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Bugs in network-level applications (571 - 600 из 3380).

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N Date Title File
57127 May 2004[OpenPKG-SA-2004.026] OpenPKG Security Advisory (apache)1085675882_122.txt
57229 May 2004JPortal SQL Injects1085848682_133.txt
57329 May 2004Mollensoft ftp Server ver 3.6 Buffer overflow1085848682_137.txt
57431 May 2004[UNIX] e107 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Path Disclosures, File Inclusions and SQL Injections)1086021490_134.txt
57531 May 2004[NEWS] SSH URI Handler Code Execution1086021490_136.txt
57602 Jun 2004Mollensoft Lightweight FTP Server CWD Buffer Overflow1086194283_157.txt
57702 Jun 2004[UNIX] Multiple SQL Injections in JPortal (print.php)1086194284_173.txt
57802 Jun 2004TSSA-2004-008 - apache1086194285_177.txt
57903 Jun 2004[NT] Mollensoft FTP Server CD Buffer Overflow1086280683_190.txt
58005 Jun 2004Integrigy Security Alert - Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in Oracle E-Business Suite1086453482_223.txt
58108 Jun 2004[NEWS] Oracle E-Business Suite - Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities1086712682_250.txt
58213 Jun 2004[OpenPKG-SA-2004.029] OpenPKG Security Advisory (apache)1087144682_344.txt
58316 Jun 2004[NT] WinAgents TFTP Server Remote DoS (Long Filename)1087403883_406.txt
58422 Jun 2004Security flaw in rssh1087922284_496.txt
58525 Jun 2004New ssharp version available1088181484_563.txt
58629 Jun 2004ZH2004-14SA (security advisory):Sql Injection in Infinity WEB1088527084_605.txt
58729 Jun 2004[NT] Infinity WEB SQL Injection1088527084_620.txt
58830 Jun 2004TSSA-2004-012 - apache1088613498_626.txt
58901 Jul 2004[UNIX] Apache HTTPd Arbitrary Long HTTP Headers DoS1088699885_650.txt
59004 Jul 2004[NT] Fastream NETFile FTP/Web Server Input validation Errors1088959086_682.txt
59106 Jul 2004Fastream NETFile FTP/Web Server Input validation Errors1089131884_687.txt
59206 Jul 2004MySQL Authentication Bypass1089131885_688.txt
59307 Jul 2004BENCHMARK() is not the only way to determine successfull MySQL injection1089218284_695.txt
59407 Jul 2004[UNIX] MySQL Authentication Scheme Bypass1089218285_713.txt
59513 Jul 2004[UNIX] Multiple Vulnerabilities In Bugzilla (DB Password, Privilege Escalation, CSS, SQL Injection)1089736685_761.txt
59631 Dec 2000Oracle installer problem109.txt
59717 Jul 2004[OpenPKG-SA-2004.032] OpenPKG Security Advisory (apache)1090082285_832.txt
59820 Jul 2004[NT] Buffer Overflow in Whisper FTP Surfer1090341485_862.txt
59921 Jul 2004Buffer overflow in Whisper FTP Surfer 1.0.71090427885_862.txt
60016 Aug 2004[UNIX] phpMyWebhosting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities1092674287_1158.txt
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