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smserialport (1)
  • >> smserialport (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    smserialport - manage serial port


    /usr/sadm/bin/smserialport subcommand [auth_args] -- [subcommand_args]  


     The smserialport command manages serial ports.  


    The following smserialport sub-commands (subcommand) are supported:

    configure Configures a serial port's basic settings for a device such as a terminal, modem or no connection.

    delete Deletes a given port. You can disable a port and prevent new services from being spawned for incoming connections, without interfering with existing services.

     Lists all serial ports.

    modify Modifies a serial port's parameters.



    There are two kinds of options: authentication arguments (args) and sub-command arguments (subcommand_args).  

    Authentication Arguments

    The smserialport authentication arguments, args, are derived from the smc(1M) argument set and are the same regardless of which sub-command you use.

    Valid args are -D, -H, -l, -p, -r, and -u; they are all optional. If no args are specified, certain defaults will be assumed and the user may be prompted for additional information, such as a password for authentication purposes.

    The single letter options can also be specified by their equivalent option words preceded by a double dash. For example, you can use either -D or --domain.

    Descriptions and other arg options that contain white spaces must be enclosed in double quotes.

    The following authentification arguments (args) are supported:

    -D | --domain domain

    Specifies the default domain that you want to manage. smserialport accepts only the file value for this option. file is also the default value.

    The file default domain means that changes are local to the server. Toolboxes can change the domain on a tool-by-tool basis; this option specifies the domain for all other tools.

    -H | --hostname host_name:port

    Specifies the host and port to which you want to connect. If you do not specify a port, the system connects to the default port, 898. If you do not specify a host (host_name:port, the Solaris Management Console connects to the local host on port 898. You may still have to choose a toolbox to load into the console. To override this behavior, use the smc -B option, or set your console preferences to load a home toolbox by default.

    -l | --rolepassword role_password

     Specifies the password for the role_name. If you specify a role_name but do not specify a role_password, the system prompts you to supply a role_password. Passwords specified on the command line can be seen by any user on the system, hence this option is considered insecure. 

    -p | --password password

     Specifies the password for the user_name. If you do not specify a password, the system prompts you for one. Because passwords specified on the command line can be seen by any user on the system, this option is considered insecure.

    -r | --rolename role_name

    Specifies a role name for authentication. If you do not specify this option, no role is assumed.

    -u | --username user_name

    Specifies the user name for authentication. If you do not specify this option, the user identity running the console process is assumed.


    This option is required and must always follow the preceding options. If you do not enter the preceding options, you must still enter the -- option.


    Sub-command Arguments

    The sub-command specific options, subcommand_args, must come after the args and must be separated from them by the -- option. Enclose descriptions and arg options that contain white space in double quotes.

    configure The configure sub-command requires the following sub-command argument:

    -n port_name

    Specifies the name of the serial port to reconfigure.

    The following sub-command arguments are optional for the configure sub-command:

    -b baudrate

    Specifies the port baud rate. The supported baud rate are 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 300 and auto. The default is 9600.

    -c comment

    Specifies a short comment description of the service. The default is a description of the requested device type.


    Displays the command's usage statement.

    -l login_prompt

     Specifies the login prompt. The default is tty`port_name' login:.

    -t terminal_type

    Specifies the terminal type. The default is tvi925.

    -x device=device_name

    Specifies the device to be configured. Valid device_names are: terminal, modemdialin, modemdialout, modemdialinout or initializeonly for no connection. The default is terminal.

    -x service=y | n

    Specifies the status of service, that is y for enabled or n for disabled. The default is y.

    delete The delete sub-command requires the following sub-command arguments:

    -n port_name

    Specifies the name of the serial port to be disabled.

    The following sub-command arguments are optional for the delete sub-command:


    Displays the command's usage statement.

    list The list sub-command does not require any sub-command arguments.

    The following sub-command arguments are optional for the list sub-command:


    Displays the command's usage statement.


    Displays the data in verbose format.

    modify The modify sub-command requires the following sub-command arguments:

    -n port_name

    Specifies the name of the serial port to modify.

    The following sub-command arguments are optional for the modify sub-command:

    -b baudrate

    Specifies the port baud rate. The supported baud rate are 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 300 and auto.

    -c comment

    A short comment description of the service.


    Displays the command usage statement.

    -l login_prompt

    Specifies the login prompt.

    -t terminal_type

    Specifies the terminal type.

    -x bidirectional=y | n

    Specifies the bi-directional port flag, y for set or n for not set. When this flag is set, the line can be used in both directions.

    -x connect_on_carrier=y | n

    Specifies if to connect on carrier, that is y or n.

    -x initialize_only=y | n

    Specifies if the service invocation. If y the service is invoked only once. This can be used to configure a particular device without actually monitoring it, as with software carrier.

    -x service_program=command

    Specifies the full pathname of the service command to invoke when a connection request is received.

    -x service_status=y | n

    Specifies the status of service, that is y for enabled or n for disabled.

    -x software_carrier=y | n

    Specifies the carrier detection. y for software or n for hardware.

    -x timeout=timeout

    Specifies the time to close a port if the open on the port succeeds, and no input data is received in timeout seconds. The supported timeout are never, 30, 60 and 90.



    Example 1: Listing Serial Ports

    The following example lists the serial ports:

    example% ./smserialport list -H myhost -u root -p mypassword --
    Port Service  Baud-Rate Terminal-Type Prompt       Comment
    a    enabled  9600      xterm         as           welcome
    b    enabled  9600      tvi925        ttyb login:       

    Example 2: Modifying Serial Ports

    The following example contains two commands. The first command modifies serial port b for a baud rate of 4800, an xterm as terminal type, a b: for login prompt and a comment. The second command lists the ports.

    example% ./smserialport modify -H myhost -u root -p mypassword -- \
         -n b -b 4800 -t xterm -l b: -c "modified port b"
    example% ./smserialport list -H myhost -u root -p mypassword --
    Port Service  Baud-Rate Terminal-Type Prompt      Comment
    a    enabled  9600      xterm         as          welcome
    b    enabled  4800      xterm         b:          modified port b

    Example 3: Deleting a Serial Port

    The following example contains two commands. The first command deletes serial port b. The second command lists the ports.

    example% ./smserialport delete -H myhost -u root \
         -p mypassword -- -n b
    example% ./smserialport list -H myhost -u root -p mypassword --
    Port Service  Baud-Rate Terminal-Type Prompt      Comment
    a    enabled  9600      xterm         as          welcome
    b    disabled 9600      tvi925        ttyb login: 

    Example 4: Configuring a Serial Port

    The following example contains two commands. The first command configures serial port b for a bi-directional modem. The second command lists the ports.

    example% ./smserialport configure -H myhost -u root  \
         -p mypassword -- -n b -x device=modemdialinout
    example% ./smserialport list -H myhost -u root -p mypassword --
    Port Service  Baud-Rate Terminal-Type Prompt      Comment
    a    enabled  9600      xterm         as          welcome
    b    enabled  9600      tvi925        ttyb login: Modem - Dial In and Out


    See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of smserialport: JAVA_HOME. If this environment variable is not specified, the /usr/java location is used. See smc(1M).  


    The following exit values are returned:

    0 Successful completion.

    1 Invalid command syntax. A usage message displays.

    2 An error occurred while executing the command. An error message displays.



    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:




    tip(1), pmadm(1M), sacadm(1M), smc(1M), ttyadm(1M), ttymon(1M), attributes(5), environ(5)



    Authentication Arguments
    Sub-command Arguments

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    Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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