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maple (1)
  • >> maple (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         maple - Interactive computer algebra system
         maple [-a] [-A assertLevel] [-b libname]  [-c  mapleCommand]
         [-D  macroDef]  [-e  errorBreak]  [-F]  [-g  gcInterval] [-I
         includePath] [-i initFile] [-km kernelmode] [-L logFile] [-l
         latexOption]  [-P]  [-q]  [-s]  [-T  resourceLimit] [-t] [-U
         macroName] [-w warnLevel] [-x] [-z file]
         Maple has the ability to algebraically manipulate  unbounded
         integers,  exact  rational  numbers, real numbers with arbi-
         trary  precision,  symbolic  formulae,  polynomials,   sets,
         lists,  equations,  arrays,  vectors,  and matrices.  It can
         solve systems of equations and differentiate  and  integrate
         In the following example from a Maple session, Maple's  out-
         put is shown to the right of the input expressions.
         p := x^2-x-2;
                                         p := x  - x - 2
         q := (x+1)^2;
                                          q := (x + 1)
         s := p/q;
                                              x  - x - 2
                                        s := ------------
                                               (x + 1)
         diff(s,x); # Differentiate with respect to x.
                                     2 x - 1       x  - x - 2
                                   ---------- - 2 ------------
                                           2               3
                                    (x + 1)         (x + 1)
                                              x - 2
                                              x + 1
         x := 3^50;
                                  x := 717897987691852588770249
         s; # Re-evaluate s with a value substituted for x.
         evalf[40](s); # Re-evaluate to a 40=digit floating-point approximation.
         The command maple actually invokes  a  script  which  parses
         various  command  line options, sets appropriate environment
         variables, and then starts the Maple kernel (and possibly  a
         separate  user  interface). The command xmaple invokes maple
         with the -x option (see below).
         -a   The -a (assertion) option  tells  Maple  to  check  all
              assertions.    This   is   equivalent   to   specifying
              kernelopts(assertlevel=1) at the beginning of the  ses-
         -A   The -A (Assertion level)  option  sets  the  degree  of
              assertion  checking.  The -A option must be followed by
              the integer 0, 1, or 2.  This is equivalent to specify-
              ing  kernelopts(assertlevel=N)  at the beginning of the
         -b   The -b (library) option tells Maple that the  following
              argument  should  be used as the pathname of the direc-
              tory which contains the Maple library. This initializes
              the Maple  variable 'libname'. By default, 'libname' is
              initialized  with  the  pathname  /usr/local/maple/lib.
              Some  sites  may  customize  the  maple shell script to
              redefine the library pathname. For example,
                      maple -b /usr/public/waterloo/maple/lib $*
              More than one -b option can be specified. In this case,
              the  first  -b  option  overrides the default 'libname'
              setting, and subsequent  -b  options  are  appended  to
              'libname',  forming  a  Maple  expression  sequence  of
              directory names.
         -c   The -c (execute command)  option  specifies  a  command
              that Maple is to execute on startup. The command can be
              any valid Maple command, but may not contain any  blank
              characters.  Multiple -c options may be specified. Com-
              mands specified by -c options, and files  specified  by
              -i  options,  are  executed  in the order in which they
              were specified, after  the  initialization  files  have
              been read.
         -D   The -D (Define) option is used to predefine a macro for
              Maple's  preprocessor. The -D option can be followed by
              either a symbol, or  a  symbol,  equal  sign,  and  the
              definition  of  the  symbol. Multiple -D options can be
              used to define multiple symbols.
         -e   The -e (break on error) option tells Maple what  to  do
              when  an error is encountered while reading a file. -e0
              tells Maple to to report the error and keep reading the
              file. -e1 (the default) tells Maple to stop reading the
              file (and to skip to the end) when a  syntax  error  is
              encountered.  -e2  tells  Maple  to stop reading and to
              skip to the end when any type of error is  encountered.
              This  behavior can also be changed from within Maple by
              using the command interface(errorbreak=n) where n is 0,
              1, or 2.
         -F   The -F (no filter) option prevents Maple  from  exiting
              when  the  standard  input  has  been redirected from a
              file, and the  end  of  the  file  is  encountered.  By
              default,  Maple  will  exit.  If -F is specified, Maple
              will instead continue interactively at that point.
