Доброго времени суток! Помогите пожалуйста!Настраиваю сервер доступа на базе FreeBSD 7.1 и биллинга Netup UTM5. Настроил PPPoE сервер через демон mpd5. Клиенты подключаются, если их логин и пароль вписаны в файл mpd.secret.
Сконфигурировал radius. Убираю mpd.secret, создаю в админке юзера, пароль, однако клиент уже подключиться не может.
Задавал этот вопрос на форуме нетапа, но там не отвечают уже неделю.
Приведу конфиги, логи и последовательность действий:
============mpd.conf ================
#configure mpd users
set user admin PASSWORD
#configure the console
set console self 5005
set console open
#configure the web server
set web self 5006
set web open
load def_conf
create bundle template B
#set iface up-script /usr/local/etc/mpd5/mpd-up.sh
#set iface down-script /usr/local/etc/mpd5/mpd-down.sh
set bundle enable compression
set bundle enable encryption
set iface idle 0
set iface disable proxy-arp
set iface enable tcpmssfix
set ipcp yes vjcomp
set ipcp ranges
set ipcp dns
set ccp yes mppc
set mppc yes e40
set mppc yes e56
set mppc yes e128
set mppc yes stateless
set ecp disable dese-bis dese-old
log -echo -ipv6cp -radius -rep
load radius
load common
create link template PPPoE pppoe
set link enable no-orig-auth
set link max-children 300
set auth max-logins 0
load pppoe
set link action bundle B
set link enable multilink
set link yes acfcomp protocomp
set link disable chap pap eap
set link enable chap chap-msv1 chap-msv2 chap-md5
set link keep-alive 10 60
#pppoe on bge1 with service name "service_name0"
create link template bge1_0 PPPoE
set pppoe iface bge1
set link enable incoming
set pppoe service service_name0
#pppoe on bge1 with service name "service_name1"
create link template vr0_1 PPPoE
set pppoe iface vr0
set link enable incoming
set radius config /usr/local/etc/mpd5/radius.conf
set radius server qqqqqq 1812 1813
set radius retries 3
set radius timeout 10
set radius me
set auth acct-update 300
set auth enable radius-auth
set auth enable radius-acct
set radius enable message-authentic
set ipcp enable radius-ip
auth qqqqqq
acct qqqqqq
Добавляем в файл utm5.cfg:
Настраиваем radius:
auth_order radius,local
login_tries 4
login_timeout 60
nologin /etc/nologin
issue /etc/radiusclient/issue
servers /etc/radiusclient/servers
dictionary /etc/radiusclient/dictionary
login_radius /usr/sbin/login.radius
seqfile /var/run/radius.seq
mapfile /etc/radiusclient/port-id-map
radius_timeout 10
radius_retries 3
login_local /bin/login qqqqqq
==============/etc/radiusclient/servers/================= qqqqqq
Настраиваем словари:
# Experimental extensions, configuration only (for check-items)
# Names/numbers as per the MERIT extensions (if possible).
ATTRIBUTE NAS-Identifier 32 string
ATTRIBUTE Proxy-State 33 string
ATTRIBUTE Login-LAT-Service 34 string
ATTRIBUTE Login-LAT-Node 35 string
ATTRIBUTE Login-LAT-Group 36 string
ATTRIBUTE Framed-AppleTalk-Link 37 integer
ATTRIBUTE Framed-AppleTalk-Network 38 integer
ATTRIBUTE Framed-AppleTalk-Zone 39 string
ATTRIBUTE Acct-Input-Packets 47 integer
ATTRIBUTE Acct-Output-Packets 48 integer
# 8 is a MERIT extension.
VALUE Service-Type Authenticate-Only 8
# Microsoft's VSA's, from RFC 2548
# $Id: dictionary.microsoft,v 1.1 2002/03/06 13:23:09 dfs Exp $
VENDOR Microsoft 311 Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Response 1 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Error 2 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-CPW-1 3 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-CPW-2 4 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-LM-Enc-PW 5 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-NT-Enc-PW 6 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 7 string Microsoft
# This is referred to as both singular and plural in the RFC.
# Plural seems to make more sense.
ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Encryption-Type 8 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types 8 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-RAS-Vendor 9 integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Domain 10 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Challenge 11 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys 12 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-BAP-Usage 13 integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold 14 integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit 15 integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Send-Key 16 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Recv-Key 17 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-RAS-Version 18 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Old-ARAP-Password 19 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-New-ARAP-Password 20 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason 21 integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Filter 22 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Acct-Auth-Type 23 integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Acct-EAP-Type 24 integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP2-Response 25 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP2-Success 26 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP2-CPW 27 string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Primary-DNS-Server 28 ipaddr Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Secondary-DNS-Server 29 ipaddr Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Primary-NBNS-Server 30 ipaddr Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server 31 ipaddr Microsoft
#ATTRIBUTE MS-ARAP-Challenge 33 string Microsoft
# Integer Translations
# MS-BAP-Usage Values
VALUE MS-BAP-Usage Not-Allowed 0
VALUE MS-BAP-Usage Allowed 1
VALUE MS-BAP-Usage Required 2
# MS-ARAP-Password-Change-Reason Values
VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Just-Change-Password 1
VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Expired-Password 2
VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Admin-Requires-Password-Change 3
VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Password-Too-Short 4
# MS-Acct-Auth-Type Values
VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type PAP 1
VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type CHAP 2
VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type MS-CHAP-1 3
VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type MS-CHAP-2 4
VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type EAP 5
# MS-Acct-EAP-Type Values
VALUE MS-Acct-EAP-Type MD5 4
VALUE MS-Acct-EAP-Type Generic-Token-Card 6
INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.merit
INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.ms
Вносим в админку пароль для радиуса для системного юзера.
