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llc2 (7)
  • llc2 (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
  • >> llc2 (7) ( Solaris man: Макропакеты и соглашения )


    llc2 - Class II logical link control


    The llc2 logical link control driver interfaces network software (NetBIOS, SNA, OSI, and so on) running under the Solaris operating environment to a physical LAN network controlled by one of the supported communications adapters. The llc2 driver, which appears as a STREAMS driver to the network software, resides in the kernel and is accessed by standard UNIX STREAMS functions.

    This version of the llc2 driver includes support for both connectionless and connection-oriented logical link control class II (llc2) operations for Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI adapters when accessed through the appropriate Solaris MAC layer driver. The Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) to the llc2 driver enables multiple and different protocol stacks, (including NetBIOS and SNA), to operate simultaneously over one or more local area networks.

    To start the llc2 driver by default, rename file /etc/llc2/llc2_start.default to /etc/llc2/llc2_start. This allows the /etc/rc2.d/S40llc2 script to build up the configuration file for each ppa interface in /etc/llc2/default/llc2.* and start llc2 on each interface. To verify the configuration files, manually run /usr/lib/llc2/llc2_autoconfig.

    For more information on the llc2 driver, see the IEEE standard 802.2 Logical Link Control.  


    You can obtain LLC2 statistics or reset the statistics counter to zero using the ILD_LLC2 ioctl. The ILD_LLC2 ioctl has a number of subcommands. The following retrieve LLC2 statistics:

    LLC2_GET_STA_STATSGet station statistics
    LLC2_GET_SAP_STATSGet SAP statistics
    LLC2_GET_CON_STATSGet connection statistics

    The structure used depends on the subcommand sent.  


    The LLC2_GET_STA_STATS command retrieves statistics on a particular Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).

    When sending the LLC2_GET_STA_STATS command, the llc2GetStaStats structure is used:

    typedef struct llc2GetStaStats {
    uint_t ppa;
    uint_t cmd;
    uchar_t clearFlag;
    uchar_t state;
    ushort_t numSaps;
    uchar_t saps[LLC2_MAX_SAPS];
    uint_t nullSapXidCmdRcvd;
    uint_t nullSapXidRspSent;
    uint_t nullSapTestCmdRcvd;
    uint_t nullSapTestRspSent;
    uint_t outOfState;
    uint_t allocFail;
    uint_t protocolError;
    } llc2GetStaStats_t;  

    The members of the structure are:

    clearFlag Clear counters flag. Set this to 0 to retreive statistics and to 1 to reset all counters to 0.
    state Station component state. Possible values are ?????
    numSaps Number of active SAPs in the saps array
    sapsAn array of active SAP values
    nullSapXidCmdRcvd Number of NULL SAP XID commands received
    nullSapXidRspSent Number of NULL SAP XID responses sent
    nullSapTestCmdRcvd Number of NULL SAP TEST commands received
    nullSapTestRspSent Number of NULL SAP TEST responses sent
    outOfStateNumber of invalid events received
    allocFail Number of buffer allocation failures
    protocolErrorNumber of protocol errors



    The LLC2_GET_SAP_STATS command retrieves statistics related to a particular SAP. When sending the LLC2_GET_SAP_STATS command, the llc2GetSapStats structure is used:

    typedef struct llc2GetSapStats {
    uint_t ppa;
    uint_t cmd;
    uchar_t sap;
    uchar_t clearFlag;
    uchar_t state;
    uint_t numCons;
    ushort_t cons[LLC2_MAX_CONS];
    uint_t xidCmdSent;
    uint_t xidCmdRcvd;
    uint_t xidRspSent;
    uint_t xidRspRcvd;
    uint_t testCmdSent;
    uint_t testCmdRcvd;
    uint_t testRspSent;
    uint_t testRspRcvd;
    uint_t uiSent;
    uint_t uiRcvd;
    uint_t outOfState;
    uint_t allocFail;
    uint_t protocolError;
    } llc2GetSapStats_t;  

    The members are:

    ppaPhysical Point of Attachment number
    sapSAP value
    clearFlag Clear counters flag. Set this to 0 to retreive statistics and to 1 to reset all counters to 0.
    stateSAP component state
    numCons Number of active connections in the cons array
    cons Array of active connection indexes
    xidCmdSentNumber of XID commands sent
    xidCmdRcvdNumber of XID responses
    xidRspSentNumber of XID responses sent
    xidRspRcvdNumber of XID responses received
    testCmdSentNumber of TEST commands sent
    testCmdRcvdNumber of TEST commands received
    testRspSentNumber of TEST responses sent
    testRspRcvdNumber of TEST responses received
    uiSentNumber of UI frames sent
    uiRcvdNumber of UI frames received
    outOfStateNumber of invalid events received
    allocFail Number of buffer allocation failures
    protocolErrorNumber of protocol errors



