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Old advisories (1 - 245 из 245).

[ 0 ]
N Date Title File
109 Jan 1980more xyplex commentary1.txt
218 Dec 1997SNI-22: RADIUS Advisory10.txt
326 Jun 1998xterm and Xaw library vulnerability (XFree86 advisory)100.txt
426 Jun 19983Com switches - undocumented access level.101.txt
526 Jun 1998Samba problems102.txt
626 Jun 1998Samba problems103.txt
726 Jun 1998[linux-security] More BIND information.104.txt
826 Jun 1998[linux-security] SSH security hole found105.txt
926 Jun 1998[linux-security] Linux and IPFWADM106.txt
1026 Jun 1998Silly patch to report version.bind requests107.txt
1126 Jun 1998Silly patch to report version.bind requests108.txt
1201 Jul 1998check-ps 1.2 alpha 4 compile fix132.txt
1326 Jun 1998more named warez109.txt
1422 Dec 1997[email protected] with unsubscribe11.txt
1526 Jun 1998more named warez110.txt
1626 Jun 1998CORE-SDI-04: SSH insertion attack111.txt
1726 Jun 1998ncftp 2.4.3 bug112.txt
1801 Jul (alternate fix)113.txt
1901 Jul 1998TextCounter: SECURITY HOLE PLUGGED!114.txt
2001 Jul 1998security hole in mailx115.txt
2101 Jul 1998guestbook script is still vulnerable under apache116.txt
2201 Jul 1998Bug is sudo?117.txt
2301 Jul 1998vulnerability in satan, cops & tiger118.txt
2401 Jul 1998vulnerability in satan, cops & tiger119.txt
2524 Dec 1997userv - how to make cron (et al) not setuid12.txt
2601 Jul 1998SSL Vulnerability120.txt
2901 Jul 1998patch for qpopper remote exploit bug123.txt
3001 Jul 1998patch for qpopper remote exploit bug124.txt
3101 Jul 1998patch for qpopper remote exploit bug125.txt
3201 Jul 1998QPOPPER problem.... ONE crude patch...126.txt
3301 Jul 1998QPOPPER problem....127.txt
3401 Jul 1998QPOPPER problem....128.txt
3501 Jul 1998QPOPPER problem....129.txt
3626 Dec 1997Quake II Remote Denial of Service13.txt
3701 Jul 1998More patch ideas for qpopper130.txt
3801 Jul 1998And another qpopper overflow (does this make 3?)131.txt
3902 Jul 1998Exmh hangs from BUGTRAQ posts [fix]133.txt
4002 Jul 1998Qualcomm's qpopper 2.5134.txt
4104 Jul 1998ircd 2.9.5 & ircii-pana DNS problems135.txt
4207 Jul 1998ircd 2.9.5 & ircii-pana DNS problems136.txt
4307 Jul 1998Followup to MetaInfo vulnerabilities137.txt
4407 Jul 1998URGENT!!! DES only for Apache, consequences?138.txt
4508 Jul 1998SmurfLog 1.0139.txt
4630 Dec 1997More details about gzip...14.txt
4715 Jul 1998SmurfLog 1.0140.txt
4815 Jul 1998SLMail 3.0.2421 Stack Overflow...141.txt
4915 Jul 1998Remote count.cgi exploit mods142.txt
5018 Jul 1998[FWD] Attention: Please update your imapd143.txt
5118 Jul 1998Regarding Mudge's OBP/FORTH root hack (PHRACK53)144.txt
5218 Jul 1998EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd145.txt
5318 Jul 1998EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd146.txt
5418 Jul 1998SCO POP remote root exploit147.txt
5523 Jul 1998New Java Security Flaw Found148.txt
5623 Jul 1998Buffer overflows. was EMERGENCY: new remote root exploit in UW imapd149.txt
5730 Dec 1997Gzip & segmentation faults15.txt
5823 Jul 1998Fwd: Security warning: Netscape 4.0x https & Squid 1.2beta proxy150.txt
5923 Jul 1998rc.firewall (was Large-scale scan of SNMP ports)151.txt
6030 Jul 1998Backdoor in ircN, popular mIRC script.152.txt
6130 Jul 1998CFINGERD root security hole153.txt
6230 Jul 1998CFINGERD root security hole154.txt
6330 Jul 1998Another NEW mIRC bug and ALL mIRC Exploit patches155.txt
6430 Jul 1998Annex DoS156.txt
6530 Jul 1998Security warning: Netscape https & proxies157.txt
