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"Technical Project Leader"
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"Technical Project Leader"  
Сообщение от ABVGroup email(ok) on 09-Июл-07, 18:56 
A large oil and gas company is looking for Technical Project Leader (location: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk); higher education; good English, 5+ years experience in systems analysis, development and maintenance work in a technical corporate systems environment, experience with exploration and production, understanding of project management techniques, good technical and analytical skills, managing projects using a well-known project management methodology, Project Management Institute (PMI) certified or equivalent; Leading the projects on a day-to-day basis allocating and monitoring progress of technical tasks, perform capacity planning, liaising with Business Project Managers and with IT Service manager, ensure that each understand the issues critical for progress.  Competitive salary + benefits + relocation package (relocation with family possible), please send your CV to, code TPL-06
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