         -g   The -g (garbage collection interval) option tells Maple
              at  what  interval  (in  terms  of  number  of words of
              storage allocated) to perform garbage  collection.  The
              default  on most UNIX platforms is every 250,000 words.
              This setting can also be changed from within  Maple  by
              using  the command kernelopts(gcfreq=n), where n is the
              interval you want.
         -I   The -I (Include) option  specifies  directories  to  be
              searched  for  files  specified in $include directives.
              Multiple directories can be searched, separated by com-
              mas. Alternatively, multiple B-I options can be used to
              specify multiple directories.
         -i   The -i (initialization  file)  option  specifies  addi-
              tional  files  to be read after the standard Maple ini-
              tialization files.  Multiple -i options may  be  speci-
              fied.  Files  specified  by  -i  options,  and commands
              specified by -c options, are executed in the  order  in
              which they were specified, after the normal initializa-
              tion files have been read.
         -km  The -km p (parallel kernel mode) option, which  applies
              only  to  the graphical interface versions of Maple, is
              used to start Maple in the parallel server kernel mode.
              The  parallel server mode enables each worksheet within
              a given  Maple  session  to  be  independent  of  other
              The -km s (single kernel mode)  option,  which  applies
              only  to  graphical interface version of Maple, is used
              to start Maple in the single  server  kernel  mode.  By
              default,  all  worksheets  during a given session share
              the same mathematical information. For example, if  you
              assign  a  value  to  a  variable in one worksheet, all
              other  worksheets  in  the  current  session  will   be
              affected by this new definition.
         -L   The -L (Log file) option is used to create a log of all
              the  library  modules that are loaded during the course
              of  a  Maple  session.  This  is  useful  if  you  have
              developed  a  library  of  Maple  routines, and want to
              determine which ones are actually used. As each  object
              is  loaded,  its  name is recorded in the specified log
              file.  This file is not closed until the Maple  session
         -l   The -l (latex) option causes  Maple  to  run  in  LaTeX
              filter mode.  This is useful in the production of books
              using (or about) Maple. The -l options is specified  by
              a sub-option specific to LaTeX filter mode. Multiple -l
              options can be used to introduce multiple sub-options.
         -P   The -P (Parse only) option causes Maple to read  input,
              but  not  evaluate any expressions. This can be used to
              quickly check a  file  of  Maple  commands  for  syntax
              errors,  and  should be used in conjunction with -e0 so
              that Maple will not stop when an error is  encountered.
              It is also useful in conjuction with Maple's preproces-
              sor to preview all the preprocessing operations without
              actually executing anything.
         -q   The -q (quiet) option will  suppress  the  printing  of
              Maple's startup message, various informational messages
              (bytes used messages and garbage collection  messages),
              and  the  signoff  message.  Maple is better suited for
              use as a filter when these messages are suppressed.
         -s   The -s (suppress initialization) option causes Maple to
              forgo reading any initialization file when initiating a
              If there is a  system-wide  Maple  initialization  file
              with  the  name  init under the src subdirectory of the
              Maple library, then this file is  read  and  the  Maple
              statements  in  it  are  executed  before  the  session
              starts. If a Maple initialization file named .mapleinit
              exists  in the user's home directory, this file is read
         -T   The -T (Test limit) option is used to limit the  amount
              of  system resources that Maple can consume before exe-
              cution is terminated. This option  takes  four  parame-
              ters,  separated by commas.  The CPU time limit parame-
              ter specifies the maximum number of seconds of CPU time
              that  the  Maple process is to use. The data limit res-
              tricts the amount of memory, in kBytes, that Maple  can
              use.  The  stack  limit sets the maximum stack size, in
              kBytes. The core dump limit specifies the maximum  size
              of core file that can be produced in the unlikely event
              of a core dump. You can specify any prefix of the  four
              parameters,  and  omit  the  rest (for example, specify
              just the CPU and data limits).
         -t   The -t (test mode) option causes Maple  to  change  its
              configuration  to  one  suitable  for running the Maple
              test suite.  Specifically, the  prompt  is  changed  to
              "#-->",  prettyprinting  is  disabled,  and all but the
              last "bytes used" messages are suppressed.   The  final
              "bytes used" message is printed to stderr.  This is not
              normally needed by Maple users.
