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gimpprint-resolutions (7)
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    gimpprint-resolutions - Gimp-Print print resolutions


    Gimp-Print supports many different resolutions, which are printer type specific. The option names are case sensitive. Not all resolutions are supported on all printers.  



    Epson Stylus printers

    Within each specified resolution, the quality is generally listed from worst to best (and generally higher quality means lower speed). For example, 360 DPI Unidirectional is usually better than 360 DPI. Characteristics of specific models and individual printers may affect the orderings to some degree; on many printers, with certain papers, unidirectional printing will improve quality substantially more than using an otherwise better quality printing mode.

    The difference between different quality settings lies in the number of passes made over each line. "High" and "Highest" quality settings perform more passes, printing fewer dots with each pass over the same line and using different nozzles for each pass. This reduces banding effects, but requires more time.

    Interleave modes use algorithms within the printer to generate the sequence of rows printed. These algorithms generally only work well at low printing resolutions. Many printers do not support this kind of printing at resolutions of 720 DPI and above, and some printers that do actually print just one row (using just one nozzle per color) at a time. While this particular use will produce extremely high quality (no banding whatsoever, normally), it is extremely slow and may eventually damage the print head due to ink pooling. All printers that we are aware of have no such trouble at 360 DPI.

    We generally recommend the following resolutions for the following purposes:

    ResolutionRecommended use

    360x90 Fast economy draft output on plain paper (output will be very banded and not very dark).
    180 Economy draft output on plain paper (output will not be very dark).
    360x180 Draft output on plain paper (output will not be solidly black); economy draft output on good quality inkjet paper.
    360 Standard quality output on plain paper (output will be solidly black); draft output on good quality inkjet paper.
    720x360 High quality output on plain paper; standard output on good quality inkjet paper.
    720 Maximum quality on plain paper; high quality on good inkjet paper; proofs on photo-quality paper. On many printers, there will be little difference between this and 720x360 on plain paper.
    1440x720 High quality on photo paper; use 1440x720 Highest Quality to reduce microbanding if needed. While this will work on plain paper, it usually offers little improvement over 720 DPI.
    2880x720 Highest quality on photo paper. While this may yield slightly improved quality, it will generally not be markedly superior to 1440x720 Highest Quality, except on the Stylus Color 980 and Stylus C70 and C80, where it may yield a noticeable improvement. It takes as long to print as 1440x720 highest quality, but twice as long to generate the output.
    1440x1440 An unsupported mode that offers higher quality than 2880x720 for certain types of images on very high quality paper. It does not appear to offer any advantage on smooth tones, but fine detail (particularly vertical, and to a lesser extent near-horizontal) it shows noticeable improvement. It takes as long to print as 2880x720. 1440x1440 highest quality takes twice as long to print.
    2880x1440 An unsupported mode that may offer higher quality than 2880x720 for certain types of images on very high quality paper. Experiments conducted thus far demonstrate little if any improvement over 1440x1440. It takes twice as long to print as 2880x720 or 1440x1440, and as long to print as 1440x1440 highest quality.

    The following resolutions are supported on printers other than the Stylus Pro (5000, 5500, 7000, 7500, 9000, 9500, and 10000) printers. Resolutions for those printers are listed in a later section. Please see the notes at the end of this section.


