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javadoc (1)
  • >> javadoc (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         javadoc - Java API Documentation Generator
         javadoc [ -author ] [ -classpath path ] [ -d directory ]
              [ -d ] [ -docencoding name ] [ -encoding name ]
              [ -J flag ] [ -nodeprecated ] [ -noindex ] [ -notree ]
              [ -package ] [ -private ] [ -protected ] [ -public ]
              [ -sourcepath path ] [ -verbose ] [ -version ]
              [ package | ]*
         The javadoc command parses the declarations  and  documenta-
         tion  comments  in a set of Java source files and produces a
         set of HTML pages describing, by  default,  the  public  and
         protected  classes,  interfaces,  constructors, methods, and
         fields. As an argument to javadoc you pass either  a  series
         of Java package names or source files.
         javadoc generates one .html file for  each  .java  file  and
         each package it encounters. In addition, it produces a class
         hierarchy  (tree.html)  and  an  index  of   those   members
         When javadoc parses the class  and  member  delarations,  it
         picks  up their signatures for inclusion. Further documenta-
         tion can be added by including doc comments  in  the  source
      Commenting the Source Code
         You can include documentation comments in the source code. A
         doc  comment consists of the characters between the /** that
         begins the comment and the */ that  ends  it.  The  text  is
         divided  into  one  or more lines. When javadoc parses a doc
         comment, leading * characters on each  line  are  discarded;
         for  lines  other  than the first, blanks and tabs preceding
         the initial * characters are also discarded. These  comments
         may include HTML tags. Here is a doc comment:
              * This is a <b>doc</b> comment.
         The first sentence of each doc comment should be  a  summary
         sentence,  containing  a concise but complete description of
         the declared entity. This sentence ends at the first  period
         that  is followed by a blank, tab, or line terminator, or at
         the first tag (as defined below). javadoc copies this  first
         sentence to the member summary at the top of the .html file.
         Documentation  comments  are  only  recognized  when  placed
         immediately before class, interface, constructor, method, or
         field declarations.
         When you embed HTML tags within a doc  comment,  you  should
         not  use  heading tags such as <h1> and <h2> because javadoc
         creates an entire structured document and  these  structural
         tags  interfere  with  the formatting of the generated docu-
         For the specification on documentation comments, see Chapter
         18,  "Documentation Comments," in The Java Language Specifi-
         cation, by James Gosling, Bill Joy, and  Guy  Steele.   (See
         SEE ALSO section below.)
      Tagged Paragraphs
         javadoc parses special tags that are  recognized  when  they
         are  embedded  within  a  Java  doc  comment. These doc tags
         enable you to autogenerate a  complete,  well-formatted  API
         from your source code.  The tags start with an "at" sign ( @
         Tags must start at the beginning of a line. Keep  tags  with
         the  same  name  together within a doc comment. For example,
         put all @author tags together so that javadoc can tell where
         the list ends.
         The tags fall into three  categories:  class  and  interface
         tags,  field  tags, and constructor and method tags; each is
         itemized in the following sections.
      Class and Interface Documentation Tags
         @author name-text
                        Creates an "Author" entry. The  text  has  no
                        special internal structure. A doc comment may
                        contain multiple @author tags.
         @deprecated deprecated-text
                        Adds a  deprecated  comment  indicating  that
                        this  API  should  no  longer  be  used (even
                        though it may continue to work).  The conven-
                        tion  is to describe the API that serves as a
                        replacement. For example:
                             @deprecated Replaced  by  setBounds(int,
                             int, int,
                        If the member is obsolete  and  there  is  no
                        replacement,   the  argument  to  @deprecated
                        should be "No replacement".
                        For more about this tag, see  Deprecation  of
         @version version-text
                        Adds a "Version" entry. The text has no  spe-
                        cial  internal  structure.  A doc comment may
                        contain, at most, one @version  tag.  Version
                        normally   refers   to  the  version  of  the
                        software (such as the JDK) that contains this
         @since since-text
                        Adds a "Since" entry. The text has no special
                        internal  structure. This tag means that this
                        change  or  feature  has  existed  since  the
                        release  number  of the software specified by
                        the since-text (such as the JDK).