Создаем пользователя, и подключения нет: клиентская винда пишет, что данное имя пользователя и пароль недопустимы в данном домене.
Привожу tcpdump на серверном интерфейсе:
listening on vr0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
15:57:56.233246 PPPoE PADI [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0x1A00000032000000]
15:57:56.235492 PPPoE PADO [AC-Name "NONAME"] [Service-Name] [Service-Name "*"] [Host-Uniq 0x1A00000032000000] [AC-Cookie 0x4000DBC2]
15:57:56.235780 PPPoE PADR [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0x1A00000033000000] [AC-Cookie 0x4000DBC2]
15:57:56.235886 PPPoE PADS [ses 0x7] [AC-Name "NONAME"] [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0x1A00000033000000] [AC-Cookie 0x4000DBC2]
15:57:56.239466 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 1, length 38
15:57:56.244583 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 0, length 19
15:57:56.244732 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Reject (0x04), id 1, length 23
15:57:56.246013 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Reject (0x04), id 0, length 9
15:57:56.247489 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 2, length 21
15:57:56.247594 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 1, length 16
15:57:56.248609 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 1, length 16
15:57:56.249585 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 2, length 21
15:57:56.250157 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Ident (0x0c), id 2, length 20
15:57:56.250303 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Ident (0x0c), id 3, length 33
15:57:56.252665 PPPoE [ses 0x7] CHAP, Challenge (0x01), id 1, Value bb1e6802bbb1389998c985e851efce10, Name
15:57:56.254842 PPPoE [ses 0x7] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value e85c3d0b50148ab4fe54edc0cb8ea7690000000000000000cdff9d067b462d71eb0acb88c57f66bdb445ad4634971e9d00, Name test
15:57:56.259001 PPPoE [ses 0x7] CHAP, Fail (0x04), id 1, Msg E=691 R=0 M=Login incorrect
15:57:56.259982 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Term-Request (0x05), id 3, length 6
15:57:56.261662 PPPoE [ses 0x7] LCP, Term-Ack (0x06), id 3, length 6
15:57:56.262813 PPPoE PADT [ses 0x7] [Generic-Error "session closed"]
15:57:56.263058 PPPoE PADT [ses 0x7]
судя по tcpdump, мпд просто игнорирует все строки про радиус.
внес небольшие изменения в mpd.conf, переставив строку load radius в блок с меткой рррое.
теперь получил следующий результат: при подключении клиента с виндой хрю вылезает ошибка 718: соединение прервано, т.к. удаленный комп не ответил вовремя.
а на tcpdump во FreeBSD вылезает следующее:
15:35:47.266972 PPPoE PADI [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0x140000001E000000]
15:35:47.269126 PPPoE PADO [AC-Name "NONAME"] [Service-Name] [Service-Name "*"] [Host-Uniq 0x140000001E000000] [AC-Cookie 0x00B33CC2]
15:35:47.269398 PPPoE PADR [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0x140000001F000000] [AC-Cookie 0x00B33CC2]
15:35:47.269471 PPPoE PADS [ses 0x3] [AC-Name "NONAME"] [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0x140000001F000000] [AC-Cookie 0x00B33CC2]
15:35:47.273151 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 1, length 38
15:35:47.282626 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 0, length 19
15:35:47.283068 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Reject (0x04), id 1, length 23
15:35:47.284148 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Reject (0x04), id 0, length 9
15:35:47.285670 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 2, length 21
15:35:47.286031 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 1, length 16
15:35:47.287957 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 2, length 21
15:35:47.289068 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 1, length 16
15:35:47.290568 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Challenge (0x01), id 1, Value bb1e6853aa174d6923f1843011a15384, Name
15:35:47.291019 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Ident (0x0c), id 2, length 20
15:35:47.291183 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Ident (0x0c), id 3, length 33
15:35:47.293087 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:35:49.293017 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:35:51.292968 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:35:53.292927 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:35:55.292907 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:35:57.292845 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:35:59.292799 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:36:01.292751 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:36:03.292714 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:36:05.292674 PPPoE [ses 0x3] CHAP, Response (0x02), id 1, Value 1388d74f0651fd2177d25b9800bb3d5d0000000000000000809ceebc6a877eaa9c59203ac79b68eed37ac1feacef71ed00, Name test
15:36:07.295681 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Term-Request (0x05), id 4, length 18
15:36:07.297210 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Term-Ack (0x06), id 3, length 6
15:36:09.283662 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Term-Request (0x05), id 5, length 18
15:36:09.285213 PPPoE [ses 0x3] LCP, Term-Ack (0x06), id 4, length 6
15:36:09.300985 PPPoE PADT [ses 0x3] [Generic-Error "session closed"]
15:36:09.301268 PPPoE PADT [ses 0x3]
при этом и при подключении через существующий mpd.secret ошибка та же. что-то не так в конфигах радиуса? помогите плиз