    360x90dpi360 x 90 DPI Fast Economy Draft(1)
    180dpi180 DPI Economy Draft(2)
    360x180dpi360 x 180 DPI Draft(2)
    360x180sw360 x 180 DPI Draft(3)
    360x120dpi360 x 120 DPI Economy Draft(4)
    360x120sw360 x 120 DPI Economy Draft(5)
    360x240dpi360 x 240 DPI Draft(4)
    360x240sw360 x 240 DPI Draft(5)
    360dpi360 DPI(6)
    360uni360 DPI Unidirectional(6)
    360mw360 DPI Interleave(6, *)
    360mwuni360 DPI Interleave Unidirectional(6)
    360sw360 DPI(7, 17, *)
    360swuni360 DPI Unidirectional(7, 17)
    360hq360 DPI High Quality(7, 8, 17)
    360hquni360 DPI High Quality Unidirectional(7, 8, 17)
    720x360sw720 x 360 DPI(9, 10)
    720x360swuni720 x 360 DPI Unidirectional(9, 10)
    720mw720 DPI Interleave(11)
    720mwuni720 DPI Interleave Unidirectional(11)
    720sw720 DPI(9)
    720swuni720 DPI Unidirectional(9)
    720hq720 DPI High Quality(9)
    720hquni720 DPI High Quality Unidirectional(9)
    720hq2720 DPI Highest Quality(9)
    1440x720mw1440 x 720 DPI Interleave(12)
    1440x720mwuni1440 x 720 DPI Interleave Unidirectional(12)
    1440x720sw1440 x 720 DPI(13)
    1440x720swuni1440 x 720 DPI Unidirectional(13, 14)
    1440x720hq1440 x 720 DPI Highest Quality(13)
    2880x720sw2880 x 720 DPI(15)
    2880x720swuni2880 x 720 DPI Unidirectional(15)
    1440x1440sw1440 x 1440 DPI(16)
    1440x1440hq21440 x 1440 DPI Highest Quality(16)
    2880x1440sw2880 x 1440 DPI(16)

    This resolution is the default on all printers supporting this setting.
    Works on printers that have a basic vertical spacing of 1/90". This includes the Stylus Color, Stylus Color 440, 460, 600, 640, 660, 670, and 1500, and Stylus Photo, Stylus Photo 700, 720, and EX.
    Works on most printers that have a basic vertical spacing of 1/90, 1/180, or 1/360 inch. This includes Stylus Color, Stylus Color 440, 460, 600, 640, 660, 670, 800, 850, 900, 980, 1500, 1520, 3000, and Stylus Photo, Stylus Photo 700, 720 and EX.
    Works on Stylus C70, C80, and C82; and Stylus Photo 950, 960, 2100, and 2200.
    Works on older printers with dot spacing of 1/120 inch. This includes the Stylus Color Pro, Pro XL, 400, and 500.
    Works on newer printers with dot spacing of 1/120 inch. This includes the Stylus C20, C40, C41, C42, C60, C61, and C62; the Stylus Color 480, 580, 680, 740, 760, 777, 860, 880, 83, and 1160, and the Stylus Photo 750, 780, 785, 790, 810, 820, 825, 830, 870, 875, 890, 895, 915, 925, 1270, 1280, 1290, and 2000P, and the Stylus Scan 2000 and 2500.
    Works on all printers that do not support variable drop sizes. This includes the Stylus Color, Stylus Color 400, 440, 460, 500, 600, 640, 660, 800, 850, 1500, 1520, and 3000, Stylus Color Pro, Stylus Color Pro XL, and Stylus Photo, Stylus Photo 700, and EX.
    Works on all printers that do support variable drop sizes. This includes all supported Epson Stylus printers except for those listed in note (6).
    Recommended only on processors slower than 200 MHz, the system is heavily loaded with a faster processor, or if problems are experienced at 720x360.
    Works on all supported printers except for Stylus Color, Stylus Color Pro, Stylus Color Pro XL, Stylus Color 1500, 1520, and 3000.
    On printers that do not support variable drop size (see note (4)), this will print as fast as 360 DPI, and faster than 360 DPI High Quality. It will take twice as long to generate output, which may be important on a heavily loaded system or a processor slower than 200 MHz.
    Works on some older printers, including the Stylus Color, Stylus Color 400, 500, 600, 800, 850, 1500, 1520, and 3000, Stylus Color Pro, and Stylus Color Pro XL. Not recommended except for the Stylus Color, Stylus Color 1500, 1520, and 3000.
    Works on Stylus Color 600, 800, 850, 1520, and 3000. Not recommended unless other 1440x720 modes do not work.
    Works on all printers that support 1440x720 DPI. This includes all supported printers except for the Stylus Color, Stylus Color Pro, Pro XL, 400, 440, 460, 480, 500, and 1500, and Stylus Photo. In addition, this may not work correctly on Stylus Color 1520 and Stylus Color 3000.
    This is identical to 1440 x 720 Highest Quality (1440x720hq) on the Stylus Color 900.
    Works on all printers that support 2880x720 DPI. This includes the Stylus C60, C61, C62, C70, C80, and C82, the Stylus Color 680, 777, 880, 83, and 980, and Stylus Photo 780, 790, 810, 820, 825, 830, 890, 915, 925, 950, 960, 1280, and 1290. This resolution is offered on the Stylus Photo 2100 and 2200, but may not work correctly.
    Works on Epson Stylus Photo 825, 830, 925, 950, 960, 2100, 2200; Stylus C61, C62, C70, C80, C82 ; Stylus Pro 7600 and 9600. This resolution is not supported by Epson on the C70 and C80, but it works correctly on at least some such printers.
    These resolutions print at particularly high speed on the Epson Stylus Photo 950, 960, 2100, and 2200 when printing in Four Color Standard or Three Color Composite modes, or when printing in monochrome or grayscale with any ink type other than Two Level Grayscale, Seven Color Photo, or Quadtone.