         @see classname Adds a hyperlinked "See Also"  entry  to  the
                        class. Some examples are:
                             @see java.lang.String
                             @see String
                             @see String#equals
                             @see java.lang.Object#wait(int)
                             @see Character#MAX_RADIX
                             @see <a href="spec.html">Java Spec</a>
                        The character # separates the name of a class
                        from  the name of one of its fields, methods,
                        or constructors. One  of  several  overloaded
                        methods  or  constructors  may be selected by
                        including a parenthesized  list  of  argument
                        types  after  the method or constructor name.
                        White space in @see's classname  is  signifi-
                        cant.  If  there  is  more than one argument,
                        there  must  be  a  single  blank   character
                        between the arguments. For example:
                        A doc comment may contain more than one  @see
                        An example of a class comment:
                             * A class representing a window on the screen.
                             * For example:
                             * <pre>
                             *    Window win = new Window(parent);
                             * </pre>
                             * @author  Sami Shaio
                             * @version 1.6, 07/23/99
                             * @see     java.awt.BaseWindow
                             * @see     java.awt.Button
                             class Window extends BaseWindow {
      Field Documentation Tags
         A field comments can  contain  only  the  @see,  @since  and
         @deprecated tag (as described above).
         An example of a field comment:
              * The X-coordinate of the window.
              * @see window#1
              int x = 1263732;
      Constructor and Method Documentation Tags
         Can contain @see tags, as well as:
         @param parameter-name description
                        Adds a parameter to the "Parameters" section.
                        The  description may be continued on the next
         @return description
                        Adds a "Returns" section, which contains  the
                        description of the return value.
         @exception fully-qualified-class-name description
                        Adds a "Throws" section, which  contains  the
                        name  of  the exception that may be thrown by
                        the method. The exception is  linked  to  its
                        class documentation.
         @see classname Adds a hyperlinked "See Also"  entry  to  the
                        method. This tag is described above.
         @since deprecated-text
                        See the description above.
         @since since-text
                        See the description above.
                        An example of a method doc comment:
                             * Returns the character at the specified index. An index
                             * ranges from <code>0</code> to <code>length() - 1</code>.
                             * @param     index the index of the desired character.
                             * @return    the desired character.
                             * @exception StringIndexOutOfRangeException
                             *              if the index is not in the range <code>0</code>
                             *              to <code>length()-1</code>.
                             * @see       java.lang.Character#charValue()
                             public char charAt(int index) {
         The following options are supported:
         -author        Includes @author tags, which are  omitted  by
         -classpath path
                        NOTE: In  general,  do  not  use  -classpath,
                        because  it  is  normally  not  needed; use -
                        sourcepath instead to specify .java files.
                        Specifies the directories from which  javadoc
                        is  to  load the .class files used to execute
                        the  javadoc  tool.  If  -sourcepath  is  not
                        specified, this also specifies the path java-
                        doc uses to look up the .java files to  docu-
                        ment.   It   overrides  the  default  or  the
                        CLASSPATH environment variable, if it is set.
                        The   path  can  contain  multiple  paths  by
                        separating them with a colon.  Set  the  path
                        the   same  way  you  do  for  the  CLASSPATH
                        environment variable. For example,  the  fol-
                        lowing  sets two paths: current directory (.)
                        and /home/opus/myclasses:
                             javadoc                       -classpath
                             .:/home/opus/myclasses myPackage.MyClass
                        The -classpath option is not necessary if you
                        call  javadoc  wrapper  script directly. Nor-
                        mally, if you specify classpath it must  pre-
                        cede  sourcepath. However, the order of these
                        two options does not matter if you are  using
                        the wrapper script.
                        The  value  of  classpath  defaults  to   the
                        current  directory plus the classes location,
                        as described  in  the  CLASSPATH  environment
         -d directory   Specifies  the  destination  directory  where
                        javadoc stores the generated HTML files. (The
                        "d" means "destination.") The  directory  can
                        be  absolute or relative to the current work-
                        ing directory.  For  example,  the  following
                        generates the documentation for the java.lang
                        package (using  CLASSPATH  to  find  it)  and
                        stores the results in the directory specified
                        by the -d option:
                             example%           javadoc            -d
                             /home/opus/public_html/doc java.lang
         -docencoding name
                        Specifies output HTML file encoding name.
