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Appendix A. Examples

Table of Contents
A.1. DocBook <book>
A.2. DocBook <article>
A.3. Producing formatted output

This appendix contains example SGML files and command lines you can use to convert them from one output format to another. If you have successfully installed the Documentation Project tools then you should be able to to use these examples directly.

These examples are not exhaustive--they do not contain all the elements you might want to use, particularly in your document's front matter. For more examples of DocBook markup you should examine the SGML source for this and other documents, available in the CVSup doc collection, or available online starting at

To avoid confusion, these examples use the standard DocBook 3.1 DTD rather than the FreeBSD extension. They also use the stock stylesheets distributed by Norm Walsh, rather than any customisations made to those stylesheets by the FreeBSD Documentation Project. This makes them more useful as generic DocBook examples.

A.1. DocBook <book>

Example A-1. DocBook <book>

    <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">
        <title>An Example Book</title>
          <firstname>Your first name</firstname>
          <surname>Your surname</surname>
            <address><email>[email protected]</email></address>
          <holder>Copyright string here</holder>
          <para>If your book has an abstract then it should go here.</para>
        <para>Your book may have a preface, in which case it should be placed
        <title>My first chapter</title>
        <para>This is the first chapter in my book.</para>
          <title>My first section</title>
          <para>This is the first section in my book.</para>

For questions about FreeBSD, e-mail <[email protected]>.
For questions about this documentation, e-mail <[email protected]>.

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