    The Stylus Pro printers (Stylus Pro 5000, 5500, 7000, 7500, 7600, 9000, 9500, 9600, and 10000) support additional interleave modes known as Full Overlap (FOL), Four Pass, and FOL2. The Stylus Pro 5500, 7500, 7600, 9500, 9600, and 10000 additionally have a mode called MW2. These modes can only be used at certain resolutions. Stylus Pro printers support the following resolutions:


    180dpi180 DPI
    360dpi360 DPI
    360uni360 DPI Unidirectional
    360mw360 DPI Interleave
    360mwuni360 DPI Interleave Unidirectional
    360fol360 DPI Full Overlap
    360foluni360 DPI Full Overlap Unidirectional
    360fol2360 DPI FOL2
    360fol2uni360 DPI FOL2 Unidirectional
    360mw2360 DPI MW2
    360mw2uni360 DPI MW2 Unidirectional
    720x360dpi720 x 360 DPI
    720x360uni720 x 360 DPI Unidirectional
    720x360fol720 x 360 DPI FOL
    720x360foluni720 x 360 DPI FOL Unidirectional
    720x360fol2720 x 360 DPI FOL2
    720x360fol2uni720 x 360 DPI FOL2 Unidirectional
    720x360mw2720 x 360 DPI MW2
    720x360mw2uni720 x 360 DPI MW2 Unidirectional
    720dpi720 DPI
    720uni720 DPI Unidirectional
    720mw720 DPI Interleave
    720mwuni720 DPI Interleave Unidirectional
    720fol720 DPI Full Overlap
    720foluni720 DPI Full Overlap Unidirectional
    720fourp720 DPI Four Pass
    720fourpuni720 DPI Four Pass Unidirectional
    1440x720dpi1440 x 720 DPI
    1440x720uni1440 x 720 DPI Unidirectional
    1440x720mw1440 x 720 DPI Interleave
    1440x720mwuni1440 x 720 DPI Interleave Unidirectional
    1440x720fol1440 x 720 DPI FOL
    1440x720foluni1440 x 720 DPI FOL Unidirectional
    1440x720fourp1440 x 720 DPI Four Pass
    1440x720fourpuni1440 x 720 DPI Four Pass Unidirectional

    In addition, the Stylus Pro 7600 and 9600 printers support the following resolutions:


