NAME skicert - retrieve, remove, and view a certificate SYNOPSIS skicert -F [-s | -v] [[-h [-L virtual_host]] | -k key_owner] [-p | [-B] cert_file] skicert [-G] [-p] [-s | -v] [[-h [-L virtual_host]] | -k key_owner] skicert -R -h [-L virtual_host] [-s | -v] [-e | -a authority -n number] skicert -R -k key_owner [-s | -v] [-e | -a authority -n number] skicert -S [-p] [-s | -v] [ [-B] cert_file] AVAILABILITY SUNWski DESCRIPTION An X.509 certificate binds a public key value to a subject identity (represented as an X.500 Distinguished Name (DN)). The binding is achieved by having a trusted certification authority (CA) digitally sign the certificate. Certificates can be stored in any XFN supported repository such as NIS or NIS+, in order to be made available to a large user community. The skicert utility allows retrieval, removal, and viewing of certificates from the configured repository. Storing Certificate in File The skicert -F command retrieves the certificate(s) owned by key_owner or the host (with -h option) from the naming ser- vice and stores them in cert_file. If cert_file already exists, it is overwritten. If no cert_file is provided, the retrieved certificates are printed to stdout. If the -p option is used, the retrieved certificates are displayed one at a time, and for each certificate, the user is prompted for a filename in which to store the certifi- cate. If no filename is provided, the displayed certificate will not be stored. If the specified file already exists, it is overwritten. The key_owner can be specified as an X.500 distinguished name in string representation or as a UNIX username. If key_owner is not provided, it is set to the user's UNIX username. Viewing Certificate from Naming Service The skicert -G command retrieves the certificate(s) owned by key_owner from the configured naming service and outputs them in a user-friendly format to stdout. This is the default operation mode. The key_owner can be specified as an X.500 distinguished name in string representation or as a UNIX username. If no key_owner is provided, it is set to the user's name. All certificates are printed out all at once. If the -p option is used, the certificates are displayed one at a time. Removing a Certificate The skicert -R command allows a system administrator to remove one or more host or user certificates from the con- figured name service, such as NIS or NIS+. If the -h option is used, one or more certificates belonging to the host are removed from the name service. Otherwise, one or more certificates owned by key_owner are removed from the name service. The key_owner can be specified as an X.500 distinguished name in string representation or as a UNIX username. If the -e option is specified, all certificates belonging to the host or key_owner are removed from the name service. Otherwise, the certificate identified by a combination of authority and number is removed from the name service, where authority is the X.500 Distinguished Name in printable representation of the issuing authority, and number is the serial number of the certificate to be removed. If no authority and number information is provided at the command line (and the -e option is not used), the system administra- tor will be prompted for this information. If no issuer is provided at the prompt, all certificates belonging to the host or key_owner are removed from the name service. Note that this operation can only be run by the superuser. Viewing Certificate from File The skicert -S command reads the certificates from the file specified by cert_file and outputs the certificate contents in a user-friendly format to stdout. If no cert_file is given, the certificates are read from stdin. By default, this option expects a RFC1421 formatted certifi- cate. Use the -B option if the cert_file contains a binary formatted certificate. If the cert_file contains a binary formatted certificate, it should not contain the "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" boundaries, and only one binary certificate is allowed. By default, all certificates are printed out all at once. If the -p option is used, the certificates are displayed one at a time. OPTIONS skicert can be run in the following modes: -F Retrieve one or more certificates from the config- ured repository and output them to a file or stdout. By default, each certificate is output in printable encoding (as defined by the Internet RFC1421 stan- dard), and bounded at the beginning by: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and bounded at the end by "----- END CERTIFICATE-----". If the -B option is used, the certificate is output in a binary format without boundaries. -G View (display contents of) one or more certificates from the configured repository. Each certificate is output to stdout in a user-friendly format. This is the default operation mode. -R Remove one or more certificates from the configured repository. -S Read one or more certificates from the file speci- fied by cert_file, and output their contents in a user-friendly