabel variable actionName
            If the action does not exist, then an empty string is
         DtActionDescription variable actionName
            This command returns an empty string if the action is not
            defined, or if the DESCRIPTION attribute is not speci-
         DtActionInvoke widgetHandle actionName termOpts execHost
         contextDir useIndicator dtksh-command [FILE fileName] ...
            The [FILE fileName] couplets can be used to specify file
            arguments to be used by DtActionInvoke when invoking the
            specified action.  The dtksh-command argument is not sup-
            ported in CDE 1.0, and should be specified as a null ("")
      Built-in Data Typing Commands
            This command should be invoked before any of the other
            data typing commands.
         DtDtsFileToDataType variable filePath
            This command returns the name of the data type associated
            with the file indicated by the filePath argument in the
            variable argument.  The variable argument is set to an
            empty string if the file cannot be typed.
         DtDtsFileToAttributeValue variable filePath attrName
            This command returns the string representing the value of
            the specified attribute for the data type associated with
            the indicated file in the variable argument.  If the
            attribute is not defined, or if the file cannot be typed,
            the variable argument is set to an empty string.
         DtDtsFileToAttributeList variable filePath
            This command returns the space-separated list of attri-
            bute names defined for the data type associated with the
            indicated file in the variable argument.  A shell script
            queries the individual values for the attributes using
            the DtDtsFileToAttributeValue command.  The variable
            argument is set to an empty string if the file cannot be
            typed.  This command differs from the corresponding C
            function in that it only returns the names of the defined
            attributes and not their values.
         DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeValue variable dataType attrName
            This command returns the string representing the value of
            the specified attribute for the indicated data type in
            variable.  If the attribute is not defined, or if the
            indicated data type does not exist, the variable argument
            is set to an empty string.
         DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeList variable dataType optName
            This command returns the space-separated list of attri-
            bute names defined for the indicated data type in vari-
            able.  A shell script queries the individual values for
            the attributes using the DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeValue
            command.  The variable argument is set to an empty string
            if the data type is not defined.  This command differs
            from the corresponding C function in that it only returns
            the names of the defined attributes, and not their
         DtDtsFindAttribute variable name value
            This command returns a space-separated list of data type
            names whose attribute, indicated by the name argument,
            has the value indicated by the value argument.  If an
            error occurs, the variable argument is set to an empty
         DtDtsDataTypeNames variable
            This command returns a space-separated list representing
            all of the data types currently defined in the data types
            database.  If an error occurs, the variable argument is
            set to an empty string.
         DtDtsSetDataType variable filePath dataType override
            The variable argument is set to the resultant saved data
            type for the directory.
         DtDtsDataTypeIsAction dataType
            The command returns a value that can be used in a condi-
      Built-in CDE Desktop Services Message Set Commands
         The following set of commands implement a subset of the
         Desktop Services Message Set, allowing shell script partici-
         pation in the Desktop Services protocol.  Many of the Tool-
         Talk commands differ slightly from their associated C pro-
         gramming call.  For ToolTalk commands that typically return
         a pointer, a C application can validate that pointer by cal-
         ling the tt_ptr_error() function; this C function call
         returns a Tt_status value, which indicates whether the
         pointer was valid, and if not, why it was not.  In dtksh,
         all of the Desktop Services Message Set Commands that return
         a pointer also return the associated Tt_status value for the
         pointer automatically; this saves the shell script from
         needing to make an additional call to check the validity of
         the original pointer.  In the case of a pointer error occur-
         ring, dtksh returns an empty string for the pointer value,
         and sets the Tt_status code accordingly.  The Tt_status
         value is returned in the status argument.  The Tt_status
         value is a string representing the error, and can assume any
         of the values shown in the manual page for <Tt/tt_c.h>.
         Some of the commands take a message scope as an argument.
         For these commands, the scope argument can be set to a
         string representing any of the constants documented for
         tt_message_scope(1), and in the manual pages for the indivi-
         dual ToolTalk functions.
         tt_file_netfile variable status file name
         tt_netfile_file variable status netfile name
         tt_host_file_netfile variable status host file name
         tt_host_netfile_file variable status host netfile name
         ttdt_open variable status variable2 toolname vendor version
            This command returns in the variable argument the procId
            associated with the connection.  It returns the file
            descriptor associated with the connection in variable2;
            this file descriptor can be used in registering an alter-
            native Xt input handler via the XtAddInput command.  The
            sendStarted argument is True or False.  Any procIds
            returned by ttdt_open contain embedded spaces.  To
            prevent dtksh from interpreting the procId as multiple
            arguments (versus a single argument with embedded
            spaces), references to the environment variable contain-
            ing the procId must be within double quotes, as shown:
                       ttdt_close STATUS "$PROC_ID" "" True
         tttk_Xt_input_handler procId source id
            In order for the ToolTalk messages to be received and
            processed, the shell script must register an Xt input
            handler for the file descriptor returned by the call to
            ttdt_open.  The Xt input handler is registered using the
            XtAddInput command, and the handler must be registered as
            a raw input handler.  The input handler that the shell
            script registers should invoke tttk_Xt_input_handler to
            get the message received and processed.  The following
            code block demonstrates how this is done:
                       ttdt_open PROC_ID STATUS FID "Tool" "HP" "1.0" True
                       XtAddInput INPUT_ID -r $FID "ProcessTTInput \"$PROC_ID\""
                           tttk_Xt_input_handler $1 $INPUT_SOURCE $INPUT_ID
                  Refer to the description of the XtAddInput command
                  for more details about alternative Xt input
                  handlers.  This command can be specified as an
                  alternative Xt input handler, using the XtAddInput
                  command.  The procId value should be that which was
                  returned by the ttdt_open command.  When register-
                  ing tttk_Xt_input_handler as an alternative Xt
                  input handler, it must be registered as a raw
                  handler to prevent dtksh from automatically break-
                  ing up the input into lines.  This can be done as
                       XtAddInput returnId -r $tt_fd \
                           "tttk_Xt_input_handler \"$procId\""
                  The \" characters before and after the reference to
                  the procId environment variable are necessary to
                  protect the embedded spaces in the procId environ-
                  ment variable.
