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"Sybase DBA for UNIX (Vacancy code: Unix_Sybase)"
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"Sybase DBA for UNIX (Vacancy code: Unix_Sybase)"  
Сообщение от clover email(ok) on 12-Фев-08, 18:15 
Miratech Ltd is one of the largest Ukrainian software companies. Details about Miratech can be found at

As a result of growth our company looks for Sybase DBA for UNIX.


•    Log Watching in Database environment
•    Capacity monitoring and tuning in database environment
•    Cloning operation in DB environment
•    Table space handling (extending, space management)
•    Service Center handling. ( Incident ,problem, change)
•    Monitor system according to Run-books

•    Master/bachelor degree in Computer Science or related domain
•    2+ years experience in Database administration
•    Experience in Sybase deployment and administration at Unix platform
•    Strong knowledge of administration and configuration of Sybase database and application servers
•    Strong understanding of backup solutions and database replication services
•    Understanding of performance tuning, upgrades, RMAN, networking, PL-SQL.
•    Good verbal and written communication skills (English)
•    Service oriented professional attitude
•    Sybase training/certification considered as a plus
We are ready to boost your professionalism with high maturity of process organization, creative intelligent team to work with, international projects to work in, inspiring environment, in-door foreign languages training, medical insurance and other social benefits. For more information please refer to Career Page on Miratech website or contact Recruiting Team members directly over the phone 8-044-206-40-98.

If you meet these requirements, please send your resume to the e-mail and put subject “Surname – Name (Unix_Sybase)”.

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