После обновления openSuse 10.3 упал yast2? Помогите пожалуйста!!!!
yast2 запускаеться, а при любом нажатии пишет:
Error loading language plugin /usr/lib64/YaST2/plugin/libpy2lang_perl.so: libzypp.so.324: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
No such client module menu
прочитал http://suseforums.net/index.php?showtopic=42066 и
не помогло
Ok to solve (for anyone still desperate to get package management back)Go to http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.3/repo/oss/suse/i586/ and
pick up the following three packages and save them to their own folder (all 3
packages in one folder)
Open a shell and su to root
cd to the folder you put them in
rpm -e boost-1.33.1-108.2 (which erases the wonderfully and thoroughly tested
package that caused the mess)
rpm -ivh *.*
Right click on the opensuse updater and click check now and all should be back
to normal
error: Failed dependencies:
libicui18n.so.36 is needed by boost-1.33.1-108.i586
libicuuc.so.36 is needed by boost-1.33.1-108.i586
libcurl.so.4 is needed by libzypp-3.26.2-2.i586
librpm-4.4.so is needed by libzypp-3.26.2-2.i586
libsqlite3.so.0 is needed by libzypp-3.26.2-2.i586
libreadline.so.5 is needed by zypper-0.8.23-7.i586