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Chapter 8 Users and Basic Account Management

Table of Contents
8.1 Synopsis
8.2 Introduction
8.3 The Superuser Account
8.4 System Accounts
8.5 User Accounts
8.6 Modifying Accounts
8.7 Limiting Users
8.8 Personalizing Users
8.9 Groups
Contributed by Neil Blakey-Milner.

8.1 Synopsis

FreeBSD allows multiple users to use the computer at the same time. Obviously, only one of those users can be sitting in front of the screen and keyboard at any one time [1], but any number of users can log in through the network to get their work done. To use the system every user must have an account.

After reading this chapter, you will know:

Before reading this chapter, you should:



Well, unless you hook up multiple terminals, but we will save that for Chapter 17.

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For questions about FreeBSD, read the documentation before contacting <[email protected]>.
For questions about this documentation, e-mail <[email protected]>.

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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