Всё читать лень, но судя по фрагментам типа:"Some latency will occur, due to the fact that all scheduling and routing information for the user is performed by TAMA and Tactical Ad−hoc Routing On Demand (TAROD), as it takes time for a route to be searched."
"This section describes the basic Internet Protocol (IP) planning required for successful network operations. Some US Army networks have very few host devices that use IP routing. For example, FBCB2−based operations do not require you to add IP routes to the RSs, however, evolution of Army systems may require a combination of IP and non−IP based hosts. Army Land Warrior and US Marine Corps use IP based EPLRS hosts. As a minimum, it is recommended, but not required, that you set up IP addresses in the ENM computers and the ENM RSs."
тут смесь нестандартных протоколов и не ip маршрутизации.