format to stdout. If no cert_file is provided, the certificates are read from stdin. By default, each certificate in cert_file must be pro- vided in the printable encoding format as defined by the Internet RFC1421 standard, and must be bounded at the beginning by "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", and bounded at the end by "-----END CERTIFICATE---- -". Each of the boundaries must be followed by a NEWLINE. Please refer to the example below. If -B option is used, the cert_file must not include the boundaries. The following options are supported for all modes: -s Run application silently (no status or error infor- mation displayed). -v Give verbose output. If both the -v and the -s options are specified, the -v option is ignored. The following additional options apply only to skicert -F, skicert -G, and skicert -R: -h Operate on a host certificate. This option may not be used in conjunction with the -k option. -L virtual_host Name or the dot separated IP address of the virtual host on whose certificate to operate. This option is valid only with -h option. -k key_owner Identity of certificate owner. This is an X.500 dis- tinguished name in string representation, for example, "cn=Alice Smith, ou=SunSoft, o=SUN, c=US", or a UNIX username. Defaults to the user's name. This option may not be used in conjunction with the -h option. The following additional options apply only to skicert -F, and skicert -S: -B cert_file The cert_file contains a binary formatted certificate. The following additional options apply only to skicert -F, skicert -G, and skicert -S: -p Display (and store in the case of skicert -F) the cer- tificates one at a time, rather than all at once (which is the default). In the case of skicert -F, this option may not be used in conjunction with cert_file. The following additional options apply only to skicert -R: -e Remove all certificates belonging to host or key_owner. This option may not be used in conjunction with the -a or -n options. -a authority Issuer for certificate to be removed. This is an X.500 distinguished name in string representation, e.g. "cn=CA, ou=SunSoft, o=SUN, c=US". This option must be used in conjunction with the -n option, and must not be used in conjunction with the -e option. -n number Serial number of certificate to be removed. This option must be used in conjunction with the -a option, and must not be used in conjunction with the -e option. EXAMPLES The command example% skicert -G -k "cn=Alice Smith, ou=eng, o=SUN, c=US" allows a user to view the certificate(s) belonging to the user with the distinguished name "cn=Alice Smith, ou=eng, o=SUN, c=US". The command example% skicert -S certfile allows a user to view the certificates stored in the file "certfile." "certfile" should have the following format: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBRDCB7wIEMe0zZzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAbMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEMMAoG A1UEChQDU1VOMB4XDTk2MDcxNzE4MzkzNVoXDTk5MDcxNzE4MzkzNVowPTELMAkG A1UEBhMCVVMxDDAKBgNVBAoUA1NVTjEPMA0GA1UEDRQGZHVtbXkxMQ8wDQYDVQQD FAZkdW1teTEwXDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANLADBIAkEAt9LgN5oT1WtlCJFXLmhc SY4kN7OcNkBYq9iT4R8K0uZIrgp9/hSe0DFgQaAZkIUjqB0YkeIFPmy6/K3bp0l9 1QIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA0EAdolKCynL2WjOxHmmsRbEg51dwB2u/ExM 2ZMaZvLMXHX5VIsjxfLSCXu3iI/RdMIi5dGfZhrp2XBkg0gkii+Mkw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBSjCB9QIEMe0zYTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAbMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEMMAoG A1UEChQDU1VOMB4XDTk2MDcxNzE4MzkyOVoXDTk5MDcxNzE4MzkyOVowQzELMAkG A1UEBhMCVVMxDDAKBgNVBAoUA1NVTjEQMA4GA1UEDRQHY2hhcmxpZTEUMBIGA1UE AxQLY2hhcmxpZSBsYWkwXDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANLADBIAkEAxQzeNvx72Dkp GI9r6hALR3nVBG13PA/2wKrsT25xQGoSp104klnVgRfp4mbeiHEIfKG7Q9Z0bOei luT4fG5EQQIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA0EAUahDuBR5ONKIGvV4wvk2ZfVi ms2TwKEDhtAkdQe0B3xeZk7e1/h6iK8QrXz2VtSCXde4onRr84Afj8je5gAkoQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- The command example% skicert -F -p -k "cn=Alice Smith, ou=eng, o=SUN, c=US" allows a user to view and store the certificate(s) belonging to the user with the distinguished name "cn=Alice Smith, ou=eng, o=SUN, c=US". For each returned certificate, the user is prompted for a filename where the certificate will be stored. The command example% skicert -R -e -k "cn=Alice Smith, ou=eng, o=SUN, c=US" allows a Certification Authority with system administrator privileges to remove all certificates belonging to the user with the distinguished name "cn=Alice Smith, ou=eng, o=SUN, c=US" from the configured repository. EXIT STATUS The skicert command exits with 0 if successful and 1 other- wise. NOTES The skicert -R command may only be executed by a system administrator, who has the appropriate privileges to update the underlying naming service from which the certificate(s) are removed.
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