         ttdt_close status procId newProcId sendStopped
            This command closes the indicated communications connec-
            tion, and optionally sends a Stopped notice, if the
            sendStopped argument is set to True.  Because the procId
            returned by the call to ttdt_open contains embedded
            spaces, it must be enclosed within double quotes, as
                       ttdt_close STATUS "$PROC_ID" "$NEW_PROC_ID" False
         ttdt_session_join variable status sessId shellWidgetHandle
            This command joins the session indicated by the sessId
            argument.  If the sessId argument does not specify a
            value (that is, it is an empty string), then the default
            session is joined.  If the shellWidgetHandle argument
            specifies a widget handle (that is, it is not an empty
            string), then it should refer to a mappedWhenManaged
            applicationShellWidget.  The join argument is True or
            False.  This command returns an opaque pattern handle in
            the variable argument; this handle can be destroyed using
            the ttdt_session_quit command when it is no longer
         ttdt_session_quit status sessId sessPatterns quit
            This command destroys the message patterns specified by
            the sessPatterns argument, and, if the quit argument is
            set to True, it quits the session indicated by the sessId
            argument, or it quits the default session if sessId is
         ttdt_file_join variable status pathName scope join dtksh-
            An opaque pattern handle is returned in the variable
            argument; this should be destroyed by calling
            ttdt_file_quit when there is no interest in monitoring
            messages for the indicated file.  The requested dtksh-
            command is evaluated any time a message is received for
            the indicated file.  When this dtksh-command is
            evaluated, the following environment variables are
            defined, and provide additional information about the
            received message:
                           The opaque handle for the incoming mes-
                           The string representing the operation to
                           be performed; that is, TTDT_DELETED,
                           TTDT_MODIFIED, TTDT_REVERTED, TTDT_MOVED
                           or TTDT_SAVED.
                           The pathname for the file to which this
                           message pertains.
                           Set to True if the message was sent by an
                           application operating with the same effec-
                           tive user ID and effective group ID as
                           this process.
                           Set to True if the message was sent by an
                           application with the same procId (as
                           returned by ttdt_open).
                  When the callback completes, it must indicate
                  whether the passed-in message was consumed
                  (replied-to, failed or rejected).  If the callback
                  returns the message (as passed in the DT_TT_MSG
                  environment variable), it is assumed that the mes-
                  sage was not consumed.  If the message was con-
                  sumed, the callback should return zero, or one of
                  the values returned by the tt_error_pointer com-
                  mand.  The callback can return its value in the
                  following fashion:
                       return $DT_TT_MSG (or) return 0
         ttdt_file_quit status patterns quit
            This command destroys the message patterns specified by
            the patterns argument, and also unregisters interest in
            the pathname that was passed to the ttdt_file_join com-
            mand if quit is set to True; the patterns argument should
            be the value returned by a call to the ttdt_file_join
         ttdt_file_event status op patterns send
            This command creates, and optionally sends, a ToolTalk
            notice announcing an event pertaining to a file.  The
            file is indicated by the pathname passed to the
            ttdt_file_join command when patterns was created.  The op
            argument indicates what should be announced for the indi-
            cated file, and can be set to TTDT_MODIFIED, TTDT_SAVED
            or TTDT_REVERTED.  If op is set to TTDT_MODIFIED, this
            command registers to handle Get_Modified, Save and Revert
            messages in the scope specified when the patterns was
            created.  If op is set to TTDT_SAVED or TTDT_REVERTED,
            this command unregisters from handling Get_Modified, Save
            and Revert messages for this file.  If the send argument
            is set to True, the indicated message is sent.
         ttdt_Get_Modified pathName scope timeout
            This commands sends a Get_Modified request in the indi-
            cated scope, and waits for a reply, or for the specified
            timeout (in milliseconds) to elapse.  It returns a value
            that can be used in a conditional.  A value of True is
            returned if an affirmative reply is received within the
            specified timeout; otherwise, False is returned.
         ttdt_Save status pathName scope timeout
            This command sends a Save request in the indicated scope,
            and waits for a reply, or for the indicated timeout (in
            milliseconds) to elapse.  A status of TT_OK is returned
            if an affirmative reply is received before the timeout
            elapses; otherwise, a Tt_status error value is returned.
         ttdt_Revert status pathName scope timeout
            This command sends a Revert request in the indicated
            scope, and waits for a reply, or for the indicated
            timeout (in milliseconds) to elapse.  A status of TT_OK
            is returned if an affirmative reply is received before
            the timeout elapses; otherwise, a Tt_status error value
            is returned.
