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"Senior Java Developer, Moscow, $1500-$2000"
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"Senior Java Developer, Moscow, $1500-$2000"  
Сообщение от ABVGroup email(ok) on 27-Сен-06, 16:59 
A large company is looking for Senior Java Developer; higher education; fluent English; 5+ years experience developing Enterprise Java/J2EE applications; 2+  years experience leading a development team; individual must be proficient in all aspects of Object-oriented and database design including design patterns, and n-tier system architecture; strong knowledge and experience in Java, J2EE, JavaScript, XML, Weblogic, SQL, Oracle, Unix; experience with Rule Engines is a plus; knowledge of standard software development practices including project lifecycles, project management, code management and release process; ability to resolve functional & technical issues independently; strong communication skills, good written and verbal English; knowledge of banking industry is a plus. Working closely with a Bank team leader and a business analyst to produce design and technical specifications from business/functional requirements. Defining a detailed project plan, assigning tasks to team members and tracking development progress. Personally developing system components. Coaching team members, conducting code reviews, and ensuring that best practices & development standards are followed. Assisting the Bank team in providing daily production support and issue resolution. Fixed salary $1500-$2000 + benefits; please send your CV to; code SJD-05.
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Сообщения по теме [Сортировка по времени, UBB]

1. "Senior Java Developer, Moscow, $1500-$2000"  
Сообщение от ABVGroup email(??) on 05-Окт-06, 16:34 
>A large company is looking for Senior Java Developer; higher education; fluent
>English; 5+ years experience developing Enterprise Java/J2EE applications; 2+  years
>experience leading a development team; individual must be proficient in all
>aspects of Object-oriented and database design including design patterns, and n-tier
>system architecture; strong knowledge and experience in Java, J2EE, JavaScript, XML,
>Weblogic, SQL, Oracle, Unix; experience with Rule Engines is a plus;
>knowledge of standard software development practices including project lifecycles, project management,
>code management and release process; ability to resolve functional & technical
>issues independently; strong communication skills, good written and verbal English; knowledge
>of banking industry is a plus. Working closely with a Bank
>team leader and a business analyst to produce design and technical
>specifications from business/functional requirements. Defining a detailed project plan, assigning tasks
>to team members and tracking development progress. Personally developing system components.
>Coaching team members, conducting code reviews, and ensuring that best practices
>& development standards are followed. Assisting the Bank team in providing
>daily production support and issue resolution. Fixed salary $1500-$2000 + benefits;
>please send your CV to; code SJD-05.

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