6630 Jul 1998FW: Alert: Arbitrary code execution via email or news158.txt
6707 Aug 1998remote exploit in faxsurvey cgi-script159.txt
6830 Dec 1997[email protected] with unsubscribe16.txt
6911 Aug 1998Sendmail up to 8.9.1 - mail.local instroduces new class of bugs160.txt
7011 Aug 1998A way to prevent buffer overflow exploits? (was: "Any user can161.txt
7111 Aug 1998[linux-security] S-98-51: Squid cache corruption alert (fwd)162.txt
7211 Aug 1998New Eudora bug ?163.txt
7311 Aug 1998YA Apache DoS attack164.txt
7411 Aug 1998YA Apache DoS attack165.txt
7511 Aug 1998YA Apache DoS attack166.txt
7611 Aug 1998YA Apache DoS attack167.txt
7712 Aug 1998FW: CERT Advisory CA-98.10 - mime_buffer_overflows168.txt
7817 Aug 1998[rootshell] Security Bulletin #22169.txt
7909 Jan 1998NetWare NFS17.txt
8017 Aug 1998Compaq/Microcom 6000 DoS + more170.txt
8117 Aug 1998mail.local171.txt
8217 Aug 1998URL exploit to crash Opera Browser172.txt
8317 Aug 1998MySQL DoS ?173.txt
8412 Sep 1998Real Audio Server Version 5 bug?174.txt
8512 Sep 1998Rhino9 security advisory - rpc.pcnfsd175.txt
8612 Sep 1998thttpd 2.04 released (fwd)176.txt
8712 Sep 1998ssl(-mz)telnet with /tmp raise177.txt
8812 Sep 1998[linux-security] Fwd: screen-3.7.4 (security update)178.txt
8912 Sep 1998Serious Security Hole in Hotmail179.txt
9009 Jan 1998Symlink bug with GCC 2.7.218.txt
9112 Sep 1998PTL Advisory: NetManage ZPOP v1.0180.txt
9212 Sep 1998SV: Serious Security Hole in Hotmail181.txt
9312 Sep security problems182.txt
9412 Sep 1998News DoS using sendsys183.txt
9512 Sep 1998News DoS using sendsys184.txt
9612 Sep 1998buffer overflow in nslookup?185.txt
9712 Sep 1998buffer overflow in nslookup?186.txt
9812 Sep 1998Hole in Oracle Server/Developer 2000 - authentication protocol.187.txt
9912 Sep 1998Hole in Oracle Server/Developer 2000 - authentication protocol.188.txt
10012 Sep 1998nslookup issues189.txt
10109 Jan 1998CERT Advisory CA-98.01 - smurf19.txt
10212 Sep 1998ToolTalk Advisory190.txt
10316 Dec vulnerability191.txt
10412 Sep 1998Buffer overflow in bash 1.14.7(1)192.txt
10512 Sep 1998Buffer overflow in bash 1.14.7(1)193.txt
10612 Sep 1998RSI.0009.09-08-98.ALL.OMNIBACK194.txt
10712 Sep 1998bug in iChat 3.0 (maybe others)195.txt
10815 Sep 1998Borderware predictable TCP seq. numbers - Summary of responses196.txt
10915 Sep 1998tcsh buffer overflow197.txt
11024 Sep 1998[rootshell] Security Bulletin #24198.txt
11124 Sep 1998Locate overflow / Promiscuous mode / Posting tips199.txt
11209 Jan 1980Sendmail quirks2.txt
11309 Jan 1998vhost20.txt
11424 Sep 1998Vulnerability in Lyris Listserver200.txt
11524 Sep 1998Tcpwrapper 7.6 - feature -201.txt
11624 Sep 1998ANNOUNCE: secure identd v0.3202.txt
11724 Sep 1998more HylaFAX problems203.txt
11824 Sep 1998hylafax security hole in faxcron, xferstats and recvstats204.txt
11924 Sep 1998WARNING! SMTP Denial of Service in SLmail ver 3.1205.txt
12024 Sep 1998WARNING! SMTP Denial of Service in SLmail ver 3.1206.txt
12106 Nov 1998Sendmail/Qmail DoS207.txt
12206 Nov 1998Re. ssh-1.2.26 patch for log_msg() overflow (scp fix)208.txt
12306 Nov 1998APC PowerNet SNMP vulnerability209.txt
12409 Jan 1998Apache DoS attack?21.txt
12506 Nov 1998ssh-1.2.26 buffer overflow patch210.txt
12606 Nov 1998lightbar vulnerability211.txt
12706 Nov 1998ssh-1.2.26 patch for log_msg() overflow212.txt
12806 Nov 1998mpg123-0.59k bufferoverflow.213.txt
12906 Nov 1998Summary of Printer Sharing and M1CR0S0FT Windows98214.txt
13006 Nov 1998Javascript bug in Netscape Communicator 4.5215.txt