         The following commands are typically used by the callback
         registered with the ttdt_file_join command.  They serve as
         the mechanism for consuming and destroying a message.  A
         message is consumed by either rejecting, failing or replying
         to it.  The tt_error_pointer is used by the callback to get
         a return pointer for indicating an error condition.
         tt_error_pointer variable ttStatus
            This command returns a magic value, which is used by
            ToolTalk to represent an invalid pointer.  The magic
            value returned depends on the ttStatus value passed in.
            Any of the valid Tt_status values can be specified.
         tttk_message_destroy status msg
            This command destroys any patterns that may have been
            stored on the message indicated by the msg argument, and
            then it destroys the message.
         tttk_message_reject status msg msgStatus msgStatusString
            This command sets the status and the status string for
            the indicated request message, and then rejects the mes-
            sage.  It then destroys the passed-in message if the des-
            troy argument is set to True.  This command is one way in
            which the callback specified with the ttdt_file_join com-
            mand consumes a message.  After rejecting the message, it
            is typically safe to destroy the message using
         tttk_message_fail status msg msgStatus msgStatusString des-
            This command sets the status and the status string for
            the indicated request message, and then it fails the mes-
            sage.  It destroys the passed-in message if the destroy
            argument is set to True.  This command is one way in
            which the callback specified with the ttdt_file_join
            command consumes a message.  After failing the message,
            it is typically safe to destroy the message, using
         tt_message_reply status msg
            This command informs the ToolTalk service that the shell
            script has handled the message specified by the msg argu-
            ment.  After replying to a message, it is typically safe
            to destroy the message using the tttk_message_destroy
      Listing Widget Information
         The DtWidgetInfo command provides the shell programmer a
         mechanism for obtaining information about the current set of
         instantiated widgets and their resources; the information is
         written to the standard output.  This provides useful debug-
         ging information by including:
            o  The list of instantiated widgets, including:  the
               name, class and parent of the widget; a handle for the
               widget; the name of the environment variable supplied
               when the widget was created; the state of the widget.
            o  The list of resources supported by a particular widget
            o  The list of constraint resources supported by a par-
               ticular widget class.
         DtWidgetInfo is called by using any of the following syn-
         taxes; all of the arguments are optional:
         DtWidgetInfo [widgetHandle | widgetName]
            If no arguments are supplied, information about all
            existing widgets is written to standard output; the
            information includes the name, the handle, the environ-
            ment variable, the parent, the widget class and the
            state.  If arguments are supplied, they should be either
            widget handles, or the names of existing widgets; in this
            case, the information is written only for the requested
            set of widgets.
         DtWidgetInfo -r [widgetHandle | widgetClass]
            If no arguments are supplied, the list of supported
            resources is written to standard output for all available
            widget classes.  If arguments are supplied, they should
            be either widget handles, or the widget class names; in
            this case, the information is written only for the
            requested set of widgets or widget classes.
         DtWidgetInfo -R [widgetHandle | widgetClass]
            If no arguments are supplied, the list of supported con-
            straint resources, if any, is written to standard output
            for all available widget classes.  If arguments are sup-
            plied, they should be either widget handles, or the
            widget class names; in this case, the information is
            written only for the requested set of widgets or widget
         DtWidgetInfo -c [widgetClass]
            If no arguments are supplied, the list of supported
            widget class names is written to standard output.  If
            arguments are supplied, dtksh writes the widget class
            name (if it is defined); otherwise, it writes an error
            message to standard error.
         DtWidgetInfo -h [widgetHandle]
            If no arguments are supplied, the list of active widget
            handles is written to standard output.  If arguments are
            supplied, they should represent widget handles, in which
            case the name of the associated widget is written to
            standard output.
      Convenience Functions
         The CDE system includes a file of dtksh convenience func-
         tions.  This file is itself a shell script containing shell
         functions that may be useful to a shell programmer.  The
         shell functions perform frequently used operations.  These
         include functions for quickly creating certain kinds of dia-
         logs (help, error, warning and so on), and a function for
         easily creating a collection of buttons and functions that
         make it easier to configure the constraint resources for a
         child of a form widget.  It is not a requirement that shell
         script writers use these convenience functions; they are
         supplied to make it easier for developers to write shorter
         and more readable shell scripts.
         Before a shell script can access these functions, the shell
         script must first include the file containing the conveni-
         ence functions.  The convenience functions are located in
         the file /usr/dt/lib/dtksh/DtFuncs.dtsh, and are included in
         a shell script using the following notation:
              . /usr/dt/lib/dtksh/DtFuncs.dtsh
         This convenience function adds one or more buttons of the
         same kind into a composite widget.  Most frequently, it is
         used to add a collection of buttons into a menupane or
         DtkshAddButtons parent widgetClass label1 callback1 [label2
         callback2 ...]
