kse - kernel support for user threads
Lb libc
The KSE system is a
hybrid approach that achieves the advantages of both the user and kernel
threading approaches.
The underlying philosophy of the KSE system is to give kernel support
for user threading without taking away any of the user threading library's
ability to make scheduling decisions.
A kernel-to-user upcall mechanism is used to pass control to the user
threading library whenever a scheduling decision needs to be made.
An arbitrarily number of user threads are multiplexed onto a fixed number of
virtual CPUs supplied by the kernel.
This can be thought of as an
``N to M''
threading scheme.
Some general implications of this approach include:
The KSE becomes unassigned and the associated thread is suspended, when the KSE has an associated mailbox (see below) the thread has an associated thread mailbox (also see below) and any of the following occurs:
In other words, as soon as there is a scheduling decision to be made, the KSE becomes unassigned, because the kernel does not presume to know how the process' other runnable threads should be scheduled. Unassigned KSEs always return to user space as soon as possible via the upcall mechanism (described below), allowing the user process to decide how that KSE should be utilized next. KSEs always complete as much work as possible in the kernel before becoming unassigned.
Individual KSEs within a process are effectively indistinguishable, and any KSE in a process may be assigned by the kernel to any runnable (in the kernel) thread associated with that process. In practice, the kernel attempts to preserve the affinity between threads and actual CPUs to optimize cache behavior, but this is invisible to the user process. (Affinity is not yet fully implemented.)
Each KSE has a unique KSE mailbox supplied by the user process. A mailbox consists of a control structure containing a pointer to an upcall function and a user stack. The KSE invokes this function whenever it becomes unassigned. The kernel updates this structure with information about threads that have become runnable and signals that have been delivered before each upcall. Upcalls may be temporarily blocked by the user thread scheduling code during critical sections.
Each user thread has a unique thread mailbox as well. Threads are referred to using pointers to these mailboxes when communicating between the kernel and the user thread scheduler. Each KSE's mailbox contains a pointer to the mailbox of the user thread that the KSE is currently executing. This pointer is saved when the thread blocks in the kernel.
Whenever a thread blocked in the kernel is ready to return to user space, it is added to the process's list of completed threads. This list is presented to the user code at the next upcall as a linked list of thread mailboxes.
There is a kernel-imposed limit on the number of threads in a process that may be simultaneously blocked in the kernel (this number is not currently visible to the user). When this limit is reached, upcalls are blocked and no work is performed for the process until one of the threads completes (or a signal is received).
Each process initially has a single KSE executing a single user thread.
Since the KSE does not have an associated mailbox, it must remain assigned
to the thread and does not perform any upcalls.
(It is by definition a system scope thread).
The result is the traditional, unthreaded mode of operation.
Therefore, as a special case, the first call to
kse_create ();
by this initial thread with
Fa sys_scope
equal to zero does not create a new KSE; instead, it simply associates the
current KSE with the supplied KSE mailbox, and no immediate upcall results.
However, an upcall will be triggered the next time the thread blocks and
the required conditions are met.
The kernel does not allow more KSEs to exist in a process than the number of physical CPUs in the system (this number is available as the sysctl(3) variable hw.ncpu ) Having more KSEs than CPUs would not add any value to the user process, as the additional KSEs would just compete with each other for access to the real CPUs. Since the extra KSEs would always be side-lined, the result to the application would be exactly the same as having fewer KSEs. There may however be arbitrarily many user threads, and it is up to the user thread scheduler to handle mapping the application's user threads onto the available KSEs.
kse_exit ();
system call
causes the KSE assigned to the currently running thread to be destroyed.
If this KSE is the last one in the process, there must be no remaining
threads associated with that process blocked in the kernel.
This system call does not return unless there is an error.
kse_exit ();
from the last thread is the same as calling
exit (.);
kse_release ();
system call
is used to
the KSE assigned to the currently running thread when it is not needed,
e.g., when there are more available KSEs than runnable user threads.
The thread converts to an upcall but does not get scheduled until
there is a new reason to do so, e.g., a previously
blocked thread becomes runnable, or the timeout expires.
If successful,
kse_release ();
does not return to the caller.
kse_switchin ();
system call can be used by the UTS, when it has selected a new thread,
to switch to the context of that thread.
The use of
kse_switchin ();
is machine dependent.
Some platforms do not need a system call to switch to a new context,
while others require its use in particular cases.
kse_wakeup ();
system call
is the opposite of
kse_release (.);
It causes the (parked) KSE associated with the mailbox pointed to by
Fa mbx
to be woken up, causing it to upcall.