13113 Nov 1998catdoc-0.90 buffer overruns216.txt
13231 Dec 1998Security Flaw in Cookies Implementation217.txt
13331 Dec 1998[SecureXpert Labs Advisory SX-98.12.23-01] Widespread DoS vulnerability218.txt
13431 Dec 1998Why you should avoid world-writable directories219.txt
13509 Jan 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe22.txt
13631 Jan 1999Digital Unix 4.0 exploitable buffer overflows220.txt
13707 Feb 1999Digital Unix Buffer Overflows: Exploits221.txt
13807 Feb 1999Digital Unix 4.0 exploitable buffer overflows222.txt
13907 Feb 1999Buffer overflow and OS/390223.txt
14011 Feb 1999Cyrix bug: freeze in hell, badboy224.txt
14114 Feb 1999L0pht Advisory - Rational Software ClearCase root exploitable race conditions225.txt
14214 Feb 1999Possible Security Problem: Fake PGP Key226.txt
14301 Apr 1999Possible DOS attack in the .nu domain service227.txt
14401 Apr 1999[HERT] Advisory #002 Buffer overflow in lsof228.txt
14501 Apr 1999mSQL vulnerability.229.txt
14619 Jan 1998DoS attack: apache (& other) .htaccess Authentication23.txt
14714 May 1999DoS with Netware 4.x's TTS230.txt
14818 May 1999truncate("x", -1)231.txt
14918 May 1999New Novell Remote.NLM Password Decryption Algorithm with Exploit232.txt
15018 May 1999Lotus Notes Locations & DST233.txt
15118 May 1999Lotus Notes Locations & DST234.txt
15218 May 1999Security Hole in Java 2 (and JDK 1.1.x)235.txt
15325 Jul 1999NMRC Advisory: Netware 5 Client Hijacking236.txt
15425 Jul 1999Shared memory DoS's237.txt
15528 Jul 1999Security problem with LPRng238.txt
15612 Aug 1999profil(2) bug, a simple test program239.txt
15719 Jan 1998CPIO-SN #11980105: Amanda v2.3.0.4 Backup Software24.txt
15828 Nov 1999Cactus Software's shell-lock240.txt
15905 Feb 2000no comment241.txt
16005 Feb 2000no comment242.txt
16106 Mar 2000Security problem with ISS RealSecure243.txt
16206 Mar 2000TrendMicro OfficeScan, numerous security holes, remote files modification.244.txt
16319 Jan 1998[SIGNED] Buffer overflows in Deliver: get 2.1.1325.txt
16423 Jan 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe26.txt
16523 Jan 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe27.txt
16623 Jan 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe28.txt
16728 Jan 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe29.txt
16810 Jan 1980an detailed explaination why land attack works?3.txt
16929 Jan 1998Gaining Domain Admins access on LAN (fwd)30.txt
17029 Jan 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe31.txt
17104 Feb 1998serious security problem in XKB32.txt
17206 Feb 1998vixie-cron 3.0.1 & quota overriding (fixed)33.txt
17316 Feb 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe34.txt
17416 Feb 1998How one small flaw could lead to major problems35.txt
17516 Feb 1998New JavaScript Privacy Bugs In Communicator36.txt
17623 Feb 1998"not-so-dangerous symlink bugs" - a better look37.txt
17723 Feb 1998Fw: tetex-0.4pl8 world-writable database38.txt
17823 Feb 1998Pipe attacks39.txt
17913 Jan 1980Insufficient allocations in net/unix/garbage.c4.txt
18023 Feb 1998Race conditions - patch.40.txt
18123 Feb 1998Simple way to bypass squid ACLs [preleminary patch]41.txt
18223 Feb 1998cfs-1.4.0beta2 root exploitable bug42.txt
18323 Feb 1998Serious bug in "radius" dialup authentication software43.txt
18423 Feb 1998cfs-1.4.0beta2 root exploitable bug44.txt
18524 Feb 1998FoolProof Insecurities45.txt
18624 Feb 1998Serious bug in "radius" dialup authentication software46.txt
