is an Xorg input driver for mice. The driver supports most available
mouse types and interfaces. USB mice are only supported on some OSs,
and the level of support for PS/2 mice depends on the OS.
driver functions as a pointer input device, and may be used as the
X server's core pointer. Multiple mice are supported by multiple
instances of this driver.
There is a detailed list of hardware that the
driver supports in the
document. This can be found
in /usr/lib/X11/doc/, or online at
Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration
details and for options that can be used with all input drivers. This
section only covers configuration details specific to this driver.
The driver can auto-detect the mouse type on some platforms. On some
platforms this is limited to plug and play serial mice, and on some the
auto-detection works for any mouse that the OS's kernel driver supports.
On others, it is always necessary to specify the mouse protocol in the
config file. The
document contains some detailed information about this.
The following driver
are supported:
Option N'34'ProtocolN'34' N'34'stringN'34'
Specify the mouse protocol. Valid protocol types include:
Not all protocols are supported on all platforms. The "Auto" platform
specifies that protocol auto-detection should be attempted. There is no
default protocol setting, and specifying this option is mandatory.
Option N'34'DeviceN'34' N'34'stringN'34'
Specifies the device through which the mouse can be accessed. A common
setting is "/dev/mouse", which is often a symbolic link to the real
device. This option is mandatory, and there is no default setting.
Option N'34'ButtonsN'34' N'34'integerN'34'
Specifies the number of mouse buttons. In cases where the number of buttons
cannot be auto-detected, the default value is 3. The maximum number is 24.
Enable/disable the emulation of the third (middle) mouse button for mice
which only have two physical buttons. The third button is emulated by
pressing both buttons simultaneously. Default: off
Sets the timeout (in milliseconds) that the driver waits before deciding
if two buttons where pressed "simultaneously" when 3 button emulation is
enabled. Default: 50.
Option N'34'ChordMiddleN'34' N'34'booleanN'34'
Enable/disable handling of mice that send left+right events when the middle
button is used. Default: off.
Option N'34'EmulateWheelN'34' N'34'booleanN'34'
Enable/disable "wheel" emulation. Wheel emulation means emulating button
press/release events when the mouse is moved while a specific real button
is pressed. Wheel button events (typically buttons 4 and 5) are
usually used for scrolling. Wheel emulation is useful for getting wheel-like
behaviour with trackballs. It can also be useful for mice with 4 or
more buttons but no wheel. See the description of the
options below. Default: off.
Specifies which button must be held down to enable wheel emulation mode.
While this button is down, X and/or Y pointer movement will generate button
press/release events as specified for the
settings. Default: 4.
Specifies the time in milliseconds the
must be pressed before wheel emulation is started. If the
is released before this timeout, the original button press/release event
is sent. Default: 200.
Option N'34'XAxisMappingN'34' N'34'N1 N2N'34'
Specifies which buttons are mapped to motion in the X direction in wheel
emulation mode. Button number
is mapped to the negative X axis motion and button number
is mapped to the positive X axis motion. Default: no mapping.
Option N'34'YAxisMappingN'34' N'34'N1 N2N'34'
Specifies which buttons are mapped to motion in the Y direction in wheel
emulation mode. Button number
is mapped to the negative Y axis motion and button number
is mapped to the positive Y axis motion. Default: no mapping.
Set the mapping for the Z axis (wheel) motion to buttons or another axis
Button number
is mapped to the negative Z axis motion and button number
is mapped to the positive Z axis motion. For mice with two wheels,
four button numbers can be specified, with the negative and positive motion
of the second wheel mapped respectively to buttons number
Note that the protocols for mice with one and two wheels can be different
and the driver may not be able to autodetect it.
Default: "4 5".
Specifies how physical mouse buttons are mapped to logical buttons.
Physcial button 1 is mapped to logical button
physical button 2 to
and so forth. This enables the use of physical buttons that are obscured by
Default: "1 2 3 8 9 10 ...".
Option N'34'FlipXYN'34' N'34'booleanN'34'
Enable/disable swapping the X and Y axes. This transformation is applied
after the
transformations. Default: off.
Option N'34'InvXN'34' N'34'booleanN'34'
Invert the X axis. Default: off.
Option N'34'InvYN'34' N'34'booleanN'34'
Invert the Y axis. Default: off.
Option N'34'AngleOffsetN'34' N'34'integerN'34'
Specify a clockwise angular offset (in degrees) to apply to the pointer
motion. This transformation is applied before the
transformations. Default: 0.
Option N'34'SampleRateN'34' N'34'integerN'34'
Sets the number of motion/button events the mouse sends per second. Setting
this is only supported for some mice, including some Logitech mice and
some PS/2 mice on some platforms. Default: whatever the mouse is
already set to.
Option N'34'ResolutionN'34' N'34'integerN'34'
Sets the resolution of the device in counts per inch. Setting this is
only supported for some mice, including some PS/2 mice on some platforms.
Default: whatever the mouse is already set to.
Option N'34'SensitivityN'34' N'34'floatN'34'
Mouse movements are multiplied by this float before being processed. Use this
mechanism to slow down high resolution mice. Because values bigger than 1.0
will result in not all pixels on the screen being accessible, you should better
use mouse acceleration (see
man xset)
for speeding up low resolution mice.
Default: 1.0
Sets N'34'drag lock buttonsN'34' that simulate holding a button down, so
that low dexterity people do not have to hold a button down at the
same time they move a mouse cursor. Button numbers occur in pairs,
with the lock button number occurring first, followed by the button
number that is the target of the lock button.
Option N'34'DragLockButtonsN'34' N'34'M1N'34'
Sets a N'34'master drag lock buttonN'34' that acts as a N'34'Meta KeyN'34'
indicating that the next button pressed is to be
N'34'drag lockedN'34'.
Option N'34'ClearDTRN'34' N'34'booleanN'34'
Enable/disable clearing the DTR line on the serial port used by the mouse.
Some dual-protocol mice require the DTR line to be cleared to operate
in the non-default protocol. This option is for serial mice only.
Default: off.
Option N'34'ClearRTSN'34' N'34'booleanN'34'
Enable/disable clearing the RTS line on the serial port used by the mouse.
Some dual-protocol mice require the RTS line to be cleared to operate
in the non-default protocol. This option is for serial mice only.
Default: off.
Option N'34'BaudRateN'34' N'34'integerN'34'
Set the baud rate to use for communicating with a serial mouse. This
option should rarely be required because the default is correct for almost
all situations. Valid values include: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200.
Default: 1200.
There are some other options that may be used to control various parameters
for serial port communication, but they are not documented here because
the driver sets them correctly for each mouse protocol type.