    2880x720dpi2880 x 720 DPI
    2880x720uni2880 x 720 DPI Unidirectional
    2880x720mw2880 x 720 DPI Interleave
    2880x720mwuni2880 x 720 DPI Interleave Unidirectional
    2880x720fol2880 x 720 DPI FOL
    2880x720foluni2880 x 720 DPI FOL Unidirectional
    2880x720fourp2880 x 720 DPI Four Pass
    2880x720fourpuni2880 x 720 DPI Four Pass Unidirectional
    1440x1440dpi1440 x 1440 DPI
    1440x1440uni1440 x 1440 DPI Unidirectional
    1440x1440mw1440 x 1440 DPI Interleave
    1440x1440mwuni1440 x 1440 DPI Interleave Unidirectional
    1440x1440fol1440 x 1440 DPI FOL
    1440x1440foluni1440 x 1440 DPI FOL Unidirectional
    1440x1440fourp1440 x 1440 DPI Four Pass
    1440x1440fourpuni1440 x 1440 DPI Four Pass Unidirectional
    2880x1440dpi2880 x 1440 DPI
    2880x1440uni2880 x 1440 DPI Unidirectional
    2880x1440mw2880 x 1440 DPI Interleave
    2880x1440mwuni2880 x 1440 DPI Interleave Unidirectional
    2880x1440fol2880 x 1440 DPI FOL
    2880x1440foluni2880 x 1440 DPI FOL Unidirectional
    2880x1440fourp2880 x 1440 DPI Four Pass
    2880x1440fourpuni2880 x 1440 DPI Four Pass Unidirectional

    PCL printers (including Hewlett-Packard and Lexmark 4076)

    In addition, the Stylus Pro 7600 and 9600 printers support the following resolutions:


    150dpi150x150 DPI (should work on all printers)
    300dpi 300x300 DPI (should work on all printers, C-RET on DJ 850/855/870/890)
    600x300dpi600x300 DPI (DJ 6xx/810/812/840/842/895)
    600mono 600x600 DPI monochrome (DJ 6xx (except 69x) /8xx/1100/1120)
    600dpi 600x600 DPI (DJ 69x/840/9xx/1220/2000/2500, PhotoSmart P1000/P1100, LJ5/5Si/6)

    Note: the higher resolutions of newer PCL printers using "Photo-Ret" are not yet supported.  

    Lexmark printers (other than the 4076)


    300x600dpi300 DPI x 600 DPI
    600dpi600 DPI
    600hq600 DPI high quality
    600uni600 DPI Unidirectional
    1200dpi1200 DPI
    1200hq1200 DPI high quality
    1200hq21200 DPI highest quality
    1200uni1200 DPI Unidirectional
    2400x1200dpi2400 DPI x 1200 DPI (Z52)
    2400x1200hq2400 DPI x 1200 DPI high quality (Z52)
    2400x1200hq22400 DPI x 1200 DPI highest quality (Z52)

    Canon printers

    1200 DPI printers (BJC 7000, BJC 7100, BJC 8500):


    300x300dpi300x300 DPI
    300x300dmt300x300 DPI DMT
    600x600dpi600x600 DPI
    600x600dmt600x600 DPI DMT
    1200x600dpi1200x600 DPI
    1200x1200dpi1200x1200 DPI

    1440 DPI printers (BJC 30, BJC 50, BJC 55, BJC 80, BJC 85, BJC 210,
        BJC 240, BJC 250, BJC 1000, BJC 2000, BJC 3000, BJC 4300, BJC
        4400, BJC 6000, BJC 6100, BJC 6200, BJC 6500, BJC 8200, S400,
        S450, S800, S4500):


    360x360dpi360x360 DPI
    360x360dmt360x360 DPI DMT
    720x360dpi720x360 DPI
    720x720dpi720x720 DPI
    1440x720dpi1440x720 DPI
    1440x1440dpi1440x1440 DPI


    Copyright © 2001 Michael Sweet ([email protected]) and Robert Krawitz ([email protected])

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This manual page was written by Roger Leigh ([email protected])  


    gimpprint-color(7), gimpprint-dithers(7), gimpprint-imagetypes(7), gimpprint-inktypes(7), gimpprint-mediasizes(7), gimpprint-mediasources(7), gimpprint-mediatypes(7), gimpprint-models(7).



    Epson Stylus printers
    PCL printers (including Hewlett-Packard and Lexmark 4076)
    Lexmark printers (other than the 4076)
    Canon printers

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