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fdl (1)
  • >> fdl (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         fdl - Font Downloader
         fdl is an application that helps system  administrators  and
         ordinary users to install, remove, and find font information
         on printers connected to Solaris  hosts.  Also,  fdl  allows
         users to perform basic printer maintenance tasks.
         Using fdl, you can download the following fonts and  support
         files to the printer:
            o  Postscript Type 1 fonts
            o  Postscript Type 9 fonts (CID Type 0 fonts)
            o  Postscript Type 10 fonts (CID Type 1 fonts)
            o  Postscript Type 11 fonts (CID Type 2 fonts)
            o  CMap files
            o  TrueType fonts with automatic conversion to Postscript
               Type 42 fonts
         The  following  fonts  are  not  supported  in  the  current
            o  TrueType fonts with automatic conversion to Postscript
               Type 11  fonts
            o  TrueType fonts with automatic  conversion  to  Type  3
         The  main  application  window  contains  a  list  of  known
         printers.   Users must explicitly add printers to this list,
         since fdl does not use UNIX-specific printing  protocols  to
         communicate with the printers.
         The main application window contains five menus:
         The File menu contains:
            o  Exit (Alt-X) - Terminates the application.
         The Edit menu contains:
            o  Font Bundle (Alt-B) - Opens  the  font  bundle  editor
         The Printer menu contains:
            o  Add (Alt-Insert) - Adds a printer to the list of known
            o  Delete (Alt-Delete) - Deletes a printer from the  list
               of known printers.
            o  Properties (Alt-Enter) - Presents a pop-up dialog  box
               containing the properties of a selected printer.
            o  Reset (Alt-R) - Resets a selected printer.
         The Download menu contains:
            o  Font  (Control-S)  -  Presents  a  pop-up  dialog  box
               through  which  the  user can select specific fonts to
               download to a selected printer.
            o  Bundle (Control-B) - Presents a pop-up window  through
               which  a  user  can  select an existing font bundle to
               download to a selected printer, create new bundles  of
               fonts, or modify an existing bundle of fonts.
         The Help menu contains:
            o  About - Opens a help window containing basic  informa-
               tion about the application.
      Managing Printers
         A user can add and remove printers from the list of printers
         known to the fdl application.
         To add a printer, select the Printer=>Add menu item or press
         Alt-Insert in the main window to open the "Add Printer" dia-
         log box. This dialog box contains the following elements:
            o  Printer Name - The logical  name  of  a  printer.  The
               current  release  supports only TCP/IP printers, where
               the logical name is their host name.
            o  Comment - Any comments about the printer.
            o  TCP/IP Printer Type combo box -  Contains  a  list  of
               supported TCP/IP printers and a generic TCP/IP printer
               that takes its Postscript input from TCP/IP port 9100.
            o  Add (Control-Enter) -Add a  printer  to  the  list  of
               known printers.
            o  Cancel (Esc)  -  Dismiss  the  window  without  saving
      Getting Printer Properties
         To get printer properties, select a printer in the list  and
         select  the Printer=>Properties item, or select a printer in
         the list and press Alt-Enter. Also, you can  double-click  a
         selected printer with the left mouse button.
         The subsequent  Printer  Properties  window  contains  three
         tabbed windows.
         The General Properties tab includes:
            o  Printer Product - Identifies the type of the printer.
            o  Postscript  Interpreter  -  Gives  a  version  of  the
               Postscript interpreter on the printer.
            o  Postscript Level - Identifies the Postscript  Language
               Level.  There  are  three  levels currently defined by
               Adobe - Level 1, Level 2,  and  Level  3.   While  fdl
               fully  supports  Level  2  printers, it has never been
               tested with Level  1  and  Level  3  printers.  It  is
               expected  that  Level 3 printers will work flawlessly;
               Level 1 printers might not work properly, or may cause
               fdl  to work incorrectly.
            o  Type 42 fonts supported - Identifies  if  the  printer
               supports  Type  42 fonts. Type 42 fonts are fonts with
               TrueType charstrings. If a printer  does  not  support
               Type  42  fonts,  TrueType  fonts must be converted to
               Type 3 fonts, however this conversion is not supported
               by this release of fdl.  Most Level 2 printers support
               Type 42 fonts.
            o  Type 11 fonts supported - Identifies  if  the  printer
               supports  Type  11 fonts. Type 11 fonts are also known
               as CID Type 2 fonts; they are CID fonts with  TrueType
               charstrings.  If  a  printer  does not support Type 11
               fonts,  TrueType fonts converted to CID  will  not  be
               supported  by  this  printer. Many Level 2 and Level 3
               printers support Type 11 fonts.
            o  Total  Memory   -  Total  amount  of  RAM  (in  bytes)
               installed on the printer.
            o  Available Memory  -  Amount of available RAM.
            o  Number of Disks - Number of hard  disks  connected  to
               the printer
            o  Disk Size  - Total number of bytes on all  disks  con-
               nected to the printer.
            o  Available Disk Size - Amount of available disk space.
         The Font List tab contains a list of fonts available on  the
         printer as well as the following information:
            o  Font Properties (Alt-F) - Opens a window that contains
               the following properties of a selected font:
                  o  Font name - The Postscript font name.
                  o  Font type - The Postscript font type.
                  o  Font location - The location of the font on  the
         To open this window and view font properties, you  can  also
         double click on the name of a specific font.
            o  Remove (Alt-R) - Use this  button  to  remove  a  font
               which  is  located  on  a  hard  disk connected to the
            o  Print Sample - Prints a glyph sample of  the  selected
            o  Print List - Prints the list of available fonts.
