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Fatal (3)
  • >> Fatal (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
  • Fatal (3) ( Разные man: Библиотечные вызовы )


         Fatal - replace functions with equivalents which succeed or


             use Fatal qw(open close);
             sub juggle { . . . }
             import Fatal 'juggle';


         `Fatal' provides a way to conveniently replace functions
         which normally return a false value when they fail with
         equivalents which raise exceptions if they are not
         successful.  This lets you use these functions without
         having to test their return values explicitly on each call.
         Exceptions can be caught using `eval{}'.  See the perlfunc
         manpage and the perlvar manpage for details.
         The do-or-die equivalents are set up simply by calling
         Fatal's `import' routine, passing it the names of the
         functions to be replaced.  You may wrap both user-defined
         functions and overridable CORE operators (except `exec',
         `system' which cannot be expressed via prototypes) in this
         If the symbol `:void' appears in the import list, then
         functions named later in that import list raise an exception
         only when these are called in void context--that is, when
         their return values are ignored.  For example
                 use Fatal qw/:void open close/;
                 # properly checked, so no exception raised on error
                 if(open(FH, "< /bogotic") {
                         warn "bogo file, dude: $!";
                 # not checked, so error raises an exception
                 close FH;


         [email protected]
         prototype updates by Ilya Zakharevich [email protected]

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