Во втором apache есть /bin/rotatelogs.exe
rotatelogs /?
Usage: rotatelogs <logfile> <rotation time in seconds> [offset minutes from UTC]
or <rotation size in megabytes>
Add this:
TransferLog "|rotatelogs /some/where 86400"
TransferLog "|rotatelogs /some/where 5M"
to httpd.conf. The generated name will be /some/where.nnnn where nnnn is the
system time at which the log nominally starts (N.B. if using a rotation time,
the time will always be a multiple of the rotation time, so you can synchronize
cron scripts with it). At the end of each rotation time or when the file size
is reached a new log is started.
Как работает не пробовал (и работает ли вообще). Можешь попробовать :)