- l2tpd is a prototype implementation for the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
decribed in RFC2661.
- Start by downloading the tarball for the
latest version (0.69). The following instructions apply only to
- The source code is not configured using one of GNU's autoconfiguration tools. Hence one has to use make all
to compile. Later you will have to manually copy the l2tpd executable to /usr/local/sbin or any
other preferred location.
- There are some documents and configurarion in the ./doc directory. I had to manully transfer the manual
pages to appropriate directories.
[shashank@mia doc]# ls
l2tp-secrets.5 l2tp-secrets.sample l2tpd.8 l2tpd.conf.5 l2tpd.conf.sample origREADME rfc2661.txt
[shashank@mia doc]# gzip l2tp-secrets.5
[shashank@mia doc]# gzip l2tpd.8
[shashank@mia doc]# gzip l2tpd.conf.5
[shashank@mia doc]# ls
l2tp-secrets.5.gz l2tp-secrets.sample l2tpd.8.gz l2tpd.conf.5.gz l2tpd.conf.sample origREADME rfc2661.txt
[shashank@mia doc]# cp ./l2tpd.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8
[shashank@mia doc]# cp ./l2tp-secrets.5.gz /usr/share/man/man5
[shashank@mia doc]# cp ./l2tpd.conf.5.gz /usr/share/man/man5
Now man l2tpd; man l2tpd.conf and man l2tp-secrets should show you the help file. Hopefully all this should
change in the future. (Hint:Just the Makefile needs to be changed a bit to do this.)
- I am asssuming that we are using the following setup with mia
as the client(LAC) and zidler as the server(LNS). However the configuration files that I list here,
will allow any one to be the LNS or LAC.
- Before starting out, I have decided that I will use /etc/l2tp to store
all my configuration files.
[shashank@mia l2tp]# ls | more
l2tp-secrets ==> Used to store all the secrets
l2tpd.conf ==> Used to store the configuration for l2tpd
options.l2tp ==> Used to store the configuration options for pppd.
NOTE: When run as an LAC, the l2tpd always passes just two options to pppd (passive and -detach).
However the version of the pppd(2.4.2) that I am using, has replaced the -detach option,
with nodetach. As a result of this, I was getting "Serial Line is Looped back Error", which
was due to pppd detaching itself from the terminal.
HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM: There are two ways for doing this:
- hack into the source and change the -detach option to nodetach and recompile.
- pppd reads default options from the options file /etc/ppp/options, if no specific options file is
specified. I just put the nodetach option in this file and everything worked out well. Below is the file:
# cat /etc/ppp/options
logfd 2
- Let me start with Zidler. Below I list the contents of the three files mentioned above.
All the options are almost self explanatory. If in doubt, read the man pages.
shashank@zidler:/etc/l2tp# cat l2tp-secrets
# Secrets for authenticating l2tp tunnels
# us them secret
zidler mia abcd1234
shashank@zidler:/etc/l2tp# cat l2tpd.conf
[global] ; Global parameters:
port = 1701 ; * Bind to port 1701
auth file = /etc/l2tp/l2tp-secrets ; * Where our challenge secrets are
access control = no ; * Refuse connections without IP match
; rand source = dev ; Source for entropy for random
; ; numbers, options are:
; ; dev - reads of /dev/urandom
; ; sys - uses rand()
; ; egd - reads from egd socket
; ; egd is not yet implemented
[lns default] ; Our fallthrough LNS definition
exclusive = yes ; * Only permit one tunnel per host
ip range = ; * Allocate from this IP range
lac = ; * These can connect as LAC's
hidden bit = no ; * Use hidden AVP's?
local ip = ; * Our local IP to use
length bit = yes ; * Use length bit in payload?
refuse authentication = yes ; * Refuse authentication altogether
;require chap = yes ; * Require CHAP auth. by peer
;refuse pap = yes ; * Refuse PAP authentication
; refuse chap = no ; * Refuse CHAP authentication
; require authentication = yes ; * Require peer to authenticate
; unix authentication = no ; * Use /etc/passwd for auth.
name = zidler ; * Report this as our hostname
ppp debug = yes ; * Turn on PPP debugging
; pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options ; * ppp options file
pppoptfile = /etc/l2tp/options.l2tp ; * ppp options file
; call rws = 10 ; * RWS for call (-1 is valid)
; tunnel rws = 4 ; * RWS for tunnel (must be > 0)
; flow bit = yes ; * Include sequence numbers
; challenge = yes ; * Challenge authenticate peer ;
[lac mia] ; Example VPN LAC definition
lns = ; * Who is our LNS?