         DtkshAddButtons [-w] parent widgetClass variable1 label1
         callback1 [variable2 label2 callback2 ...]
         The -w option indicates that the convenience function should
         return the widget handle for each of the buttons it creates.
         The widget handle is returned in the specified environment
         variable.  The widgetClass argument can be set to any one of
         the following, and defaults to XmPushButtonGadget, if not
              DtkshAddButtons $MENU XmPushButtonGadget Open do_Open Save \
                  do_Save Quit exit
              DtkshAddButtons -w $MENU XmPushButtonGadget B1 Open \
                  do_Open B2 Save do_Save
         This convenience function configures a text widget (within a
         form widget), so the <carriage-return> key does not activate
         the default button within the form.  Instead, the
         <carriage-return> key moves the focus to the next text
         widget within the form.  This is useful if a window, con-
         taining a series of text widgets and the default button,
         should not be activated until the user presses the
         <carriage-return> key while the focus is in the last text
         DtkshSetReturnKeyControls textWidget nextTextWidget
         formWidget defaultButton
         The textWidget argument specifies the widget to be config-
         ured so it catches the <carriage-return> key, and forces the
         focus to move to the next text widget (as indicated by the
         nextTextWidget argument).  The formWidget argument specifies
         the form containing the default button, and must be the
         parent of the two text widgets.  The defaultButton argument
         indicates which component to treat as the default button
         within the form widget.
              DtkshSetReturnKeyControls $TEXT1 $TEXT2 $FORM $OK
              DtkshSetReturnKeyControls $TEXT2 $TEXT3 $FORM $OK
      DtkshUnder, DtkshOver, DtkshRightOf, DtkshLeftOf
         These convenience functions simplify the specification of
         certain classes of form constraints.  They provide a con-
         venient way of attaching a component to one edge of another
         component.  They are used when constructing the resource
         list for a widget.  This behavior is accomplished using the
         ATTACH_WIDGET constraint.
         DtkshUnder widgetId [offset]
         DtkshOver widgetId [offset]
         DtkshRightOf widgetId [offset]
         DtkshLeftOf widgetId [offset]
         The widgetId argument specifies the widget to which the
         current component is to be attached.  The offset value is
         optional, and defaults to zero, if not specified.
              XtCreateManagedWidget BUTTON4 button4 pushButton $FORM \
                  labelString:"Exit" $(DtkshUnder $BUTTON2) \
                  $(DtkshRightOf $BUTTON3)
      DtkshFloatRight, DtkshFloatLeft, DtkshFloatTop, DtkshFloatBot-
         These convenience functions simplify the specification of
         certain classes of form constraints.  They provide a con-
         venient way of positioning a component, independent of the
         other components within the form.  As the form grows or
         shrinks, the component maintains its relative position
         within the form.  The component may still grow or shrink,
         depending on the other form constraints specified for the
         component.  This behavior is accomplished using the
         ATTACH_POSITION constraint.
         DtkshFloatRight [position]
         DtkshFloatLeft [position]
         DtkshFloatTop [position]
         DtkshFloatBottom [position]
         The optional position argument specifies the relative posi-
         tion to which the indicated edge of the component is posi-
         tioned.  A default position is used, if one is not speci-
              XtCreateManagedWidgetBUTTON1 button1 pushButton \
                  $FORM labelString:"Ok" $(DtkshUnder $SEPARATOR) \
                  $(DtkshFloatLeft 10) $(DtkshFloatRight 40)
      DtkshAnchorRight, DtkshAnchorLeft, DtkshAnchorTop, DtkshAnchor-
         These convenience functions simplify the specification of
         certain classes of form constraints.  They provide a con-
         venient way of attaching a component to one of the edges of
         a form widget in such a fashion that, as the form grows or
         shrinks, the component's position does not change.  However,
         depending on the other form constraints set on this com-
         ponent, the component may still grow or shrink in size.
         This behavior is accomplished using the ATTACH_FORM con-
         DtkshAnchorRight [offset]
         DtkshAnchorLeft [offset]
         DtkshAnchorTop [offset]
         DtkshAnchorBottom [offset]
         The optional offset argument specifies how far from the edge
         of the form widget the component should be positioned.  If
         an offset is not specified, zero is used.
              XtCreateManagedWidget BUTTON1 button1 pushButton \
                  $FORM labelString:"Ok" $(DtkshUnder $SEPARATOR) \
                  $(DtkshAnchorLeft 10) $(DtkshAnchorBottom 10)
      DtkshSpanWidth, DtkshSpanHeight
         These convenience functions simplify the specification of
         certain classes of form constraints.  They provide a con-
         venient way of configuring a component such that it spans
         either the full height or width of the form widget.  This
         behavior is accomplished by attaching two edges of the com-
         ponent (top and bottom for DtkshSpanHeight, and left and
         right for DtkshSpanWidth) to the form widget.  The component
         typically resizes whenever the form widget is resized.  The
         ATTACH_FORM constraint is used for all attachments.