If the KSE has already woken up for another reason, this system call has no
Fa mbx
may be
to specify
``any KSE in the current process''
kse_thr_interrupt ();
system call
is used to interrupt a currently blocked thread.
The thread must either be blocked in the kernel or assigned to a KSE
(i.e., executing).
The thread is then marked as interrupted.
As soon as the thread invokes an interruptible system call (or immediately
for threads already blocked in one), the thread will be made runnable again,
even though the kernel operation may not have completed.
The effect on the interrupted system call is the same as if it had been
interrupted by a signal; typically this means an error is returned with
set to
A downside of this is that if a multiplexed thread
calls the
execve ();
syscall, its signal mask and pending signals may not be
available in the kernel.
They are stored
in userland and the kernel does not know where to get them, however
requires them to be restored and passed them to new process.
Just setting the mask for the thread before calling
execve ();
is only a
close approximation to the problem as it does not re-deliver back to the kernel
any pending signals that the old process may have blocked, and it allows a
window in which new signals may be delivered to the process between the setting
of the mask and the
execve (.);
For now this problem has been solved by adding a special combined
kse_thr_interrupt (Ns / Ns Fn execve);
mode to the
kse_thr_interrupt ();
kse_thr_interrupt ();
syscall has a sub command
that allows it to accept a
Vt kse_execv_args
structure, and allowing it to adjust the signals and then atomically
convert into an
execve ();
Additional pending signals and the correct signal mask can be passed
to the kernel in this way.
The thread library overrides the
execve ();
and translates it into
kse_intr_interrupt ();
call, allowing a multiplexed thread
to restore pending signals and the correct signal mask before doing the
exec (.);
This solution to the problem may change.
km_version describes the version of this structure and must be equal to KSE_VER_0 km_udata is an opaque pointer ignored by the kernel.
km_func points to the KSE's upcall function; it will be invoked using km_stack which must remain valid for the lifetime of the KSE.
km_curthread always points to the thread that is currently assigned to this KSE if any, or NULL otherwise. This field is modified by both the kernel and the user process as follows.
is not
it is assumed to be pointing at the mailbox for the currently executing
thread, and the KSE may be unassigned, e.g., if the thread blocks in the
The kernel will then save the contents of
with the blocked thread, set
and upcall to invoke
km_func (.);
the kernel will never perform any upcalls with this KSE; in other words,
the KSE remains assigned to the thread even if it blocks.
must be
while the KSE is executing critical user thread scheduler
code that would be disrupted by an intervening upcall;
in particular, while
km_func ();
itself is executing.
Before invoking
km_func ();
in any upcall, the kernel always sets
Once the user thread scheduler has chosen a new thread to run,
it should point
at the thread's mailbox, re-enabling upcalls, and then resume the thread.
modification of
by the user thread scheduler must be atomic
with the loading of the context of the new thread, to avoid
the situation where the thread context area
may be modified by a blocking async operation, while there
is still valid information to be read out of it.
km_completed points to a linked list of user threads that have completed their work in the kernel since the last upcall. The user thread scheduler should put these threads back into its own runnable queue. Each thread in a process that completes a kernel operation (synchronous or asynchronous) that results in an upcall is guaranteed to be linked into exactly one KSE's km_completed list; which KSE in the group, however, is indeterminate. Furthermore, the completion will be reported in only one upcall.
km_sigscaught contains the list of signals caught by this process since the previous upcall to any KSE in the process. As long as there exists one or more KSEs with an associated mailbox in the user process, signals are delivered this way rather than the traditional way. (This has not been implemented and may change.)
km_timeofday is set by the kernel to the current system time before performing each upcall.
km_flags may contain any of the following bits OR'ed together:
tm_udata is an opaque pointer ignored by the kernel.
tm_context stores the context for the thread when the thread is blocked in user space. This field is also updated by the kernel before a completed thread is returned to the user thread scheduler via km_completed
tm_next links the km_completed threads together when returned by the kernel with an upcall. The end of the list is marked with a NULL pointer.
tm_uticks and tm_sticks are time counters for user mode and kernel mode execution, respectively. These counters count ticks of the statistics clock (see clocks(7)). While any thread is actively executing in the kernel, the corresponding tm_sticks counter is incremented. While any KSE is executing in user space and that KSE's km_curthread pointer is not equal to NULL the corresponding tm_uticks counter is incremented.
tm_flags may contain any of the following bits OR'ed together:
All of these system calls return a non-zero error code in case of an error.
kse_exit ();
system call
will fail if:
kse_release ();
system call
will fail if:
kse_wakeup ();
system call
will fail if:
kse_thr_interrupt ();
system call
will fail if:
This manual page was written by An Archie Cobbs Aq [email protected] .
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