         The Advanced tab contains the following controls:
            o  Sample Page Radix - Determines the notation  in  which
               the  code positions of the characters on a font sample
               page will be represented.
            o  Sample Page Size - Specifies  the  dimensions  of  the
               paper used to print a font sample page.
            o  exitserver Password  - Specifies a password that  must
               be  used  with certain privileged Postscript commands.
               If the printer does not  have  the  password  security
               mode  enabled,  the  value  of the exitserver password
               does not matter.
            o  Format Disk - Formats a disk connected to a Postscript
      Resetting a Printer
         To reset a printer, select the Printer=>Reset menu  item  or
         use  its  shortcut  (Alt-R)  to perform a soft reboot of the
      Downloading Fonts
         To download fonts to the printer, select the  Download=>Font
         menu item or use its shortcut (Control-T) to open a Download
         Font dialog box. The Download Font  dialog  box  contains  a
         list  of currently selected fonts for downloading as well as
         several command buttons, described below.
            o  Add (Alt-A or Ins) - Adds a font  or  a  file  to  the
               list. You can add only the following:
                  o  Type 1 fonts in PFA format
                  o  Type 1 fonts in PFB format
                  o  TrueType fonts
                  o  CID fonts
                  o  CMap files
            o  Remove (Alt-R or Del) - Removes a font from the list.
            o  Properties (Alt-P) - Opens a font  properties  window,
               which contains two tabbed menus: Basic and Advanced.
               The Basic Font Properties tab displays  the  following
               font information:
                  o  Font Name (Postscript  name),  Full  Font  Name,
                     Font Type, Font Copyright
         The Advanced Font Properties tab displays several modifiable
         parameters specific to the selected font and printer:
                 o  Type Conversion - This parameter is  enabled  for
                    TrueType  fonts  only  and  is disabled for other
                    fonts. In this release the only  supported  value
                    is  "Type 42" which specifies that the font is to
                    be converted to Postscript Type 42 font.
                 o  Encoding - This parameter is enabled for TrueType
                    fonts  only  and  is disabled for other fonts. It
                    specifies the encoding vector that the  resulting
                    Postscript Type 42 font will have.
                 o  Destination - This parameter is enabled  only  if
                    the  selected  printer  has multiple destinations
                    for downloading (like RAM or hard disk) and  dis-
                    abled otherwise.
                 o  Include CMap files - This  parameter  is  enabled
                    only for CID fonts. fdl is shipped with an exten-
                    sive set of Adobe CMap files. If this checkbox is
                    selected,   all  of  these  CMap  files  will  be
                    automatically downloaded with the CID font.
            o  Save  (Alt-S)  -  Assigns  a  name  to  the  currently
               selected list of fonts.
            o  Download (Alt-D or Control-Enter) - Downloads fonts to
               the  selected  printer.  It  applies  all  conversions
               specified in the Font Properties dialog for each  font
               in the list.
            o  Cancel (Esc) - Dismisses this window without download-
               ing any fonts.
      Downloading and Editing Font Bundles
         fdl defines a font bundle as a  named  collection  of  fonts
         downloaded  together  in a single download job. Each font in
         this collection has its own conversion properties. There are
         several ways users can add, modify and remove font bundles.
         Edit=>Font Bundle opens a Font Bundle List dialog  box  con-
         taining  a  list  of  all known font bundles. Using the Font
         Bundle Edit dialog box, a user can add, remove, or view  and
         modify  properties  of  the member fonts. Font properties of
         the font bundle member fonts are the same with the following
         exception:  Destination  is  always enabled and contains the
         following items:
            o   RAM - This member font will be always  downloaded  to
               the RAM of a target printer.
            o  Disk Only - This member font will be always downloaded
               to  a  hard  disk  of a target printer. If the printer
               doesn't have a hard disk connected to  it,  this  font
               will not be downloaded.
            o  Disk or Memory - If a target printer has a  hard  disk
               connected to it, the member font will be downloaded to
               the hard disk.  Otherwise, the  member  font  will  be
               downloaded to RAM.
         The Font Bundle List dialog box also contains the  following
            o  Add (Alt-A or Ins) - Adds a new  font  bundle  to  the
               list.  The  new  font  bundle is named "New Bundle" by
               default, and contains no fonts.
            o  Clone (Alt-L) - Creates a copy of  the  selected  font
               bundle.  The  name  of  this  copy  is  "Copy  of " by
               default, and it contains all the fonts from the origi-
               nal font bundle.
            o  Remove - Removes the selected  font  bundle  from  the
            o  Rename - Changes the name of the selected font bundle.
         Download=>Font Bundle opens a Download  Font  Bundle  dialog
         box.  The  only  difference  between this dialog box and the
         Font Set List dialog box is the  presence  of  the  Download
         button, which downloads a selected font bundle to a selected
         printer.  The shortcut for Download is Control-D.
         The Save button of the Download Font dialog  box  saves  the
         list  of the selected fonts as a new bundle with a name "New
         Bundle." A Font Bundle List dialog  box  will  appear,  with
         this newly created font bundle selected. You can then change
         its name with the "Rename" button.
         The following bugs and issues have been identified  in  this
            o  "Print List" does not print CID fonts.
            o  Once downloaded to the hard disk, CMap files cannot be
            o  Several important conversions are not supported.
            o  Changing the encoding of a Postscript Type 1  font  is
               not supported.

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