Recover from Faulty Upgrade
Complete these steps to recover the PIX when you upgrade the PIX from 6.x to 6.x and you end up with a faulty upgrade.Set the PIX to monitor mode.
Load the erasedisk6xx.bin file via TFTP. You need to get this file from Cisco Technical Support.
When the system re-starts, set the PIX to monitor mode again.
Load the new 6.x version file in the PIX via TFTP.
Enter Monitor Mode on a PIX 501, 506, 515, 525 or 535
PIX devices that do not have an internal floppy drive come with a ROM boot monitor program that is used for the upgrade of the PIX Firewall's image. Complete these steps in order to enter monitor mode on these PIX devices.
Power cycle or reload the PIX. During bootup you are prompted to use BREAK or ESC to interrupt Flash boot. You have ten seconds to interrupt the normal boot process.
Press the ESC key or send a BREAK character to enter monitor mode.
If you use Windows HyperTerminal, you can press the ESC key or send a BREAK character by pressing Ctrl+Break.
If you Telnet through a terminal server in order to access the console port of the PIX, you need to press Ctrl ] in order to get to the Telnet command prompt. Then enter the send break command.
The monitor> prompt displays.
Proceed to the Upgrade the PIX Firewall from Boothelper or Monitor Mode section of this document.