         DtkshSpanWidth [leftOffset rightOffset]
         DtkshSpanHeight [topOffset bottomOffset]
         The optional offset arguments specify how far from the edges
         of the form widget the component should be positioned.  If
         an offset is not specified, zero is used.
              XtCreateManagedWidget SEP sep separator $FORM $(DtkshSpanWidth 1 1)
      DtkshDisplayInformationDialog, DtkshDisplayQuestionDialog,
         DtkshDisplayWarningDialog, DtkshDisplayWorkingDialog,
         These convenience functions create a single instance of each
         of the Motif feedback dialogs.  If an instance of the
         requested type of dialog already exists, it is reused.  The
         parent of the dialog is obtained from the environment vari-
         able, TOPLEVEL, which should be set by the calling shell
         script, and then should not be changed.  The handle for the
         requested dialog is returned in one of the following
         environment variables:
         When attaching callbacks to the dialog buttons, the applica-
         tion should not destroy the dialog; it should simply
         unmanage the dialog so that it can be used again later.  If
         it is necessary to destroy the dialog, the associated
         environment variable should also be cleared, so the conveni-
         ence function does not attempt to reuse the dialog.
         DtkshDisplay*Dialog title message [okCallback closeCallback
         \     helpCallback dialogStyle]
         The Ok button is always managed, and by default unmanages
         the dialog.  The Cancel and Help buttons are only managed
         when a callback is supplied for them.  The dialogStyle argu-
         ment accepts any of the standard resource settings supported
         by the associated bulletin board resource.
         DtkshDisplayErrorDialog "Read Error" "Unable to read the file" \
             "OkCallback" "CancelCallback" "" DIALOG_PRIMARY_APPLICATION_MODAL
      DtkshDisplayQuickHelpDialog, DtkshDisplayHelpDialog
         These convenience functions create a single instance of each
         of the help dialogs.  If an instance of the requested type
         of help dialog already exists, it is reused.  The parent of
         the dialog is obtained from the environment variable,
         TOPLEVEL, which should be set by the calling shell script,
         and then should not be changed.  The handle for the
         requested dialog is returned in one of the following
         environment variables:
         If it is necessary to destroy a help dialog, the application
         should also clear the associated environment variable, so
         that the convenience function does not attempt to reuse the
         DtkshDisplay*HelpDialog title helpType helpInformation
         The meaning of the arguments depends on the value specified
         for the helpType argument.  The meanings are explained in
         the following table:
             helpType           helpInformation          locationId
     HELP_TYPE_DYNAMIC_STRING   help string        <not used>
     HELP_TYPE_FILE             help file name     <not used>
     HELP_TYPE_MAN_PAGE         manual page name   <not used>
     HELP_TYPE_STRING           help string        <not used>
     HELP_TYPE_TOPIC            help volume name   help topic location ID
              DtkshDisplayHelpDialog "Help On Dtksh" HELP_TYPE_FILE "helpFileName"
      Dtksh App-Defaults File
         The dtksh app-defaults file, named Dtksh, is in a location
         based on the following path description:
         The only information contained in this app-defaults file is
         the inclusion of the standard desktop base app-defaults
         file.  The contents of the dtksh app-defaults file is as
              #include "Dt"
      Non-String Values
         The C bindings of the interfaces to X, Xt and Motif include
         many non-string values defined in headers.  For example, the
         constraint values for a child of a form widget are declared,
         such as XmATTACH_FORM, with an Xt or Xm prefix followed by a
         descriptive name.  Equivalent values are specified in dtksh
         by omitting the prefix, just as in an app-defaults file.
         For example:  XmDIALOG_COMMAND_TEXT becomes
         A Boolean value can be specified as an argument to a dtksh
         command using the words True or False; case is not signifi-
      Return Values From Built-in Commands
         Graphical commands in dtksh fall into one of four
         categories, based on the definition of the corresponding C
         function in a windowing library:
            1. The function returns no values.  Example:
            2. The function is void, but returns one or more values
               through reference arguments.  Example:  XmGetColors.
            3. The function returns a non-Boolean value.  Example:
            4. The function returns a Boolean value.  Example:
         A category 1 command follows the calling sequence of its
         corresponding C function exactly; the number and order of
         arguments can be determined by looking at the standard docu-
         mentation for the function.  Example:
              XtMapWidget $FORM
         A category 2 command also generally follows the calling
         sequence as its corresponding C function.  Where a C caller
         would pass in a pointer to a variable in which a value is
         returned, the dtksh command returns a value in an environ-
         ment variable.  Example:
              echo "Foreground color = " $FOREGROUND
         A category 3 command differs slightly from its corresponding
         C function.  Where the C function returns its value as the
         value of the procedure call, a dtksh command requires an
         additional argument, which is always the first argument, and
         is the name of an environment variable into which the return
         value is placed.  Example:
              XmTextGetString TEXT_VALUE $TEXT_WIDGET
              echo "The value of the text field is "$TEXT_VALUE
         A category 4 command returns a Boolean value that can be
         used in a conditional expression, just as with the
         corresponding C function.  If the C function also returns
         values through reference variables (as in category 2), the
         dtksh command also uses variable names for the corresponding
         arguments.  Example:
              if XmIsTraversable $PUSH_BUTTON; then
                  echo "The pushbutton is traversable"
                  echo "The pushbutton is not traversable"
         Generally, the order and type of arguments passed to a com-
         mand matches those passed to the corresponding C function,
         except as noted for category 3 commands.  Other exceptions
         are described in the applicable command descriptions.
