1) Анонсировать свою сеть соседям, проверив через префикс листы, что ананосируется только
наша сеть, а не что иное, чтобы избежать создания транзита.
2) Установить предпочтение командой weigth на апстрим к ISP1.
4) Получать от резервного ISP2 full-view, дабы препендами к as-path удлинять маршрут
так должно работать
router xxxx
no synchronization
bgp router-id 193.xxx.xxx.xxx
aggregate-address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
-------------- БЭКАП ----------------------------
neighbor 195.5.xxx.xxx remote-as xxx
neighbor 195.5.xxx.xxx ebgp-multihop 255
neighbor 195.5.xxx.xxx update-source GE0/0.2
neighbor 195.5.xxx.xxx route-map prov2me in
neighbor 195.5.xxx.xxx route-map me2prov out
no auto-summary
route-map prov2me permit 10
match as-path 10
set local-preference 80
route-map me2prov permit 10
ip as-path access-list 10 permit ^xxxx (АСКА прова)
-------------- БЭКАП ----------------------------
-------------- ОСНОВНОЙ -------------------------
neighbor 193.3.xxx.xxx remote-as xxx
neighbor 193.3.xxx.xxx ebgp-multihop 255
neighbor 193.3.xxx.xxx update-source GE0/0.1
neighbor 193.3.xxx.xxx route-map prov2me in
neighbor 193.3.xxx.xxx route-map me2prov out
no auto-summary
route-map prov2me permit 10
set local-preference 100
Пример не реальный а так навскидку..... если не прав поправте
в принципе веравно Fullview или Default (если тебе не нужно управлять исходящим трафиком например Пиринговый трафик Русский Зарубежный И.Т.Д)
узнай у своих провов поддерживают они community атрибуты если да то какие и что они делают пример: (можно сделать проще)
remarks: ------------------------------------------------------
remarks: Prepend/supression community attribute values
remarks: These communities can be set by GTU customers for supressing
remarks: advertisement or lengthening AS-path of their announces.
remarks: Format: 12530:5PPPA
remarks: PPP - peer code; currently supported:
remarks: 010 - all international peers
remarks: 020 - all ukrainian peers (UA-IX, UT-IX, private peers)
remarks: A - action code
remarks: 0 - do not advertise
remarks: 1 - prepend AS12530 1 time
remarks: 2 - prepend AS12530 2 times
remarks: 4 - prepend AS12530 4 times
remarks: 6 - prepend AS12530 6 times
remarks: Examples:
remarks: 12530:50100 - do not advertise to international peers
remarks: 12530:50202 - prepend AS12530 2 times when advertising
remarks: to ukrainian peers
remarks: ------------------------------------------------------
remarks: Local preference management community attribute values
remarks: Local preference (LP) values in AS12530 are as follows:
remarks: 100 customers routes
remarks: 91...99 routes received from ukrainian peers
remarks: 81...89 international routes
remarks: 70 the lowest value
remarks: The following communities can be set to alter the local
remarks: preference value of customer routes:
remarks: 12530:40090 set LP to 90
remarks: 12530:40070 set LP to 70 (full backup)
remarks: 12530:40000 do not change LP in AS12530, but set it to
remarks: the lowest value in the international uplinks'
remarks: autonomous systems (international backup)
remarks: ------------------------------------------------------
remarks: Informational communities
remarks: Informational communities are used for identifying the source
remarks: of announces. They are assigned by GTU border routers and
remarks: cannot be set by the customer.
remarks: Format: 12530:64SSS
remarks: SSS - source; currently supported values:
remarks: 010 - international peer
remarks: 020 - GT or customer
remarks: 021 - UA-IX
remarks: 022 - Ukrtelecom-IX
remarks: 023 - Lviv-IX
remarks: 024 - ZP-IX
remarks: 025 - Trifle private peering
remarks: Examples:
remarks: 12530:64010 - learned from international peer
remarks: 12530:64021 - learned from UA-IX