; lns = lns2.marko.net ; * A backup LNS (not yet used)
; redial = yes ; * Redial if disconnected?
; redial timeout = 15 ; * Wait n seconds between redials
; max redials = 5 ; * Give up after n consecutive failures
; hidden bit = yes ; * User hidden AVP's?
; local ip = ; * Force peer to use this IP for us
; remote ip = ; * Force peer to use this as their IP
; length bit = no ; * Use length bit in payload?
refuse authentication = yes ; * Refuse authentication altogether
; require pap = no ; * Require PAP auth. by peer
; require chap = yes ; * Require CHAP auth. by peer
; refuse pap = yes ; * Refuse PAP authentication
; refuse chap = no ; * Refuse CHAP authentication
; require authentication = yes ; * Require peer to authenticate
name = zidler ; * Report this as our hostname
ppp debug = yes ; * Turn on PPP debugging
pppoptfile = /etc/l2tp/options.l2tp ; * ppp options file IGNORED HERE
; call rws = 10 ; * RWS for call (-1 is valid)
; tunnel rws = 4 ; * RWS for tunnel (must be > 0)
; flow bit = yes ; * Include sequence numbers
; challenge = yes ; * Challenge authenticate peer
; [lac cisco] ; Another quick LAC
; lns = cisco.marko.net ; * Required, but can take from default
; require authentication = yes
shashank@zidler:/etc/l2tp# cat options.l2tp
logfd 2
logfile /var/log/l2tpd.log
- Now turning towards mia. Below I list the contents of the three files:
Again all the options are almost self explanatory. If in doubt, read the man pages.
[shashank@mia l2tp]# cat l2tp-secrets
# Secrets for authenticating l2tp tunnels
# us them secret
mia zidler abcd1234
[shashank@mia l2tp]# cat l2tpd.conf
[global] ; Global parameters:
port = 1701 ; * Bind to port 1701
auth file = /etc/l2tp/l2tp-secrets ; * Where our challenge secrets are
access control = no ; * Refuse connections without IP match
; rand source = dev ; Source for entropy for random
; ; numbers, options are:
; ; dev - reads of /dev/urandom
; ; sys - uses rand()
; ; egd - reads from egd socket
; ; egd is not yet implemented
[lns default] ; Our fallthrough LNS definition
exclusive = yes ; * Only permit one tunnel per host
ip range = ; * Allocate from this IP range
lac = ; * These can connect as LAC's
hidden bit = no ; * Use hidden AVP's?
local ip = ; * Our local IP to use
length bit = yes ; * Use length bit in payload?
refuse authentication = yes ; * Refuse authentication altogether
;require chap = yes ; * Require CHAP auth. by peer
;refuse pap = yes ; * Refuse PAP authentication
;refuse chap = no ; * Refuse CHAP authentication
;require authentication = yes ; * Require peer to authenticate
;unix authentication = no ; * Use /etc/passwd for auth.
name = mia ; * Report this as our hostname
ppp debug = yes ; * Turn on PPP debugging
pppoptfile = /etc/l2tp/options.l2tp ; * ppp options file
; call rws = 10 ; * RWS for call (-1 is valid)
; tunnel rws = 4 ; * RWS for tunnel (must be > 0)
; flow bit = yes ; * Include sequence numbers
; challenge = yes ; * Challenge authenticate peer ;
[lac zidler] ; Example VPN LAC definition
lns = ; * Who is our LNS?
; lns = lns2.marko.net ; * A backup LNS (not yet used)
; redial = yes ; * Redial if disconnected?
; redial timeout = 15 ; * Wait n seconds between redials
; max redials = 5 ; * Give up after n consecutive failures
; hidden bit = yes ; * User hidden AVP's?