      Widget Handles
         Where a C function returns a widget handle, the correspond-
         ing dtksh commands set an environment variable equal to the
         widget handle.  These are category 3 commands; they take as
         one of their arguments the name of an environment variable
         in which to return the widget handle.  (This is an ASCII
         string used by dtksh to access the actual widget pointer.)
         For example, either of the following commands could be used
         to create a new form widget; in both cases, the widget han-
         dle for the new form widget is returned in the environment
         variable FORM:
              XtCreateManagedWidget FORM name XmForm $PARENT
              XmCreateForm FORM $PARENT name
         After either of the above commands, $FORM can be used to
         reference the form widget.  For instance, to create a label
         widget within the form widget just created, the following
         command could be used:
              XmCreateLabel LABEL $FORM namelabelString:"Hi Mom" \
                  topAttachment:ATTACH_FORM leftAttachment:ATTACH_FORM
         There is a special widget handle called NULL, provided for
         cases where a shell script may need to specify a NULL
         widget.  For example, the following disables the defaultBut-
         ton resource for a form widget:
              XtSetValues $FORM defaultButton:NULL
      Widget Resources
         Some of the Xt and Motif commands allow the shell script to
         pass in a variable number of arguments, representing
         resource and value pairs.  This is similar to the arglist
         passed in to the corresponding Xt or Motif C function.
         Examples of these commands include any of the commands used
         to create a widget, and the XtSetValues command.  In dtksh,
         resources are specified by a string with the following syn-
         tax:  resource:value.
         The name of the resource is given in the resource portion of
         the string; it is constructed by taking the corresponding Xt
         or Motif resource name and omitting the Xt or Xm prefix.
         The value to be assigned to the resource is given in the
         value portion of the string.  The dtksh utility automati-
         cally converts the value string to an appropriate internal
         representation.  For example:
              XtSetValues $WIDGET height:100 width:200 resizePolicy:RESIZE_ANY
              XmCreateLabel LABEL $PARENT myLabel labelString:"Close Dialog"
         When widget resources are retrieved using XtGetValues, the
         return value has the same syntax.  For example:
              XtGetValues $WIDGET height:HEIGHT resizePolicy:POLICY \
              echo $HEIGHT
              echo $POLICY
              echo $SENSITIVE
         Certain types of resource values have special representa-
         tion.  These include string tables and bit masks.  For
         instance, the XmList widget allows a string table to be
         specified both for the items and the selectedItems
         resources.  In dtksh, a string table is represented as a
         comma-separated list of strings, which is compatible with
         how Motif handles them from a resource file.  When a
         resource that returns a string table is queried using
         XtGetValues(3X), the resulting value is again a comma-
         separated set of strings.  A resource that expects a bit
         mask value to be passed in, expects the mask to be specified
         as a string composed of the various mask values separated by
         the ``|'' character.  When a resource that returns a bit
         mask is queried, the return value also is a string
         representing the enabled bits, separated by the ``|'' char-
         acter.  For example, the following sets the mwmFunctions
         resource for the VendorShell widget class:
              XtSetValues mwmFunctions MWM_FUNC_ALL|MWM_FUNC_RESIZE
      Unsupported Resources
         The dtksh utility supports most of the resources provided by
         Motif; however, there are certain resources that dtksh does
         not support.  The list of unsupported resources follows.
         Several of these resources can be specified at widget crea-
         tion time by using XtSetValues, but cannot be retrieved
         using XtGetValues; these are indicated by the asterisk (*)
         following the resource name.
            All Widget And Gadget Classes:
                  Any font list resource (*)
                  Any pixmap resource (*)
                  translations (*)
            Manager, Primitive and Gadget Subclasses:
         See sh(1).
         See sh(1).
      Initializing The Toolkit Environment
         Before any of the Xlib, Xt or Motif commands can be invoked,
         the shell script must first initialize the Xt toolkit by
         invoking the XtInitialize command, which returns an applica-
         tion shell widget.  XtInitialize, as with all of the com-
         mands that return a widget handle, returns the widget handle
         in the environment variable named in its first argument.
         For example:
              XtInitialize TOPLEVEL myShellName Dtksh $0$@
         Shell script writers should invoke the XtInitialize command
         as one of the first commands within a dtksh shell script.
         This allows dtksh to locate its message catalog and the
         correct app-defaults file.  If a shell error occurs before
         XtInitialize has been called, it is possible that unlocal-
         ized error messages may be displayed.  The dtksh utility
         provides a default app-defaults file to use if the call to
         XtInitialize specifies an application class name of Dtksh.
         This app-defaults file loads in the standard set of desktop
         application default values, so that these applications have
         a consistent look with other desktop applications.
      Responding to a Window Manager Close Notice
         When the user selects the Close item on the window manager
         menu for an application, the application is terminated
         unless it has arranged to catch the Close notification.
