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Chapter 18 PPP and SLIP

Table of Contents
18.1 Synopsis
18.2 Using User PPP
18.3 Using Kernel PPP
18.4 Using PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
18.5 Using PPP over ATM (PPPoA)
18.6 Using SLIP
Restructured, reorganized, and updated by Jim Mock.

18.1 Synopsis

FreeBSD has a number of ways to link one computer to another. To establish a network or Internet connection through a dial-up modem, or to allow others to do so through you, requires the use of PPP or SLIP. This chapter describes setting up these modem-based communication services in detail.

After reading this chapter, you will know:

Before reading this chapter, you should:

You may be wondering what the main difference is between User PPP and kernel PPP. The answer is simple; user PPP processes the inbound and outbound data in userland rather than in the kernel. This is expensive in terms of copying the data between the kernel and userland, but allows a far more feature-rich ppp implementation. User PPP uses the tun device to communicate with the outside world whereas kernel-ppp uses the ppp device.

Note: Throughout in this chapter, user ppp will simply be referred to as ppp unless a distinction needs to be made between it and any other PPP software such as pppd. Unless otherwise stated, all of the commands explained in this section should be executed as root.

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For questions about this documentation, e-mail <[email protected]>.

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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