; local ip = ; * Force peer to use this IP for us
; remote ip = ; * Force peer to use this as their IP
; length bit = no ; * Use length bit in payload?
refuse authentication = yes ; * Refuse authentication altogether
; require pap = no ; * Require PAP auth. by peer
; require chap = yes ; * Require CHAP auth. by peer
; refuse pap = yes ; * Refuse PAP authentication
; refuse chap = no ; * Refuse CHAP authentication
; require authentication = yes ; * Require peer to authenticate
name = mia ; * Report this as our hostname
ppp debug = yes ; * Turn on PPP debugging
; pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options ; * ppp options file for this lac
pppoptfile = /etc/l2tp/options.l2tp ; * ppp options file for this lac
; call rws = 10 ; * RWS for call (-1 is valid)
; tunnel rws = 4 ; * RWS for tunnel (must be > 0)
; flow bit = yes ; * Include sequence numbers
; challenge = yes ; * Challenge authenticate peer
; [lac cisco] ; Another quick LAC
; lns = cisco.marko.net ; * Required, but can take from default
; require authentication = yes
[shashank@mia l2tp]# cat options.l2tp
logfd 2
logfile /var/log/l2tpd.log
- To start using L2TP use the following command to start the l2tp daemon on both the LAC and LNS.
If in doubt use l2tpd --help to view more options.
#> l2tpd -D -c /etc/l2tp/l2tpd.conf -s /etc/l2tp/l2tp-secrets
The above command will create a file /var/run/l2tp-control. Commands can be given to the l2tp daemon by
echo'ing them to this file.
Since -D option is given, the l2tpd will execute in foreground and you can view all the messages on the
- I then give the following commands to the l2tpd on zidler, from another terminal: Below I also
show the corresponding output spit out by l2tpd (on the first terminal).
shashank@zidler:/etc/l2tp# echo "t mia" > /var/run/l2tp-control
shashank@zidler:/etc/l2tp# /usr/local/sbin/l2tpd -D -c /etc/l2tp/l2tpd.conf
do_control: Got message t mia (5 bytes long)
do_control: Attempting to tunnel to mia
ourtid = 17405, entropy_buf = 43fd
l2tp_call:Connecting to host mia, port 1701
check_control: control, cid = 0, Ns = 0, Nr = 1
handle_avps: handling avp's for tunnel 17405, call 0
message_type_avp: message type 2 (Start-Control-Connection-Reply)
protocol_version_avp: peer is using version 1, revision 0.
framing_caps_avp: supported peer frames: async sync
bearer_caps_avp: supported peer bearers:
firmware_rev_avp: peer reports firmware version 1680 (0x0690)
hostname_avp: peer reports hostname 'eriwan'
vendor_avp: peer reports vendor 'l2tpd.org'
assigned_tunnel_avp: using peer's tunnel 33663
receive_window_size_avp: peer wants RWS of 4. Will use flow control.
control_finish: Connection established to, 1701. Local: 17405, Remote: 33663.
check_control: control, cid = 0, Ns = 1, Nr = 2
shashank@zidler:/etc/l2tp# echo "s" > /var/run/l2tp-control
do_control: Got message s (1 bytes long)
====== l2tpd statistics ========
Scheduler entries:
1: HELLO to 33663
Total Events scheduled: 1
Number of tunnels open: 1
Highest file descriptor: 6
Tunnel , ID = 17405 (local), 33663 (remote) to
control_seq_num = 3, control_rec_seq_num = 2,
cLr = 3
==========Config File===========
LAC entry mia, LNS is/are:
shashank@zidler:/etc/l2tp# echo "c 17405" > /var/run/l2tp-control
do_control: Got message c 17405 (7 bytes long)
do_control: Attempting to call on tunnel 17405
ourcid = 47307, entropy_buf = b8cb
lac_call: Calling on tunnel 17405
check_control: control, cid = 0, Ns = 3, Nr = 5
handle_avps: handling avp's for tunnel 17405, call 47307
message_type_avp: message type 11 (Incoming-Call-Reply)
assigned_call_avp: using peer's call 32532
control_finish: Call established with, Local: 47307, Remote: 32532, Serial: 1
start_pppd: I'm running: "/usr/sbin/pppd" "passive" "-detach"
check_control: control, cid = 0, Ns = 4, Nr = 5
check_control: control, cid = 32532, Ns = 4, Nr = 6
- Just a side note. A tcpdump taken on zidler will show you how the messages are exchanged.
The below output might help to set correspoding options for pppd.
