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"Middleware/J2EE Application Specialist (Vacancy code: J2EE_A..."
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"Middleware/J2EE Application Specialist (Vacancy code: J2EE_A..."  
Сообщение от clover email(ok) on 12-Фев-08, 17:57 
Miratech Ltd is one of the largest Ukrainian software companies. Details about Miratech can be found at

As a result of growth our company looks for Middleware/J2EE Application Specialist.


•    Perform administration and trouble-shooting activities Middleware/J2EE
•    Tracing, analyzing and monitor Java applications
•    Put errands in the errand handling system
•    Perform proper escalation of service issues to next level using appropriate methods and tools within the designated
•    Write clear and concise outage report(s)
•    Coordinate with internal and external resources the completion of the report

•    Master/bachelor degree in Computer Science or related domain
•    Common understanding of Unix/Linux, Networking, Databases
•    Operational and administrative knowledge (XML/XSL, Apache, http/https, Apache Tomcat, mod_jk and other connectors, JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere)
•    Tracing and analyzing exceptions and java core dumps
•    Java application monitoring technique and tools
•    Good verbal and written communication skills (English)
•    Service oriented professional attitude
We are ready to boost your professionalism with high maturity of process organization, creative intelligent team to work with, international projects to work in, inspiring environment, in-door foreign languages training, medical insurance and other social benefits. For more information please refer to Career Page on Miratech website or contact Recruiting Team members directly over the phone 8-044-206-40-98.

If you meet these requirements, please send your resume to the e-mail and put subject “Surname – Name (J2EE_Adm)”.

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