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Bugs in user-level applications (1 - 30 из 363).

[ 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 ]
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N Date Title File
110 Jan 1999Root compromise via zgv1.txt
210 Jan 1999Security bugs in Excite for Web Servers 1.110.txt
324 Oct 2001Red Hat 7.2 GnuPG signed RPM verification fails on distribution files1003941483_197.txt
415 May 2002Remote quake 2 3.2x server cvar leak1021480681_200.txt
522 May 2002Fix for Mozilla XMLHttpRequest file disclosure vulnerability1022054483_113.txt
622 May 2002Beonex Communicator 0.8-pre based on Mozilla 1.0-branch released1022054483_119.txt
722 May 2002UPDATE (1-May-2002): Reading local files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla (GM#001-NS)1022054483_121.txt
812 Sep 2002Privacy leak in mozilla1031848688_1284.txt
922 May 2002Sudo version 1.6.6 now available (fwd)1022054483_16.txt
1010 Jan 1999Yahoo Pager - security bug w/ services 7,811.txt
1122 May 2002[Global InterSec 2002041701] Sudo Password Prompt Vulnerability.1022054483_20.txt
1222 May 2002Reading local files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla (GM#001-NS)1022054483_76.txt
1310 Jun 2002remote DoS in Mozilla 1.01023727081_129.txt
1413 Jun 2002Very large font size crashing X Font Server and Grounding Server to a Halt (was: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0)1023986282_182.txt
1524 Jul 2002Mozilla cookie stealing - Sandblad advisory #91027528684_655.txt
1619 Sep 2002Mozilla vulnerabilities, an update1032453493_1391.txt
1714 Oct 2002Security hole in kpf - KDE personal fileserver.1034613480_1.txt
1812 Nov 2002iDEFENSE Security Advisory 11.11.02: Buffer Overflow in KDE resLISa1037122681_109.txt
1913 Nov 2002KDE Security Advisory: resLISa / LISa Vulnerabilities1037209082_115.txt
2013 Nov 2002KDE Security Advisory: rlogin.protocol and telnet.protocol URL KIO Vulnerability1037209082_121.txt
2122 Dec 2002KDE Security Advisory: Multiple vulnerabilities in KDE1040578683_536.txt
2205 Feb 2003Quake3 engine autodownload issues.1044466687_906.txt
2311 Apr 2003KDE Security Advisory: PS/PDF file handling vulnerability1050079088_1698.txt
2413 Apr 2003[Sorcerer-spells] KDE-SORCERER2003-04-121050251889_1726.txt
2516 Apr 2003i cracked restriction of 'zone' in mozilla.1050511089_1753.txt
2605 May 2003Key validity bug in GnuPG 1.2.1 and earlier1052152690_1932.txt
2717 May 2003[OpenPKG-SA-2003.029] OpenPKG Security Advisory (gnupg)1053189491_2053.txt
2829 Jul 2003KDE Security Advisory: Konqueror Referrer Authentication Leak1059496680_13.txt
2929 Jul 2003KDE Security Advisory: Konqueror Referrer Authentication Leak1059496680_14.txt
3006 Sep 2003Crash Mozilla 1.51062866284_497.txt
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