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18.5 Using PPP over ATM (PPPoA)

The following describes how to set up PPP over ATM (PPPoA). PPPoA is a popular choice among European DSL providers.

18.5.1 Using PPPoA with the Alcatel Speedtouch USB

PPPoA support for this device is supplied as a port in FreeBSD because the firmware is distributed under Alcatel's license agreement and can not be redistributed freely with the base system of FreeBSD.

To install the software, simply use the ports collection. Install the net/pppoa port and follow the instructions provided with it.

18.5.2 Using mpd

You can use mpd to connect to a variety of services, in particular pptp services. You can find mpd in the ports collection, net/mpd.

First you must install the port, and then you can configure mpd to suit your requirements and provider settings. The port places a set of sample configuration files which are well documented in PREFIX/etc/mpd/. Note here that PREFIX means the directory into which your ports are installed, this defaults to /usr/local/. A complete guide to configuring mpd is available in HTML format once the port has been installed. It is placed in PREFIX/share/mpd/. Here is a sample configuration for connecting to an ADSL service with mpd. The configuration is spread over two files, first the mpd.conf.

        load adsl
        new -i ng0 adsl adsl
        set bundle authname username (1)
        set bundle password password (2)
        set bundle disable multilink
        set link no pap actcomp protocomp
        set link disable chap
        set link accept chap
        set link keep-alive 30 10
        set ipcp no vjcomp
        set ipcp ranges
        set iface route default
        set iface disable on-demand
        set iface enable proxy-arp
        set iface idle 0
The username used to authenticate with your ISP.
The password used to authenticate with your ISP.

The mpd.links file contains information about the link, or links, you wish to establish. An example mpd.links to accompany the above example is given beneath.

        set link type pptp
        set pptp mode active
        set pptp enable originate incoming outcall
        set pptp self
        set pptp peer

It is possible to initialise the connection easily by issuing the following command as root.

    # mpd -b adsl

You can see the status of the connection with the following command.

    % ifconfig ng0
         inet --> netmask 0xffffffff

Using mpd is the recommended way to connect to an ADSL service with FreeBSD.

18.5.3 Using pptpclient

It is also possible to use FreeBSD to connect to other PPPoA services using net/pptpclient.

To use net/pptpclient to connect to a DSL service, install the port or package and edit your /etc/ppp/ppp.conf. You will need to be root to perform both of these operations. An example section of ppp.conf is given below. For further information on ppp.conf options consult the ppp manual page, ppp(8).

     set log phase chat lcp ipcp ccp tun command
     set timeout 0
     enable dns
     set authname username (1)
     set authkey password (2)
     set ifaddr 0 0
     add default HISADDR
The username of your account with the DSL provider.
The password for your account.

Warning: Because you must put your account's password in the ppp.conf file in plain text form you should make sure than nobody can read the contents of this file. The following series of commands will make sure the file is only readable by the root account. Refer to the manuals pages for chmod(1) and chown(8) for further information.

    # chown root:wheel /etc/ppp/ppp.conf
    # chmod 600 /etc/ppp/ppp.conf

This will open a tunnel for a PPP session to your DSL router. Ethernet DSL modems have a preconfigured LAN IP address which you connect to. In the case of the Alcatel Speedtouch Home this address is Your routers documentation should tell you which address your device uses. To open the tunnel and start a ppp session execute the following command.

    # pptp address isp

Tip: You may wish to add an ampersand (``&'') to the end of the previous command because pptp will not return your prompt to you otherwise.

A tun virtual tunnel device will be created for interaction between the pptp and ppp processes. Once you have been returned to your prompt, or the pptp process has confirmed a connection you can examine the tunnel like so.

    % ifconfig tun0
    tun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
            inet --> netmask 0xffffff00 
            Opened by PID 918

If you are unable to connect, check the configuration of your router, which is usually accessible via telnet or with a web browser. If you still cannot connect you should examine the output of the pptp command and the contents of the ppp log file, /var/log/ppp.log for clues.

This, and other documents, can be downloaded from

For questions about FreeBSD, read the documentation before contacting <[email protected]>.
For questions about this documentation, e-mail <[email protected]>.

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