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"cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема"
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"cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема"  
Сообщение от hash email(??) on 03-Окт-07, 16:14 
cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема

Подскажите почему 851 не понимает chat-script
хочу подключить через AUX GRPS модем

может прошивку поискать другую - а может уже кто-то сделал такую схему

Заранее благодарен за полезные ответы!

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1. "cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема"  
Сообщение от KostyaK email on 04-Окт-07, 01:47 
>cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема
>Подскажите почему 851 не понимает chat-script
>хочу подключить через AUX GRPS модем

line con 0
modem enable

не забыли сказать?

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2. "cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема"  
Сообщение от AlexDv (??) on 04-Окт-07, 15:25 
>cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема
>Подскажите почему 851 не понимает chat-script
>хочу подключить через AUX GRPS модем
>может прошивку поискать другую - а может уже кто-то сделал такую схему
>Заранее благодарен за полезные ответы!

Q. Do the Cisco 870 Series and 850 Series support dial backup and out-of-band management?
A. The Cisco 870 Series supports both dial backup and out-of-band management on its virtual auxiliary port with an external modem connected to it. The Cisco 876 router has an ISDN S/T port for ISDN dial backup and out-of-band management. The Cisco 878 has an ISDN S/T port for out-of-band management only in addition to its virtual auxiliary port. The Cisco 850 Series does not support dial backup but does support out-of-band management on its virtual auxiliary port.

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3. "cisco 851 AUX порт в качестве модема"  
Сообщение от hash email(??) on 05-Окт-07, 16:19 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>Q. Do the Cisco 870 Series and 850 Series support dial backup
>and out-of-band management?
>A. The Cisco 870 Series supports both dial backup and out-of-band management
>on its virtual auxiliary port with an external modem connected to
>it. The Cisco 876 router has an ISDN S/T port for
>ISDN dial backup and out-of-band management. The Cisco 878 has an
>ISDN S/T port for out-of-band management only in addition to its
>virtual auxiliary port. The Cisco 850 Series does not support dial
>backup but does support out-of-band management on its virtual auxiliary port.

Да спасибо - уже нашел такое
hash ‎(04.10.2007 10:04):
Dial Backup Feature Limitations

The following limitations exist for the dial backup feature:

•Bridging is not supported over console or auxiliary port backup interfaces.

•For the Cisco 851 router, only dial-in capability is supported.

•Dial backup support on the Cisco 871 router is limited because the Ethernet WAN interface is always up, even when ISP connectivity is down on the other side of the modem connected to the Cisco 871 router. The router must be in a PPPoE environment with the dialer watch feature running. The IP addresses of the peer must be specified in the dialer watch and the static route commands to enable dial backup when the primary line goes down.

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