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AIX, True64 (91 - 120 из 199).

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N Date Title File
9105 Feb 2006[UNIX] IBM Tivoli Access Manager Directory Traversal1139161090_2039.txt
9204 Feb 2006VSR Advisory: IBM Tivoli Access Manager - Web Server Plug-in File1139074689_2032.txt
9303 Jan 2006[REVS] AIX Introduction to Heap Overflows1136309887_1412.txt
9402 Jan 2006[UNIX] AIX getCommand and getShell Vulnerabilities1136223488_1410.txt
9502 Jan 2006[xfocus-SD-060101]AIX getCommand&getShell two vulnerabilities1136223488_1408.txt
9616 Dec 2005AIX Heap Overflow paper1134754686_1216.txt
9716 Dec 2005Patches available for IBM AIX flaws1134754686_1207.txt
9811 Dec 2005[TOOL] AIX pwd Parser1134322686_1130.txt
9927 Oct 2005Looking for security contacts at Sony and Lenovo (FKA IBM)1130431084_580.txt
10027 Jul 2005Vulnerability in IBM access1122482284_826.txt
10121 Jun 2005[EXPL] IBM AIX Netpmon Privileges Escalation Vulnerability Exploit1119371882_240.txt
10231 May 2005[EXPL] IBM AIX invscout Local Exploit1117557482_19.txt
10314 Apr 2005IBM WebSphere Widespread configuration JSP disclosure1113496685_4648.txt
10418 Feb 2005[UNIX] IBM AIX chdev Local Format String Vulnerability1108748283_3640.txt
10514 Feb 2005[UNIX] IBM AIX auditselect Local Format String Vulnerability1108402683_3535.txt
10614 Feb 2005[UNIX] IBM AIX lspath Local File Access Vulnerability1108402683_3528.txt
10714 Feb 2005[UNIX] IBM AIX netpmon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability1108402683_3523.txt
10814 Feb 2005[UNIX] IBM AIX ipl_varyon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability1108402683_3522.txt
10911 Feb 2005iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX ipl_varyon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability1108143483_3468.txt
11011 Feb 2005iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX netpmon Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability1108143483_3456.txt
11111 Feb 2005iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.10.05: IBM AIX lspath Local File Access Vulnerability1108143483_3455.txt
11209 Feb 2005iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.08.05: IBM AIX auditselect Local Format String Vulnerability1107970692_3407.txt
11308 Feb 2005iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.07.05: IBM AIX chdev Local Format String Vulnerability1107884293_3405.txt
11410 Jan 2005[NEWS] Multiple IBM DB2 Vulnerabilities1105378709_3008.txt
11506 Jan 2005IBM DB2 XML functions file creation vulnerabilities (#NISR05012005I)1105033111_2958.txt
11606 Jan 2005IBM DB2 XML functions overflows (#NISR05012005H)1105033111_2957.txt
11706 Jan 2005IBM DB2 to_char and to_date Denial Of Service (#NISR05012005G)1105033111_2955.txt
11806 Jan 2005IBM DB2 Windows Permission Problems (#NISR05012005F)1105033111_2954.txt
11906 Jan 2005IBM DB2 SATADMIN.SATENCRYPT buffer overflow (#NISR05012005E)1105033111_2953.txt
12006 Jan 2005IBM DB2 JDBC Applet Server buffer overflow (#NISR05012005D)1105033111_2952.txt
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