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"proftpd + dos раздел"
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"proftpd + dos раздел"
Сообщение от nikn Искать по авторуВ закладки on 19-Янв-04, 01:14  (MSK)
есть freebsd 5.2 rel + proftpd из портов
есть стандартный конфиг под анонима

есть fat32 раздел на 80гигов
/dev/ad0s1 /usr/home/ftp/pub msdos rw,noexec,nosuid,nosymfollow,-uftp,-gftp,-m660 0 0

фтп для анонима роботает нормально, но он не может зайти в диру pub
что делать ?

Starting proftpd.
- parsing '/usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration
- dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file
- dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
- dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file
- dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix
- <Directory />: adding section for resolved path '/'
router.nikn -
router.nikn - Config for ProFTPD Default Installation:
router.nikn - ~ftp/
router.nikn -  Limit
router.nikn -   DenyAll
router.nikn -  UserName
router.nikn -  GroupName
router.nikn -  UserAlias
router.nikn -  MaxClients
router.nikn -  DisplayLogin
router.nikn -  DisplayFirstChdir
router.nikn -  Umask
router.nikn - /
router.nikn -  AllowOverwrite
router.nikn -  Umask
router.nikn - DefaultServer
router.nikn - Umask
router.nikn - UserID
router.nikn - UserName
router.nikn - GroupID
router.nikn - GroupName
router.nikn - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
router.nikn - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix

ANON anonymous: Login successful.
opening TransferLog '/var/log/xferlog'
dispatching auth request "setpwent" to module mod_auth_file
dispatching auth request "setpwent" to module mod_auth_unix
dispatching auth request "setgrent" to module mod_auth_file
dispatching auth request "setgrent" to module mod_auth_unix
dispatching auth request "getpwent" to module mod_auth_file
dispatching auth request "getpwent" to module mod_auth_unix
dispatching auth request "getgrent" to module mod_auth_file
dispatching auth request "getgrent" to module mod_auth_unix
Preparing to chroot() the environment, path = '/usr/home/ftp'
Environment successfully chroot()ed.
in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/'.
dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_readme
dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ratio
dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ratio
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
dispatching CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
dispatching CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/'.
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_core
dispatching CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_xfer
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'REST 0' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 192,168,0,21,19,137' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 192,168,0,21,19,137' to mod_core
dispatching CMD command 'PORT 192,168,0,21,19,137' to mod_core
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 192,168,0,21,19,137' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'LIST' to mod_ls
active data connection opened - local  :
active data connection opened - remote :
in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/'.
in dir_check_full(): path = '/pub', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/pub'.
dispatching auth request "gid_name" to module mod_auth_file
dispatching auth request "gid_name" to module mod_auth_unix
dispatching auth request "uid_name" to module mod_auth_file
dispatching auth request "uid_name" to module mod_auth_unix
dispatching POST_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_ratio
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_log
dispatching LOG_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_ls
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
in dir_check_full(): path = '/pub', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/pub'.
dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'CWD pub' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core
in dir_check_full(): path = '/pub', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/pub'.
dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'CWD pub/' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
in dir_check_full(): path = '/pub', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/pub'.
dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'CWD pub' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core
in dir_check_full(): path = '/pub', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/pub'.
dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'CWD pub/' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_ratio
dispatching CMD command 'CWD pub' to mod_core
in dir_check_full(): path = '/pub', fullpath = '/usr/home/ftp/pub'.
dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'CWD pub' to mod_log
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core
dispatching PRE_CMD command 'CWD pub/' to mod_core


у клиента
<- 550 pub: Permission denied
-> CWD pub/
<- 550 pub/: Permission denied
-> CWD pub
<- 550 pub: Permission denied
-> CWD pub/
<- 550 pub/: Permission denied


# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                            21

# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask                           022

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd).
MaxInstances                    30

# Set the user and group under which the server will run.
User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup

# To cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home
# directory, uncomment this line.
#DefaultRoot ~

# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
<Directory />
  AllowOverwrite                on

# A basic anonymous configuration, no upload directories.  If you do not
# want anonymous users, simply delete this entire <Anonymous> section.
#                                                                       #
# Uncomment lines with only one # to allow basic anonymous access       #
#                                                                       #

<Anonymous ~ftp>
   User                         ftp
   Group                                ftp

  ### We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp"
   UserAlias                    anonymous ftp

  ### Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
   MaxClients                   10

  ### We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed
  ### in each newly chdired directory.
   DisplayLogin                 welcome.msg
   DisplayFirstChdir            .message

  ### Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
   <Limit WRITE>


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1. "proftpd + dos раздел"
Сообщение от aldebaran Искать по авторуВ закладки on 19-Янв-04, 04:06  (MSK)
выдержка из FAQ, поставляемого с proftpd:

15. Why doesn't Anonymous ftp work (550 login incorrect)?

Things to check

Check the following first:

Make sure the user/group you specified inside the <Anonymous> block actually exists. This must be a real user and group, as it is used to control whom the daemon runs as and authenticates as.

If RequireValidShell is not specifically turned off, make sure that your "ftp user" (as specified by the User directive inside an <Anonymous> block), has a valid shell listed in /etc/shells. If you do not wish to give the user a valid shell, you can always use "RequireValidShell off" to disable this check.

If UseFtpUsers is not specifically turned off, make sure that your "ftp user" is not listed in /etc/ftpusers.


Итого, добавь
   RequireValidShell           off
и будет тебе счастье

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2. "proftpd + dos раздел"
Сообщение от nikn Искать по авторуВ закладки on 19-Янв-04, 23:06  (MSK)
не прокатило...
логинется он и раньше позволял
он не даёт в это папку зайти....
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3. "proftpd + dos раздел"
Сообщение от aldebaran Искать по авторуВ закладки on 20-Янв-04, 03:50  (MSK)
>не прокатило...
>логинется он и раньше позволял
>он не даёт в это папку зайти....
Umask                           022
MaxInstances                    30
User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup
UseReverseDNS           off
IdentLookups            off
<Limit LOGIN>
<Anonymous /home/ftp>
    User                        ftp
    Group                       ftp
    UserAlias                   anonymous ftp
    AnonRequirePassword         off
    RequireValidShell           off
    <Limit LOGIN>
    <Directory *>
        <Limit WRITE>
    <Directory incoming>
        <Limit READ WRITE>
        <Limit STOR>
кусок рабочего конфига для работы только с пользователем anonymous
проверь еще права на pub на всякий случай, мот там че не то
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