не грузится bootstrap, логов представить не могу , да и там нет ничего кроме обрезанного слова bootsta,bootst и так далее, хрень и все.
После многократный клацаний тумблером заработало!!!!
Но проблема остается, где-то раз в полгода виснет.
Рылся на форумах мнение проблемы с памятью, но 1.5 года работало!
sh version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IK9O3S3-M), Version 12.2(15)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 10-Sep-03 05:47 by pwade
Image text-base: 0x80008098, data-base: 0x8193825C
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
c2611-krfse uptime is 21 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 10:47:40 KIEV Fri Apr 22 2005
System image file is "flash:1:c2600-ik9o3s3-mz.122-15.T8.bin"
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
cisco 2611 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x300) with 61440K/4096K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID JAD05470P12 (76988887)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
Configuration register is 0x2102
sh stacks
Minimum process stacks:
Free/Size Name
5604/6000 DHCPD Receive
5720/6000 HPI Logger
5448/6000 PostOfficeNet
2588/3000 allegro libretto init
8780/12000 Init
10348/12000 Virtual Exec
Interrupt level stacks:
Level Called Unused/Size Name
1 59545 7492/9000 Network interfaces
2 0 9000/9000 Timebase Reference Interrupt
3 0 9000/9000 PA Management Int Handler
6 1537 8896/9000 16552 Con/Aux Interrupt
7 342372 8920/9000 MPC860 TIMER INTERRUPT
sh flash: all
Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode
1 15872K 14817K 1054K 8192K Read/Write Direct
System flash directory:
File Length Name/status
addr fcksum ccksum
1 15173564 c2600-ik9o3s3-mz.122-15.T8.bin
0x40 0x7956 0x7956
[15173628 bytes used, 1079300 available, 16252928 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
Chip Bank Code Size Name
1 1 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016
2 1 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016
3 1 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016
4 1 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016
1 2 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016
2 2 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016
3 2 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016
4 2 01AD 2048KB AMD 29F016