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acct (5)
  • acct (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • acct (2) ( Solaris man: Системные вызовы )
  • acct (2) ( FreeBSD man: Системные вызовы )
  • acct (2) ( Русские man: Системные вызовы )
  • acct (2) ( Linux man: Системные вызовы )
  • >> acct (5) ( FreeBSD man: Форматы файлов )
  • acct (5) ( Русские man: Форматы файлов )
  • acct (5) ( Linux man: Форматы файлов )

  • BSD mandoc


     - execution accounting file


       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <sys/acct.h>


    The kernel maintains the following Fa acct information structure for all processes. If a process terminates, and accounting is enabled, the kernel calls the acct(2) function call to prepare and append the record to the accounting file.
    #define AC_COMM_LEN 16
     * Accounting structure version 2 (current).
     * The first byte is always zero.
     * Time units are microseconds.
    struct acctv2 {
            uint8_t  ac_zero;               /* zero identifies new version */
            uint8_t  ac_version;            /* record version number */
            uint16_t ac_len;                /* record length */
            char      ac_comm[AC_COMM_LEN]; /* command name */
            float     ac_utime;             /* user time */
            float     ac_stime;             /* system time */
            float     ac_etime;             /* elapsed time */
            time_t    ac_btime;             /* starting time */
            uid_t     ac_uid;               /* user id */
            gid_t     ac_gid;               /* group id */
            float     ac_mem;               /* average memory usage */
            float     ac_io;                /* count of IO blocks */
            __dev_t   ac_tty;               /* controlling tty */
            uint16_t ac_len2;               /* record length */
            union {
                    __dev_t   ac_align;     /* force v1 compatible alignment */
    #define AFORK   0x01                    /* forked but not exec'ed */
    /* ASU is no longer supported */
    #define ASU     0x02                    /* used super-user permissions */
    #define ACOMPAT 0x04                    /* used compatibility mode */
    #define ACORE   0x08                    /* dumped core */
    #define AXSIG   0x10                    /* killed by a signal */
    #define ANVER   0x20                    /* new record version */
                    uint8_t  ac_flag;       /* accounting flags */
            } ac_trailer;
    #define ac_flagx ac_trailer.ac_flag

    If a terminated process was created by an execve(2), the name of the executed file (at most ten characters of it) is saved in the field Fa ac_comm and its status is saved by setting one of more of the following flags in Fa ac_flag : AFORK ACOMPAT ACORE and ASIG ASU is no longer supported. ANVER is always set in the above structure.  


    lastcomm(1), acct(2), execve(2), sa(8)  


    A file format appeared in AT&T System v7 . The current record format was introduced on May 2007. It is backwards compatible with the previous format, which is still documented in    #include <sys/acct.h>
    and supported by lastcomm(1) and sa(8).




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