         -encoding name Specifies the source file encoding name, such
                        as EUCJIS/SJIS.  If this option is not speci-
                        fied, the platform default converter is used.
         -J flag        Passes flag directly to the  runtime  system.
                        For  example,  if you need to ensure that the
                        system sets aside 32 megabytes of  memory  to
                        hold the generated documentation, then use -J
                        as follows:
                             example% javadoc -J-mx32m -J-ms32m ...
         -nodeprecated  Excludes paragraphs with the @deprecated tag.
                        Please note that the -doctype  option  is  no
                        longer  available.   Only  HTML documentation
                        can be produced.
         -noindex       Omits the default package index.
         -notree        Omits  the  default   class   and   interface
         -package       Shows only  package,  protected,  and  public
                        classes and members.
         -private       Shows all classes and members.
         -protected     Shows only protected and public  classes  and
                        members. This is the default.
         -public        Shows only public classes and members.
         -sourcepath path
                        Specifies the search path for  source  files.
                        Does  not  affect the loading of class files.
                        The path you specify depends on  whether  you
                        specify  packages  or classes as javadoc com-
                        mand arguments.
                        When generating documentation  for  packages,
                        specify  the  source path as the directory in
                        the source tree  that  contains  the  topmost
                        parent package of the those you are document-
                        ing. The default for the source path  is  the
                        current  -classpath  directory.  For example,
                        suppose you want to document a package called
                        java.lang whose source files are located at:
                        Because java(1) is the top-most parent  pack-
                        age, you specify that the directory that con-
                        tains java as the source path.
                             example%       javadoc       -sourcepath
                        When generating  documentation  for  discrete
                        classes,  specify  the  source  path  as  the
                        directory in the source  tree  that  contains
                        the  classes  you  are documenting. Note that
                        this is different from the  source  path  you
                        used  when documenting packages. For example,
                        suppose you want to document  a  class  named
                        java.lang.String whose source file is located
                        Specify the directory  containing  the  class
               as the source path.
                             example%       javadoc       -sourcepath
                        You can omit the -sourcepath  option  if  you
                        first  switch to the directory you would have
         -verbose       Causes the printing  of  additional  messages
                        specifying  the  number of milliseconds taken
                        to parse each source file.  Without the  ver-
                        bose  option, messages appear for loading the
                        source files,  generating  the  documentation
                        (one message per source file), and sorting.
         -version       Includes @version tags, which are omitted  by
         Each package name has a corresponding directory name. In the
         following   examples,   the  source  files  are  located  at
         /home/ws/src/java/awt/*java.  The destination  directory  is
      One or More Packages
         To document a package, the source files  (*.java)  for  that
         package  must be located in a directory having the same name
         as the package. If a package name  is  made  up  of  several
         identifiers  (separated by dots), each identifier represents
         a different  directory.  Thus,  all  java.awt  classes  must
         reside in a directory named java/awt/.
         First, change to the parent directory of the topmost package
         (or  supply the sourcepath option with that directory). Then
         run javadoc, supplying one or more  fully-specified  package
         names.   For  example,  if  you  want to document the source
         files    in    the    java.awt    package     located     at
         /home/ws/src/java/awt/*.java      and     its     subpackage
              example% cd /home/ws/src/
              example%    javadoc    -d    /home/ws/html     java.awt
         This generates HTML-formatted documentation for  the  public
         classes  in  packages  java.awt  and java.awt.event and puts
         them in the specified destination directory (/home/ws/html).
      One or More Classes
         Change to the directory containing the class (or supply  the
         sourcepath  option  with  that directory). Then run javadoc,
         supplying one or more class names.
              example% cd /home/ws/src/java/awt
              example% javadoc -d /home/ws/html
         This generates  HTML-formatted  documentation  for  the  two
         classes and puts them in the specified destination directory
         CLASSPATH      Used to provide the system  with  a  path  to
                        user-defined    classes.    Directories   are
                        separated by colons, for example,
         AllNames.html       An index of members.
         tree.html           A hierarchy of classes.
         See attributes(5) for a description of the following  attri-
        | Availability  |  SUNWjvdev      |
         java(1), javac(1),  javadoc(1),  javap(1),  jdb(1),  jre(1),
         The Java Language Specification
         For information on related topics, use the search link @

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