18724 Feb 1998Simple way to bypass squid ACLs47.txt
18825 Feb 1998AOL Instant Messanger Bug48.txt
18912 Mar 1998/tmp system shortcomings49.txt
19015 Jan 1980cgiwrap-3.5 (and 3.6beta1, avialiblty of which is not known) buffer overrun5.txt
19112 Mar 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe50.txt
19212 Mar 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe51.txt
19312 Mar 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe52.txt
19412 Mar 1998[email protected] with unsubscribe53.txt
19512 Mar 1998another /tmp race: `perl -e' opens temp file not safely54.txt
19612 Mar 1998another /tmp race: `perl -e' opens temp file not safely55.txt
19712 Mar 1998another /tmp race: `perl -e' opens temp file not safely56.txt
19812 Mar 1998bash 2.01 / ncurses 4.1 console takeover "feature"57.txt
19931 Mar 1998ConferenceRoom Exploit [tRa BuG LaBz0rz]58.txt
20031 Mar 1998FW: mysql: Trivial mSQL/MySQL DoS method? (fwd)59.txt
20112 Dec 1997Yahoo's httpd hacked.6.txt
20231 Mar 1998Lotus Notes security hole60.txt
20331 Mar 1998Majordomo /tmp exploit61.txt
20431 Mar 1998MySQL Security62.txt
20531 Mar 1998Netscape passes mailbox path and message ID as refferer63.txt
20631 Mar 1998Majordomo /tmp exploit64.txt
20731 Mar 1998ncftp 2.4.2 MkDirs bug65.txt
20831 Mar 1998apache+ssl 1.13 symlink problem66.txt
20931 Mar 1998easy DoS in most RPC apps67.txt
21031 Mar 1998ncftp 2.4.3 overflow / su killing68.txt
21101 Apr 1998mysql: MySQL Security69.txt
21212 Dec 1997CERT Advisory CA-97.27 - FTP_bounce7.txt
21315 Apr 1998MacOS based buffer overflows...70.txt
21415 Apr 1998DNS Tunnel - through bastion hosts71.txt
21515 Apr 1998(follow-up) Wietse's RPCBIND72.txt
21615 Apr 1998BIND 4.9.7 named follows symlinks, clobbers anything.73.txt
21715 Apr 1998BIND 4.9.7 named follows symlinks, clobbers anything.74.txt
21815 Apr 1998announce: weaken for netscape !! (fwd)75.txt
21915 Apr 1998BIND 8.1.2-T3B and BIND 4.9.7-T1B (fwd)76.txt
22015 Apr 1998QuakeI client: serious holes.77.txt
22115 Apr 1998QW server hole78.txt
22215 Apr 1998AppleShare IP Mail Server79.txt
22312 Dec 1997Yahoo hacked8.txt
22415 Apr 1998AppleShare IP Mail Server80.txt
22515 Apr 1998QW vulnerability81.txt
22615 Apr 1998insecure tmp file creation (slack)82.txt
22715 Apr 1998Article on writing secure software83.txt
22815 Apr 1998Geac ADVANCE library system security HOLE84.txt
22915 Apr 1998portmap 4.0-8 DoS85.txt
23015 Apr 1998Symlink problem (Tested only on a Digital Unix 4.0)86.txt
23115 Apr 1998Symlink problem (Tested only on a Digital Unix 4.0)87.txt
23221 Apr 1998Novell Netware 4.X Hidden user accounts88.txt
23321 Apr 1998Novell Netware 4.X Hidden user accounts89.txt
23415 Dec 1997Vulnerabilities in ICQ9.txt
23521 Apr 1998xdm problems90.txt
23627 Apr 1998feature pine/pico vt control characters bug91.txt
23727 Apr 1998"Off By One IP Header" Exploit Against PalmOS 2.0.492.txt
23827 Apr 1998smbmount problem?93.txt
23928 Apr 1998CERT Vendor-Initiated Bulletin VB-98.04 - xterm.Xaw94.txt
24026 Jun 1998Warning! Webmin Security Advisory95.txt
24126 Jun 1998RSI.0001.05-01-98.ALL.QUAKE_SERVER96.txt
24226 Jun 1998Lynx's 2.8 buffer overflow97.txt
24326 Jun 1998Netmanage Holes98.txt
24426 Jun 1998Netmanage Holes -- addendum99.txt
24525 Apr 1997CERT Advisory CA-97.25 - CGI_metacharPerl training, UNIX[tm] consulting, video production, skiing, flying

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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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