For more information, read the explanation given in
here, point (x).
shashank@zidler:/home/shashank# tcpdump -i eth0 dst port 1701
tcpdump: listening on eth0
19:10:36.631383 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](0/0)Ns=0,Nr=0 *MSGTYPE(SCCRQ) *PROTO_VER(1.0) *FRAMING_CAP(AS) *BEARER_CAP() |... (DF)
19:10:36.632393 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](52784/0)Ns=0,Nr=1 *MSGTYPE(SCCRP) *PROTO_VER(1.0) *FRAMING_CAP(AS) *BEARER_CAP() |... (DF)
19:10:36.636087 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](22626/0)Ns=1,Nr=1 *MSGTYPE(SCCCN) (DF)
19:10:36.636306 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](52784/0)Ns=1,Nr=2 ZLB (DF)
19:10:51.331677 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](22626/0)Ns=2,Nr=1 *MSGTYPE(ICRQ) *ASSND_SESS_ID(4193) *CALL_SER_NUM(1) *BEARER_TYPE() (DF)
19:10:51.332070 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](52784/4193)Ns=1,Nr=3 *MSGTYPE(ICRP) *ASSND_SESS_ID(57712) (DF)
19:10:51.332074 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](52784/0)Ns=2,Nr=3 ZLB (DF)
19:10:51.333774 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](22626/57712)Ns=3,Nr=2 *MSGTYPE(ICCN) *TX_CONN_SPEED(10000000) *FRAMING_TYPE(S) *RX_CONN_SPEED(10000000) (DF)
19:10:51.341311 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[TLS](52784/4193)Ns=2,Nr=4 ZLB (DF)
19:10:51.365145 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[](22626/57712) {LCP 24: Conf-Req(1), ACCM=00000000, Magic-Num=d80f4134, PFC, ACFC} (DF)
19:10:51.373232 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[L](52784/4193) {LCP 24: Conf-Req(1), ACCM=00000000, Magic-Num=84e6d656, PFC, ACFC} (DF)
19:10:51.374095 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[L](52784/4193) {LCP 24: Conf-Ack(1), ACCM=00000000, Magic-Num=d80f4134, PFC, ACFC} (DF)
19:10:51.374144 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[](22626/57712) {LCP 24: Conf-Ack(1), ACCM=00000000, Magic-Num=84e6d656, PFC, ACFC} (DF)
19:10:51.403745 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[L](52784/4193) {CCP 14: Conf-Req(1), Deflate, MVRCA} (DF)
19:10:51.403833 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[L](52784/4193) {IPCP 18: Conf-Req(1), IP-Comp VJ-Comp, IP-Addr=} (DF)
19:10:51.516074 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[](22626/57712) {CCP 14: Conf-Req(1), Deflate, MVRCA} (DF)
19:10:51.516261 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[](22626/57712) {IPCP 18: Conf-Req(1), IP-Comp VJ-Comp, IP-Addr=zidler.ece.uic.edu} (DF)
19:10:51.516605 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[L](52784/4193) {CCP 14: Conf-Ack(1), Deflate, MVRCA} (DF)
19:10:51.516766 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[L](52784/4193) {IPCP 12: Conf-Nak(1), IP-Addr=} (DF)
19:10:51.517523 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[](22626/57712) {CCP 14: Conf-Ack(1), Deflate, MVRCA} (DF)
19:10:51.517712 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[](22626/57712) {IPCP 18: Conf-Ack(1), IP-Comp VJ-Comp, IP-Addr=} (DF)
19:10:51.518440 zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[](22626/57712) {IPCP 18: Conf-Req(2), IP-Comp VJ-Comp, IP-Addr=} (DF)
19:10:51.518647 mia.ece.uic.edu.l2tp > zidler.ece.uic.edu.l2tp: l2tp:[L](52784/4193) {IPCP 18: Conf-Ack(2), IP-Comp VJ-Comp, IP-Addr=} (DF)
- Check if the ppp0 interface has come up using ifconfig. Should look like:
[shashank@mia shashank]# ifconfig
ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
RX bytes:72 (72.0 b) TX bytes:66 (66.0 b)
- Use the route command to add routes to the remote LAN's. For example:
zidler:#>route add -net netmask dev ppp0
mia:#>route add -net netmask dev ppp0
- Use netstat -rn and ping to check the connectivity.
- Use killall -9 l2tpd_process_id to take down the interface. You can even do so using the following commands
echo'ed to /var/run/l2tp-control. Here "callID" and "tunnelID"
can be found by echo'ing "s" to /var/run/l2tp-control.
zidler#>echo "h callID" > /var/run/l2tp-control
zidler#>echo "d tunnelID" > /var/run/l2tp-control