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ctm (5)
  • ctm (1) ( FreeBSD man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • >> ctm (5) ( FreeBSD man: Форматы файлов )

  • BSD mandoc


     - source code mirror system


    The transfers data in a specific file format, called a CTM delta.

    CTM deltas consist of control lines and data chunks. Each control line starts with the letters ``CTM'' followed by a CTM statement and control data, and ends with a '\n' character.

    Data chunks always belong to the preceding control line, and the last field on that control line is the number of bytes in the data chunk. A trailing newline '\n' character follows each data chunk, this newline is not part of the chunk and is not included in the count.

    The CTM statements are as follows.

    _BEGIN version name number timestamp prefix
    This is the overall begin of a CTM delta file. The version field must match the program version (currently 2.0). Name is the name and number the sequence number of the CTM service, it is matched against the file .ctm_status to see if the delta has already been applied. Timestamp contains the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second of the time of delta creation for reference (followed by the letter `Z' meaning this is a UTC timestamp). The prefix field is currently not implemented.
    _END md5
    This statement ends the CTM delta, the global md5 checksum is matched against the MD5 checksum of the entire delta, up to and including the space (0x20) character following ``_END''.
    FM name uid gid mode md5 count
    Make the file name the original file had the uid uid (numerical, decimal), the gid gid (numerical, decimal), mode mode (numerical, octal), and the MD5 checksum md5

    The following count bytes data are the contents of the new file.

    FS name uid gid mode md5before md5after count
    Substitute the contents of file name the original file had the new uid uid (numerical, decimal), the new gid gid (numerical, decimal), new mode mode (numerical, octal), the old MD5 checksum md5before and the new MD5 checksum md5after

    The following count bytes data are the contents of the new file.

    File substitution is used if the commands to edit a file would exceed the total file length, so substituting it is more efficient.

    FN name uid gid mode md5before md5after count
    Edit the file name The arguments are as above, but the data sections contains an diff(1) -n script which should be applied to the file in question.
    FR name md5
    Remove the file name which must match the MD5 checksum md5
    AS name uid gid mode
    The original file name changed its owner to uid its group to gid and/or its mode to mode
    DM name uid gid mode
    The directory name is to be created, it had originally the owner uid group gid and mode mode
    DR name
    The directory name is to be removed.



    In the following example, long lines have been folded to make them printable (marked by backslashes).
    CTM_BEGIN 2.0 cvs-cur 485 19950324214652Z .
    CTMFR src/sys/gnu/i386/isa/scd.c,v 5225f13aa3c7e458f9dd0d4bb637b18d
    CTMFR src/sys/gnu/i386/isa/scdreg.h,v e5af42b8a06f2c8030b93a7d71afb223
    CTMDM src/sys/gnu/i386/isa/Attic 0 552 775
    CTMFS .ctm_status 545 552 664 d9ccd2a84a9dbb8db56ba85663adebf0 \
    e2a10c6f66428981782a0a18a789ee2e 12
    cvs-cur 485
    CTMFN CVSROOT/commitlogs/gnu 545 552 664 \
    5d7bc3549140d860bd9641b5782c002d 7fb04ed84b48160c9b8eea84b4c0b6e3 394
    a6936 21
    ache        95/03/24 09:59:50
      Modified:    gnu/lib/libdialog kernel.c prgbox.c
    CTM_END 74ddd298d76215ae45a077a4b6a74e9c


    ctm(1), ctm_rmail1, ed(1)  


    Initial trials ran during the Fx 1.1.5 , and many bugs and methods were hashed out. The CTM system has been made publicly available in Fx 2.1 .  


    The CTM system has been designed and implemented by An Poul-Henning Kamp Aq [email protected] .

    An Joerg Wunsch Aq [email protected] wrote this man-page.




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