         Multiple windows managed by the application disappear, and
         application data may be left in an undesirable state.  To
         avoid this, dtksh provides for catching and handling the
         Close notification.  The application must:
            o  Define a procedure to handle the Close notification
            o  Request notification when Close is selected and over-
               ride the response, so the application is not shut down
         The following code illustrates this processing:
              # This is the `callback' invoked when the user selects
              # the `Close' menu item
                  echo "User has selected the Close menu item"
              # Create the toplevel application shell
              XtInitialize TOPLEVEL test Dtksh "$@"
              XtDisplay DISPLAY $TOPLEVEL
              # Request notification when the user selects the `Close'
              # menu item
              XmInternAtom DELETE_ATOM $DISPLAY "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" false
              XmAddWMProtocolCallback $TOPLEVEL $DELETE_ATOM "WMCallback"
              # Ask Motif to not automatically close down your
              # application window
              XtSetValues $TOPLEVEL deleteResponse:DO_NOTHING
      Responding to a Session Management Save State Notice
         Session management facilities allow applications to save
         their current state when the user terminates the current
         session, so that when the user later restarts the session,
         an application returns to the state it was in.  In dtksh
         this is accomplished by setting up a handler analogously to
         handling a Close notification.  If no such handler is set
         up, the application has to be restarted manually in the new
         session, and does not retain any state.  To set up a handler
         to save state, the application must do the following:
            o  Define functions to save state at end-of-session, and
               restore it on start-up.
            o  Register interest in the session management notifica-
            o  Register the function to save state.
            o  Determine if saved state should be restored at start-
         The following code illustrates this process:
         #! /usr/dt/bin/dtksh
         # Function invoked when the session is being ended by the user
             # Get the name of the file into which we should save our
             # session information
             if DtSessionSavePath $TOPLEVEL PATH SAVEFILE; then
                 exec 9>$PATH
                 # Save off whether we are currently in an iconified state
                 if DtShellIsIconified $TOPLEVEL ; then
                     print -u9 `Iconified'
                     print -u9 `Deiconified'
                 # Save off the list of workspaces we currently reside in
                 if DtWsmGetWorkspacesOccupied $(XtDisplay "-" $TOPLEVEL)
                         $(XtWindow "-" $TOPLEVEL)
                         CURRENT_WS_LIST ;
                     # Map the comma-separated list of atoms into
                     # their string representation
                     for item in $CURRENT_WS_LIST;
                         XmGetAtomName NAME $(XtDisplay "-" $TOPLEVEL)
                         print -u9 $NAME
                 exec 9<&-
                 # Let the session manager know how to invoke us when
                 # the session is restored
                 DtSetStartupCommand $TOPLEVEL
                     "/usr/dt/contrib/dtksh/SessionTest $SAVEFILE"
                 echo "DtSessionSavePath FAILED!!"
                 exit -3
         # Function invoked during a restore session; restores the
         # application to its previous state
             # Retrieve the path where our session file resides
             if DtSessionRestorePath $TOPLEVEL PATH $1; then
                 exec 9<$PATH
                 read -u9 ICONIFY
                 # Extract and restore our iconified state
                 case $ICONIFY in
                     Iconified) DtSetIconifyHint $TOPLEVEL True;;
                     *) DtSetIconifyHint $TOPLEVEL False;
                 # Extract the list of workspaces we belong in, convert
                 # them to atoms, and ask the workspace manager to relocate
                 # us to those workspaces
                 while read -u9 NAME
                     XmInternAtom ATOM $(XtDisplay "-" $TOPLEVEL)
                             $NAME False
                     if [ ${#WS_LIST} -gt 0 ]; then
                 DtWsmSetWorkspacesOccupied $(XtDisplay "-" $TOPLEVEL)
                         $(XtWindow "-" $TOPLEVEL) $WS_LIST
                 exec 9<&-
                 echo "DtSessionRestorePath FAILED!!"
                 exit -3
         ################## Create the Main UI #######################
         XtInitialize TOPLEVEL wmProtTest Dtksh "$@"
         XtCreateManagedWidget DA da XmDrawingArea $TOPLEVEL
         XtSetValues $DA height:200 width:200
         XmInternAtom SAVE_SESSION_ATOM $(XtDisplay "-" $TOPLEVEL)
                 "WM_SAVE_YOURSELF" False
         # If a command-line argument was supplied, then treat it as the
         # name of the session file
         if (( $# > 0))
             # Restore to the state specified in the passed-in session file
             XtSetValues $TOPLEVEL mappedWhenManaged:False
             XtRealizeWidget $TOPLEVEL
             XSync $(XtDisplay "-" $TOPLEVEL) False
             RestoreSession $1
             XtSetValues $TOPLEVEL mappedWhenManaged:True
             XtPopup $TOPLEVEL GrabNone
             # This is not a session restore, so come up in the default state
             XtRealizeWidget $TOPLEVEL
             XSync $(XtDisplay "-" $TOPLEVEL) False
         # Register the fact that we are interested in participating in
         # session management
         XmAddWMProtocolCallback $TOPLEVEL $SAVE_SESSION_ATOM
      Cooperating with WorkSpace Management
         The dtksh utility provides access to all of the major
         workspace management functions of the desktop libraries,
         including functions for:
            o  Querying and setting the set of workspaces with which
               an application is associated.
            o  Querying the list of all workspaces.
            o  Querying and setting the current workspace.
            o  Requesting that an application be notified any time
               the user changes to a different workspace.
