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"Нужен Senior Java Application Developer!!!"
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"Нужен Senior Java Application Developer!!!"  
Сообщение от radistkaKet email(ok) on 02-Апр-08, 08:33 
Австралийская компания IST networks (ищет Java специалиста для работы в филиале компании (г. Рияд, Саудовская Аравия). Компенсационный пакет - от 7000 до 9000 USD.
Чтобы получить более подробную информацию:
skype - poes_from_Tag
ICQ - 154199170
или по телефону +7-918-851-1074

•    Under general direction, conceptualizes, designs, constructs, tests, and implements portions of business and technical information technology solutions through application of appropriate software development life cycle methodology.
•    Interacts with the customer to gain an understanding of the business environment, technical context, and organizational strategic direction.
•    Defines scope, plans, and deliverables for assigned projects.
•    Collects, identifies, and organizes detailed user and information technology requirements.
Co-ordinates and collaborates with others in analyzing collected requirements to ensure that plans and identified solutions meet customer needs and expectations.
•    Confirms and prioritizes project plans and deliverables with the customer.  
•    Participates in business and information technology solution implementations, upgrades, enhancements, and conversions.
•    Understands and uses appropriate tools to analyze, identify, and resolve business and technical problems, applies metrics to monitor performance and measure key project areas.
•    Prepares system documentation.
•    Establishes and maintains security, integrity, and business continuity controls and documents.
•    Participates in special studies, marketing efforts, and formal proposals.
•    Remains current on emerging tools, techniques, and technologies.
Required Skills:
•    Good understanding of UML concepts. Mastering Java Standard Edition J2SE Ver. 1.5
•    Solid overall understanding of Java Enterprise Edition J2EE. Servlets /JSP knowledge and fair EJB knowledge is a must.
•    Show good understanding of the core OO concepts & OO design techniques.
•    Solid understanding of SQL & DB design.
•    Strong customer interaction and presentation / communication skills
•    Solid verbal and written English language skills
•    At least three years of practical projects exposure.
•    Struts.
•    JUnit.
•    CM tools knowledge, preferably CVS or SubVersion.
•    Design Patterns/J2EE Design Patterns.
•    IP Telephony Solutions / Protocols Cisco IPCC System Structure.
•    Not less than 6 years of professional Java development experience
•    Good awareness of the following Technologies: J2EE/J2SE programming, Servlets, EJB & JSP.
•    Solid knowledge of SQL, stored procedures is a must
  Skills and Knowledge:
•    Good awareness of the following Technologies:
•    J2EE/J2SE programming, Servlets, EJB & JSP.
•    Solid knowledge of SQL, stored procedures is a must.
•    Working knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server
•    Cisco IPCC server know-how is urgent.
•    IP Telephony solution / protocols know-how is a plus.
•    Experience using Eclipse / WSAD and JBoss AS.
•    Experience with Struts / IDEs.
•    Experience with IBM WebSphere Application Server.
•    Experience with WAS , BEA WebLogic is a plus
•    Must be willing to work with others in an integrated team environment
•    Communication Skills is must.

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