Мне под Linux установили программу. У нее возникла ошибка. Работает через веб-браузер.
Выдает ошибку: Error updating database
SQL query : update rents set idle='1', idle_time='1159092799' where id=''Думаю можно исправить если залезть в базу и удалить там что-то. Но где она не могу догадаться.
Есть некая инструкция по инсталяции: может кто сможет надоуметь куда идит к этой базе.
The "database/cyborg.sql" file contains a SQL script to create de tables for
the CybOrg database and the default administrator. This script is PostgreSQL
specific. (See the section "Database creation".)
Next, you must edit the files under "cgi-bin/cyborg/config/" to adapt it to
your system.
Finally, point your browser at http://yourserver.yourdomain/. If everything
goes well, you must be prompted with the login page. Login using the name
"admin" and the password "secret".
Important: Your browser must support cookies!
Database Creation:
The following instructions where tested using PostgreSQL 7.1.3
1) As root, change to user "postgres" (or whatever your PostgreSQL uses as
database admin).
hal:~ # su postgres
2) Create the user "cyborg"
postgres@hal:~> createuser cyborg
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) n
3) As "cyborg" create the "cyborg" database
postgres@hal:~> createdb -U cyborg cyborg
4) As "cyborg" run the SQL script "cyborg.sql" (pay attention to the path
where "cyborg.sql" is located!)
postgres@hal:~> psql -U cyborg -d cyborg -f cyborg.sql
psql:cyborg.sql:10: NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit ...
5) Next, you can test the database using "pgaccess", the graphical client
included in PostgreSQL distribution written in Tcl/Tk.