authconfig provides a simple method of configuring
/etc/sysconfig/network to handle NIS, as well as /etc/passwd and
/etc/shadow, the files used for shadow password support. Basic LDAP,
Kerberos 5, and SMB (authentication) client configuration is also provided.
If --test action is specified, authconfig can be run by
users other then root, and any configuration changes are not saved but printed
If --update action is specified, authconfig must be run by
root (or through console helper), and configuration changes are saved.
The --probe action instructs authconfig to use DNS and other means
to guess at configuration information for the current host, print its guesses
if it finds them to standard output, and exit.
If --nostart is specified (which is what the install program does),
ypbind or other daemons will not be started or stopped immediately following
program execution, but only enabled to start or stop at boot time.
The --enablenis, --enableldap, --enablewinbind,
and --enablehesiod options
are used to configure user information services in /etc/nsswitch.conf,
the --enablecache option is used to configure naming services caching,
and the --enableshadow, --enablemd5, --enableldapauth,
--enablekrb5, --enablewinbindauth,
and --enablesmbauth options are used to configure
authentication functions via /etc/pam.d/system-auth. Each
--enable has a matching --disable option that disables the service
if it is already enabled. The respective services have parameters which configure
their server names etc.
The authconfig-tui supports all options of authconfig but it implies
--update as the default action. Its window contains a Cancel
button by default. If --back option is specified at run time, a Back
button is presented instead. If --kickstart is specified, no interactive
screens will be seen. The values the program will use will be those specified by
the other options (--enablemd5, --enableshadow, etc.).
The authconfig-tui is deprecated. No new configuration settings will be
supported by its text user interface. Use system-config-authentication GUI
application or the command line options instead.
authconfig returns 0 on success, 2 on error.
authconfig-tui returns 0 on success, 2 on error, and 1 if the user cancelled
the program (by using either the Cancel or Back button).
Used to track whether or not particular authentication mechanisms are enabled.
Currently includes variables named USESHADOW, USEMD5, USEKERBEROS, USELDAPAUTH,
Used for shadow password support.
Configuration file for NIS support.
Another configuration file for NIS support.
Used to configure LDAP (and OpenLDAP, respectively).
Used to configure Kerberos 5.
Used to configure Kerberos IV (write-only).
Used to configure Hesiod.
Used to configure SMB authentication.
Used to configure winbind authentication.
Used to configure user information services.
Common PAM configuration for system services which include it using the
include directive. It is created as symlink and not relinked if
it points to another file.
Contains the actual PAM configuration for system services and is the
default target of the /etc/pam.d/system-auth symlink. If a local configuration
of PAM is created (and symlinked from system-auth file) this file can be included