         From a user's perspective, workspaces are identified by a
         set of names, but from the workspace manager's perspective,
         workspaces are identified by X atoms.  Whenever the shell
         script asks for a list of workspace identifiers, a string of
         X atoms is returned; if more than one X atom is present, the
         list is comma-separated.
         The workspace manager expects that the shell script uses the
         same format when passing workspace identifiers back to it.
         During a given session, it is safe for the shell script to
         work with the X atoms since they remain constant over the
         lifetime of the session.  However, as was shown in the Ses-
         sion Management shell script example, if the shell script is
         going to save and restore workspace identifiers, the
         workspace identifiers must be converted from their X atom
         representation to a string before they are saved.  Then,
         when the session is restored, the shell script needs to
         remap the names into X atoms before passing the information
         on to the workspace manager.  Mapping between X atoms and
         strings and between strings and X atoms uses the following
         two commands:
              XmInternAtom ATOM $DISPLAY $WORKSPACE_NAME false
              XmGetAtomName NAME $DISPLAY $ATOM
      Creating Localized Shell Scripts
         Scripts written for dtksh are internationalized, and then
         localized, in a process very similar to C applications.  All
         strings that may be presented to the user are identified in
         the script; a post-processor extracts the strings from the
         script, and from them builds a catalog, which can then be
         translated to any desired locale.  When the script executes,
         the current locale determines which message catalog is
         searched for strings to display.  When a string is to be
         presented, it is identified by a message-set ID (correspond-
         ing to the catalog), and a message number within the set;
         these values determine what text the user sees.  The follow-
         ing code illustrates the process:
              # Attempt to open our message catalog
              catopen MSG_CAT_ID ""
              # The localized button label is in set 1, and is message # 2
              XtCreatePushButton OK $PARENT ok
              labelString:$(catgets $MSG_CAT_ID 1 2 "OK")
              # The localized button label is in set 1, and is message #3
              XtCreatePushButton CANCEL $PARENT cancel
              labelString:$(catgets $MSG_CAT_ID 1 3 "Cancel")
              # Close the message catalog, when no longer needed
              catclose $MSG_CAT_ID
         The file descriptor returned by catopen must be closed using
         catclose, and not using the sh exec command.
      Using the dtksh Utility to Access X Drawing Functions
         The commands of the dtksh utility include standard Xlib
         drawing functions to draw lines, points, segments, rectan-
         gles, arcs and polygons.  In the standard C programming
         environment, these functions take a graphics context, or GC
         as an argument, in addition to the drawing data.  In dtksh
         drawing functions, a collection of GC options are specified
         in the argument list to the command.  By default, the draw-
         ing commands create a GC that is used for that specific com-
         mand and then discarded.  If the script specifies the -gc
         option, the name of the graphics context object can be
         passed to the command; this GC is used in interpreting the
         command, and the variable is updated with any modifications
         to the GC performed by the command.
            -gc GC
                  GC is the name of an environment variable that has
                  not yet been initialized, or which has been left
                  holding a graphic context by a previous drawing
                  command.  If this option is specified, it must be
                  the first GC option specified.
            -foreground color
                  Foreground color, which can be either the name of a
                  color or a pixel number.
            -background color
                  Background color, which can be either the name of a
                  color or a pixel number.
            -font font name
                  Name of the font to be used.
            -line_width number
                  Line width to be used during drawing.
            -function drawing function
                  Drawing function, which can be any of the follow-
                  ing:  xor, or, clear, and, copy, noop, nor, nand,
                  set, invert, equiv, andReverse, orReverse or copy-
            -line_style style
                  Line style, which can be any of the following:
                  LineSolid, LineDoubleDash or LineOnOffDash.
      Setting Widget Translations:
         The dtksh utility provides mechanisms for augmenting, over-
         riding and removing widget translations, much as in the C
         programming environment.  In C, an application installs a
         set of translation action procedures, which can then be
         attached to specific sequences of events (translations are
         composed of an event sequence and the associated action pro-
         cedure).  Translations within dtksh are handled in a similar
         fashion, except only a single action procedure is available.
         This action procedure, named ksh_eval, interprets any argu-
         ments passed to it as dtksh commands, and evaluates them
         when the translation is triggered.  The following shell
         script segment gives an example of how translations can be
                echo "Button Down event occurred in button "$1
              XtCreateManagedWidget BUTTON1 button1 XmPushButton $PARENT
                labelString:"Button 1"
                    <EnterNotify>:ksh_eval("echo Button1 entered")
                    <Btn1Down>:ksh_eval("BtnDownProcedure 1")'
              XtCreateManagedWidget BUTTON2 button2 XmPushButton $PARENT
                labelString:"Button 2"
              XtOverrideTranslations $BUTTON2
                    <Btn1Down>:ksh_eval("BtnDownProcedure 2")'
         sh(1), ksh93(1).

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