         -U   The -U (Undefine) option is used to  undefine  a  Maple
              preprocessor macro that was defined earlier on the com-
              mand line by a -D option. The -U option  must  be  fol-
              lowed  by  the symbol to undefine.  Multiple -U options
              can be used to undefine multiple symbols.
         -w   The -w (warning level) option specifies  whether  maple
              should  print  certain  warnings.   -w0  suppresses all
              warnings. -w1 allows only  warnings  generated  by  the
              library to be printed (for example, "new definition for
              ...", as generated by the "with" function). -w2  allows
              warnings  generated  by  the library or the kernel (for
              example,  "...  is  implicitly  declared  local").  -w3
              allows  warnings  generated by the library, the kernel,
              or the parser (for example, "...   unterminated  string
              constant...").   -w4  allows all of the above, and also
              warnings about things that are different from the  pre-
              vious  release (for example, "... is a lexically scoped
              parameter). The default setting is -w3.
         -x   The -x (X interface) option causes Maple to run with an
              X Window user interface (see the "WINDOWS SYSTEMS" sec-
         -z   The -z option disables some  Maple  features,  such  as
              read,  save,  mkdir,  currentdir, rmdir, march, system,
              writeto, appendto, and any file I/O operations such  as
              fopen  and  fprint.  This  makes  it a bit safer to use
              Maple in a server mode (for example,  behind  a  simple
              Web  form  to  solve  some  limited  class of problem).
              However, Waterloo Maple does  not  guarantee  that  the
              -zFR  option  will prevent users from compromising your
              system through Maple  input.  Furthermore,  your  Maple
              license  may  also prevent you from using Maple in this
              way (making it publicly available).
         If you are running Maple V under a windowing  system,  there
         may  be  a user interface specific to that system. For exam-
         ple, X Window users (this includes Motif and OpenLook users)
         can run Maple by using the xmaple command.
         In addition to the Maple options  described  above,  options
         specific  to  window  systems can also be used. For example,
         the option -bg red tells the X version of Maple to  use  red
         as the background color.
         The mint and updtsrc commands.
         Maple uses several system environment variables.  These  are
         generally  set  by  the  maple  script, so the user need not
         worry about them.
         The  MAPLE  variable  specifies  where  to  find  the  Maple
         library,  the  Maple  share library, the help browser index,
         and various configuration files. If the  MAPLE  variable  is
         undefined, Maple uses "/usr/local/maple" as the default.
         The HOME variable is  used  to  identify  where  the  user's
         .mapleinit file is located.
         The PATH variable is used to locate auxiliary programs, such
         as the plot driver.
         $MAPLE/lib  -  Maple  library  (where  the  setting  of  the
         environment variable MAPLE is subject to change at each ins-
         $MAPLE/lib/src/init - system wide initialization file (where
         the  setting of the environment variable MAPLE is subject to
         change at each installation).
         $HOME/.mapleinit - user's own Maple initialization file.
         $MAPLE/afm/* - Adobe  Font  Metric  files  used  by  Maple's
         PostScript(tm) plot driver.
         $XAPPLRESDIR/Maple6 - the resource file used by the X Window
         System Maple interface.
         $XAPPLRESDIR/Maple2dX11m - the resource file used by  the  X
         Window System two-dimensional plotting interface.
         $XAPPLRESDIR/Maple3dX11m - the resource file used by  the  X
         Window System three-dimensional plotting interface.
         If you have a question that you think is of a very  specific
         nature  and  not  of interest to others, you may send a mail
         message to your site  license  technical  administrator  (if
         your  site  has a site license). The technical administrator
         for your site is:
         If your site does not have a site license, send your techni-
         cal queries to:
              [email protected]
         An e-mail discussion group, the Maple User's Group (MUG), is
         available  for  sharing of information among Maple users. To
         join  the  Maple   User's   Group,   send   an   e-mail   to
         "[email protected]",  containing  the  text "sub-
         scribe maple-list". To contribute to the  group,  e-mail  to
         "[email protected]".

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