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" System Engineer IPCC 4500-5000$ Москва"
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Форумы Поиск и предложение работы, доска объявлений. (Public)
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" System Engineer IPCC 4500-5000$ Москва"  
Сообщение от youth1 (ok) on 14-Апр-08, 14:38 
System Engineer IPCC 4500-5000$
Город: Саудовская Аравия, г. Рияд.

О компании:
Dynamic privately held company that offers professional ICT services and bespoke voice, data, video solutions for the enterprise IP communications market. Headquarters in Australia, with Research and Development taking place in Perth and Sydney
О вакансии:
Предполагается переезд успешного кандидата на работу в Саудовскую Аравию, г. Рияд.

    * 5 years of Cisco IPCC and/or Cisco IP Communication or other Vendor call center experience
    * Strong problem solving skills
    * Good Communication skills
    * Ability to mentor a small team of system engineers
    * Work with in a team environment
    * Certifications required:
    * Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
    * Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN)
    * Cisco Voice (CVOICE)
    * Cisco IP Telephony (CIPT)
    * Microsoft Certified Processional (MCP)
    * MCSE – Exam 70217
    * Cisco Certified Voice Professional (Is a Plus)
    * Cisco IP Contact Center Courses

Support and implement Network and IP Communication solutions (Cisco IP Telephony & Contact Centers) customer sites
Gather and Analyze customer requirements and translate into a detail design
Generate working configurations, and deliver successful deployments with in communicated time frames
Functional & User Acceptance Testing
Generate and maintain a suite of technical documentation
Keeps track of technical issues during the project
Act as a technical reference throughout the complete project
Mentoring a small team of system engineers

Если Вас заинтересовала вакансия, то пожалуйста присылайте свои резюме по ниже указанным реквизитам с пометкой «ist_cisco1».
Также можете обратиться к нам и узнать, что за компания открыла эту позицию и задать любые вопросы, не отправляя при этом своё резюме.

Контакты - Карина Канделян
ICQ UIN: 494161295
Телефон: (495) 930-89-97

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