    The LLC2_GET_CON_STATS command retrieves statistics related to a particular connection component. When sending the LLC2_GET_CON_STATS command, the llc2GetConStats structure is used:

    typedef struct llc2GetConStats { 
    uint_t ppa; 
    uint_t cmd; 
    uchar_t sap; 
    ushort_t con; 
    uchar_t clearFlag; 
    uchar_t stateOldest; 
    uchar_t stateOlder; 
    uchar_t stateOld; 
    uchar_t state; 
    ushort_t sid; 
    dlsap_t rem; 
    ushort_t flag; 
    uchar_t dataFlag; 
    uchar_t k; 
    uchar_t vs; 
    uchar_t vr; 
    uchar_t nrRcvd; 
    ushort_t retryCount; 
    uint_t numToBeAcked; 
    uint_t numToResend; 
    uint_t macOutSave; 
    uint_t macOutDump; 
    uchar_t timerOn; 
    uint_t iSent; 
    uint_t iRcvd; 
    uint_t frmrSent; 
    uint_t frmrRcvd; 
    uint_t rrSent; 
    uint_t rrRcvd; 
    uint_t rnrSent; 
    uint_t rnrRcvd; 
    uint_t rejSent; 
    uint_t rejRcvd; 
    uint_t sabmeSent; 
    uint_t sabmeRcvd; 
    uint_t uaSent; 
    uint_t uaRcvd; 
    uint_t discSent; 
    uint_t outOfState; 
    uint_t allocFail; 
    uint_t protocolError; 
    uint_t localBusy; 
    uint_t remoteBusy; 
    uint_t maxRetryFail; 
    uint_t ackTimerExp; 
    uint_t pollTimerExp; 
    uint_t rejTimerExp; 
    uint_t remBusyTimerExp; 
    uint_t inactTimerExp; 
    uint_t sendAckTimerExp;
     } llc2GetConStats_t;  

    The members of the structure are:

    ppaPhysical Point of Attachment number
    sapSAP value
    conConnection index
    clearFlag Clear counters flag. Set this to 0 to retreive statistics and to 1 to reset all counters to 0.
    stateOldest, stateOlder, stateOld, state The four previous dlpi states of the connection
    sidSAP value and connection index
    dlsap_t rem Structure containing the remote MAC address and SAP
    flag Connection component processing flag
    ktransmit window size
    vs Sequence number of the next I-frame to send
    vr Sequence number of the next I-frame expected
    nrRcvd Sequence number of the last I-frame acknowledged by the remote node
    retryCountNumber of timer expirations
    numToBeAcked Number of outbound I-frames to be acknowledged
    numToResend Number of outbound I-frames to be re-sent
    macOutSave Number of outbound I-frames held by the MAC driver to be saved on return to LLC2
    macOutDump Number of outbound I-frames held by the MAC driver to be dumped on return to LLC2
    timerOnTimer activity flag
    iSentNumber of I-frames sent
    iRcvdNumber of I-frames received
    frmrSentNumber of frame rejects sent
    frmrRcvdNumber of frame rejects received
    rrSentNumber of RRs sent
    rrRcvdNumber of RRs received
    rnrRcvdNumber of RNRs received
    rejSentNumber of rejects sent
    rejRcvdNumber of rejects received
    sabmeSentNumber of SABMEs sent
    sabmeRcvdNumber of SABMEs received
    uaSentNumber of UAs sent
    uaRcvdNumber of UAs received
    discSentNumber of DISCs sent
    outOfStateNumber of invalid events received
    allocFail Number of buffer allocation failures
    protocolErrorNumber of protocol errors
    localBusy Number of times in a local busy state
    remoteBusy Number of times in a remote busy state
    maxRetryFail Number of failures due to reaching maxRetry
    ackTimerExpNumber of ack timer expirations
    pollTimerExpNumber of P-timer expirations
    rejTimerExpNumber of reject timer expirations
    remBusyTimerExp Number of remote busy timer expirations
    inactTimerExp Number of inactivity timer expirations
    sendAckTimerExp Number of send ack timer expirations



    /dev/llc2 Clone device used to access the driver /etc/llc2/default/llc2.? configuration files (One file per ppa interface.)



    See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute:

    Availability SUNWllc



    llc2_autoconfig(1), llc2_config(1), llc2(4)




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